| java.lang.Object com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.SwtOleGlue
SwtOleGlue | class SwtOleGlue (Code) | | A bag of static helper methods for mucking about with low-level SWT and COM
constructs. Much of this is necessary simply to do things that the SWT
implementers weren't really thinking about when they wrote the COM layer.
convertObjectToVariant | public static Variant convertObjectToVariant(CompilingClassLoader cl, Class> type, Object o)(Code) | | Converts a java object to its equivalent variant. A ClassLoader is passed
here so that Handles can be manipulated properly.
convertVariantsToObjects | public static Object[] convertVariantsToObjects(Class>[] argTypes, Variant[] varArgs, String msgPrefix)(Code) | | Converts an array of variants to their equivalent java objects.
extractStringArrayFromOleCharPtrPtr | public static String[] extractStringArrayFromOleCharPtrPtr(int ppchar, int count)(Code) | | Extracts an array of strings from an (OLECHAR**) type (useful for
implementing GetIDsOfNames()).
extractStringFromOleCharPtr | public static String extractStringFromOleCharPtr(int pOleChar)(Code) | | Extracts a string from an (OLECHAR*) type.
injectBrowserScriptExternalObject | public static void injectBrowserScriptExternalObject(Browser browser, IDispatchImpl external)(Code) | | Injects an object into the Browser class that resolves to IE's
'window.external' object.
sysAllocString | public static int sysAllocString(String s)(Code) | | Convert a Java string to a COM BSTR.
Wrapper for the OS' SysAllocStringLen(), since SysAllocString() is not
safe for embedded nulls.