| java.lang.Object com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasWidgetsTester
HasWidgetsTester | abstract public class HasWidgetsTester (Code) | | All Widgets that implement HasWidgets should derive from this test case, and
make sure to run all of its test templates.
Inner Class :interface WidgetAdder | |
testAll | static void testAll(HasWidgets container)(Code) | | Runs all tests for
HasWidgets . It is recommended that tests call
this method or
#testAll(HasWidgets, WidgetAdder} so that future
tests are automatically included.
Parameters: container - |
testAttachDetachOrder | static void testAttachDetachOrder(HasWidgets container, WidgetAdder adder)(Code) | | Ensures that children are attached and detached in the proper order. This
must result in the child's onLoad() method being called just *after* its
element is attached to the DOM, and its onUnload method being called just
before* its element is detached from the DOM.
testRemovalOfNonExistantChild | static void testRemovalOfNonExistantChild(HasWidgets container)(Code) | | Tests to ensure that
HasWidgets.remove(Widget) is resilient to
being called with a widget that is not present as a child in the container.
Parameters: container - |