This interface is the "componentized" version of
org.itsnat.core.domutil.ElementTreeNode and
follows a similar philosophy. The objective is similar to
ItsNatListCellUI applied to tree nodes. Child index, row, tree path, deep level etc are tolerant
to tree changes (are automatically updated).
getChildItsNatTreeCellUIAt(int index) Returns the direct child tree node UI at the specified position.
Parameters: index - zero based index of the child node position.
Current implementation does not perform DOM changes and only serves
to save expand state. Future versions might use this method to render
visually the markup effect of the expansion/collapse.
Expand state of child or parent nodes is not affected.
Returns the zero based index of this node as a child relative to the parent.
the index of this node relative to the parent. -1 if this node is a root or a top most node (rootless tree).
Returns the row index of this node seeing the tree as a list. 0 if this node
is the root regardless this tree is rootless or not (if rootless never returns 0
because root node has not markup/tree node UI).
the row index of this node seeing the tree as a list. See Also:ItsNatTreeUI.getItsNatTreeCellUIFromRow(int)