jsx3.gui |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
Alerts.java | Class | Mixin interface allows implementors to show alerts, confirms, and prompts. |
Block.java | Class | This class provides a container-based, object-oriented approach to creating static html objects (basically this class creates "DIV" objects). |
BlockX.java | Class | Paints the result of an XSL transformation in an Block. |
Button.java | Class | Provides a object-oriented interface for a standard command button. |
CheckBox.java | Class | This class is a wrapper of the standard HTML checkbox. |
ColorPicker.java | Class | A GUI class that allows the user to pick a color using an HSB (hue-saturation-brightness) picker. |
DatePicker.java | Class | A form element that allows for the selection of an arbitrary date by showing a navigable calendar.
This control is localized to the server locale. |
Dialog.java | Class | Renders a dialog window. |
Event.java | Class | Native browser event wrapper. |
Form.java | Class | Mixin interface. |
Heavyweight.java | Class | GUI utility class that provides a way to display HTML content on-screen in an HTML equivalent of a heavyweight container. |
HotKey.java | Class | Encapsulates a keydown event listener that is invoked by a certain combination of keys pressed simultaneously. |
IFrame.java | Class | Renders an IFrame. |
Image.java | Class | Renders an image. |
ImageButton.java | Class | An object-oriented interface onto a GUI button made of various image files. |
Interactive.java | Class | Mixin interface. |
LayoutGrid.java | Class | This class provides a way to organize a set of GUI objects in a grid. |
Matrix.java | Class | The Matrix control is the standard visual interface for the Common Data Format (CDF), providing grid and tree-grid functionality that mirrors the
the record and attribute structures used by the CDF. |
Menu.java | Class | Create GUI menus, similar in functionality to system menus (File, Edit, etc) created by the host OS.
This class implements the CDF interface. |
Painted.java | Class | Abstract superclass of model objects that are painted to screen. |
RadioButton.java | Class | A GUI control that implements a single radio button. |
Select.java | Class | The JSX version of a standard GUI select box. |
Slider.java | Class | A GUI control that implements a draggable slider. |
Sound.java | Class | Class that provides an object-oriented interface for playing sounds in a GI application.
Note that playing sounds in Internet Explorer requires a plug-in. |
Splitter.java | Class | This class manages layouts by providing a container that will paint its first two child GUI objects separated
by a 'splitter' (either vertical or horizontal). |
Stack.java | Class | This class is equivalent to a tab, but uses the stack metaphor; like a tab, it has one childÑa block for its content; a jsx3.gui.Stack instance should only be contained by a jsx3.gui.StackGroup instance for proper rendering. |
StackGroup.java | Class | |
Tab.java | Class | Renders a tab in a tabbed pane. |
TabbedPane.java | Class | Renders a tabbed pane, which consists of a set of tabs, only one of which is visible at a time. |
Table.java | Class | A lightweight control that displays CDF data in an HTML table. |
TextBox.java | Class | This jsx3.gui.TextBox class allows integration of a standard HTML text input into the JSX DOM. |
TimePicker.java | Class | A form element that allows for the selection of an arbitrary time of day. |
ToolbarButton.java | Class | Renders a toolbar button.
Normal, check, and radio type buttons are supported. |
Tree.java | Class | Creates a DHTML-based navigational trees (similar to the tree structure used by Windows Explorer with folders
and files). |
Window.java | Class | Allows for rendering a branch of the DOM of an application in a separate browser window. |
WindowBar.java | Class | jsx3.gui.WindowBar instances are used as the captionbar for JSXDialog and JSXAlert instances. |