org.directwebremoting.extend.Handler that allows some very simple
search and replace templating. The general recommended syntax is to use
${search} as the string to be searched for, to allow future expansion to a
more EL-like syntax.
author: Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot ltd dot uk]
Generate a template to undergo search and replace processing according to
the search and replace pairs from
TemplateHandler.getSearchReplacePairs() .
Parameters: request - The HTTP request data Parameters: response - Where we write the HTTP response data A template string containing ${} sections to be replaced
Mostly when we send a file out, we don't change anything so the default
set of search and replaces is empty.
Engine.js can override this with strings to customize the output
a map of search (key) and replace (value) strings
Methods inherited from org.directwebremoting.servlet.CachingFileHandler