The DataBinder used for binding ZK UI component and the backend data bean.
The DataBinder that reads ZUML annotations to create binding info.
This initiator class do following things:
Put the init PI as follows:
<?init class="org.zkoss.zkplus.databind.AnnotateDataBinderInit" [arg0="component|component-path"] [arg1="true|false"]?>
Where the arg0 is the component itself (via EL expression) or the component path that specifies the component the AnnotateDataBinder covers.
This is the BindingListModel as a Object array to be used with org.zkoss.zul.Listbox , org.zkoss.zul.Grid , and DataBinder .
This is the BindingListModel as a java.util.List to be used with org.zkoss.zul.Listbox , org.zkoss.zul.Grid , and DataBinder .
This is the BindingListModel as a java.util.Map to be used with org.zkoss.zul.Listbox , org.zkoss.zul.Grid , and DataBinder .
This is the BindingListModel as a java.util.Set to be used with org.zkoss.zul.Listbox , org.zkoss.zul.Grid , and DataBinder .