| java.lang.Object org.zkoss.util.resource.impl.LabelLoader
getLabel | public String getLabel(String key)(Code) | | Returns the label of the specified key, or null if not found.
getProperty | protected String getProperty(Locale locale, String key)(Code) | | Returns the property without interprets any expression.
It searches properties defined in i3-label*.properties
All label accesses are eventually done by this method.
To alter its behavior, you might override this method.
register | public void register(LabelLocator locator)(Code) | | Registers a locator which is used to load i3-label*.properties
from other resource, such as servlet contexts.
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | Resets all cached labels and next call to
LabelLoader.getLabel will cause re-loading i3-label*.proerties.