Method Summary |
final public static String | encodeAttribute(String value) Encodes a value such that it could be used as XML attribute. |
final public static String | encodeText(String value) Encodes a value such that it could be enclosed by a XML elemnt.
Note: It is sometime inproper to use CDATA if the text contains
CDATA, too. |
final public static StringBuffer | encodeText(StringBuffer sb, String value) Encodes a value and appends it to a string buffer,
such that it could be enclosed by a XML elemnt.
Note: It is sometime inproper to use CDATA if the text contains
CDATA, too. |
final public static String | escapeXML(String s) Encodes a string that special characters are quoted to be compatible
with HTML/XML. |
final public static String | escapeXML(char cc) Enscapes a character into a string if it is a special XML character,
returns null if not a special character. |
final public static String | toXMLName(String name) Converting a name to a valid XML name. |