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public class Listbox extends XulElement (Code)
A listbox.


  1. org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.SelectEvent is sent when user changes the selection.

See Specification.

Besides creating Listitem programmingly, you could assign a data model (a ListModel instance) to a listbox via Listbox.setModel and then the listbox will retrieve data via ListModel.getElementAt when necessary.

Besides assign a list model, you could assign a renderer (a ListitemRenderer instance) to a listbox, such that the listbox will use this renderer to render the data returned by ListModel.getElementAt . If not assigned, the default renderer, which assumes a label per list item, is used. In other words, the default renderer adds a label to a row by calling toString against the object returned by ListModel.getElementAt

There are two ways to handle long content: scrolling and paging. If Listbox.getMold is "default", scrolling is used if Listbox.setHeight is called and too much content to display. If Listbox.getMold is "paging", paging is used if two or more pages are required. To control the number of items to display in a page, use Listbox.setPageSize .

If paging is used, the page controller is either created automatically or assigned explicity by Listbox.setPaginal . The paging controller specified explicitly by Listbox.setPaginal is called the external page controller. It is useful if you want to put the paging controller at different location (other than as a child component), or you want to use the same controller to control multiple listboxes.

Default Listbox.getSclass : listbox.

To have a list box without stripping, you can specify a non-existent style class to Listbox.setOddRowSclass . If you want to disable all striping, you can specify the style:

 tr.odd {
 background: white;

See Also:   ListModel
See Also:   ListitemRenderer
See Also:   ListitemRendererExt

Inner Class :protected class ExtraCtrl extends XulElement.ExtraCtrl implements InnerWidth,Selectable,Cropper,RenderOnDemand

Constructor Summary
public  Listbox()

Method Summary
public  voidaddItemToSelection(Listitem item)
     Selects the given item, without deselecting any other items that are already selected..
public  ListitemappendItem(String label, String value)
     Appends an item.
public  voidclearSelection()
     Clears the selection.
public  Objectclone()
public  CollectiongetHeads()
     Returns a collection of heads, including Listbox.getListhead and auxiliary heads ( Auxhead ) (never null).
public  intgetIndexOfItem(Listitem item)
     Returns the index of the specified item, or -1 if not found.
public  StringgetInnerWidth()
     Returns the inner width of this component.
public  ListitemgetItemAtIndex(int index)
     Returns the item at the specified index.
public  intgetItemCount()
     Returns the number of items.
public  ListitemRenderergetItemRenderer()
     Returns the renderer to render each item, or null if the default renderer is used.
public  ListgetItems()
     Returns a live list of all Listitem . By live we mean you can add or remove them directly with the List interface.
public  ListfootgetListfoot()
     Returns Listfoot belonging to this listbox, or null if no list footers at all.
public  ListheadgetListhead()
     Returns Listhead belonging to this listbox, or null if no list headers at all.
public  intgetMaxlength()
     Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
public  ListModelgetModel()
     Returns the list model associated with this listbox, or null if this listbox is not associated with any list data model.
public  StringgetName()
     Returns the name of this component.

Default: null.

The name is used only to work with "legacy" Web application that handles user's request by servlets. It works only with HTTP/HTML-based browsers.

public  StringgetOddRowSclass()
     Returns the style class for the odd rows.
public  StringgetOuterAttrs()
public  intgetPageSize()
     Returns the page size, aka., the number items per page.
public  PaginalgetPaginal()
     Returns the paging controller, or null if not available.
public  PaginggetPaging()
     Returns the child paging controller that is created automatically, or null if mold is not "paging", or the controller is specified externally by Listbox.setPaginal .
public  intgetPreloadSize()
     Returns the number of items to preload when receiving the rendering request from the client.
public  intgetRows()
     Returns the rows.
public  intgetSelectedCount()
     Returns the number of items being selected.
public  intgetSelectedIndex()
     Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
public  ListitemgetSelectedItem()
     Returns the selected item.
public  SetgetSelectedItems()
     Returns all selected items.
public  StringgetSeltype()
     Returns the seltype.
public  intgetTabindex()
     Returns the tab order of this component.
public  intgetVisibleBegin()
     Returns the index of the first visible child.
public  intgetVisibleEnd()
     Returns the index of the last visible child.
     Returns whether this listbox is in the paging mold.
final  booleaninSelectMold()
     Returns whether the HTML's select tag is used.
public  booleaninsertBefore(Component newChild, Component refChild)
final public  booleanisCheckmark()
     Returns whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
final public  booleanisDisabled()
     Returns whether it is disabled.
public  booleanisMultiple()
     Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.
final public  booleanisVflex()
     Returns whether to grow and shrink vertical to fit their given space, so called vertial flexibility.
protected  ObjectnewExtraCtrl()
public  voidonChildAdded(Component child)
public  voidonChildRemoved(Component child)
public  voidonInitRender()
     Handles a private event, onInitRender.
public  booleanremoveChild(Component child)
public  ListitemremoveItemAt(int index)
     Removes the child item in the list box at the given index.
public  voidremoveItemFromSelection(Listitem item)
     Deselects the given item without deselecting other items.
public  voidrenderAll()
     Renders all Listitem if not loaded yet, with Listbox.getItemRenderer .
public  ListitemrenderItem(Listitem li)
     Renders the specified Listitem if not loaded yet, with Listbox.getItemRenderer .
public  voidrenderItems(Set items)
public  voidselectAll()
     Selects all items.
public  voidselectItem(Listitem item)
     Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.

It is the same as Listbox.setSelectedItem .
  item - the item to select.

public  voidsetCheckmark(boolean checkmark)
     Sets whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.

The check mark is a checkbox if Listbox.isMultiple returns true.

public  voidsetDisabled(boolean disabled)
     Sets whether it is disabled.
public  voidsetInnerWidth(String innerWidth)
     Sets the inner width of this component. The inner width is the width of the inner table. By default, it is 100%.
public  voidsetItemRenderer(ListitemRenderer renderer)
     Sets the renderer which is used to render each item if Listbox.getModel is not null.
public  voidsetItemRenderer(String clsnm)
     Sets the renderer by use of a class name.
public  voidsetMaxlength(int maxlength)
     Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
public  voidsetModel(ListModel model)
     Sets the list model associated with this listbox.
public  voidsetMold(String mold)
public  voidsetMultiple(boolean multiple)
     Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.
public  voidsetName(String name)
     Sets the name of this component.

The name is used only to work with "legacy" Web application that handles user's request by servlets. It works only with HTTP/HTML-based browsers.

public  voidsetOddRowSclass(String scls)
     Sets the style class for the odd rows.
public  voidsetPageSize(int pgsz)
     Sets the page size, aka., the number items per page.
public  voidsetPaginal(Paginal pgi)
public  voidsetPreloadSize(int sz)
     Sets the number of items to preload when receiving the rendering request from the client.

It is used only if live data ( Listbox.setModel and not paging ( Listbox.getPaging .
  sz - the number of items to preload.

public  voidsetRows(int rows)
     Sets the rows.
public  voidsetSelectedIndex(int jsel)
     Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the item with the given index.
public  voidsetSelectedItem(Listitem item)
     Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
public  voidsetSeltype(String seltype)
     Sets the seltype.
public  voidsetTabindex(int tabindex)
     Sets the tab order of this component.
public  voidsetVflex(boolean vflex)
     Sets whether to grow and shrink vertical to fit their given space, so called vertial flexibility.
public  voidsmartUpdate(String attr, String value)
public  voidtoggleItemSelection(Listitem item)
     If the specified item is selected, it is deselected. If it is not selected, it is selected.

Constructor Detail
public Listbox()(Code)

Method Detail
public void addItemToSelection(Listitem item)(Code)
Selects the given item, without deselecting any other items that are already selected..

public Listitem appendItem(String label, String value)(Code)
Appends an item.

Note: if live data is used ( Listbox.getModel is not null), the returned item might NOT be loaded yet. To ensure it is loaded, you have to invoke Listbox.renderItem .

public void clearSelection()(Code)
Clears the selection.

public Object clone()(Code)

public Collection getHeads()(Code)
Returns a collection of heads, including Listbox.getListhead and auxiliary heads ( Auxhead ) (never null).

public int getIndexOfItem(Listitem item)(Code)
Returns the index of the specified item, or -1 if not found.

public String getInnerWidth()(Code)
Returns the inner width of this component. The inner width is the width of the inner table.

Default: "100%"
See Also:   Listbox.setInnerWidth

public Listitem getItemAtIndex(int index)(Code)
Returns the item at the specified index.

Note: if live data is used ( Listbox.getModel is not null), the returned item might NOT be loaded yet. To ensure it is loaded, you have to invoke Listbox.renderItem .

public int getItemCount()(Code)
Returns the number of items.

public ListitemRenderer getItemRenderer()(Code)
Returns the renderer to render each item, or null if the default renderer is used.

public List getItems()(Code)
Returns a live list of all Listitem . By live we mean you can add or remove them directly with the List interface. In other words, you could add or remove an item by manipulating the returned list directly.

public Listfoot getListfoot()(Code)
Returns Listfoot belonging to this listbox, or null if no list footers at all.

public Listhead getListhead()(Code)
Returns Listhead belonging to this listbox, or null if no list headers at all.

public int getMaxlength()(Code)
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.

public ListModel getModel()(Code)
Returns the list model associated with this listbox, or null if this listbox is not associated with any list data model.

public String getName()(Code)
Returns the name of this component.

Default: null.

The name is used only to work with "legacy" Web application that handles user's request by servlets. It works only with HTTP/HTML-based browsers. It doesn't work with other kind of clients.

Don't use this method if your application is purely based on ZK's event-driven model.

public String getOddRowSclass()(Code)
Returns the style class for the odd rows.

Default: odd.

public String getOuterAttrs()(Code)

public int getPageSize()(Code)
Returns the page size, aka., the number items per page.
  IllegalStateException - if Listbox.getPaginal returns null,i.e., mold is not "paging" and no external controller is specified.

public Paginal getPaginal()(Code)
Returns the paging controller, or null if not available. Note: the paging controller is used only if Listbox.getMold is "paging".

If mold is "paging", this method never returns null, because a child paging controller is created automcatically (if not specified by developers with Listbox.setPaginal ).

If a paging controller is specified (either by Listbox.setPaginal , or by Listbox.setMold with "paging"), the listbox will rely on the paging controller to handle long-content instead of scrolling.

public Paging getPaging()(Code)
Returns the child paging controller that is created automatically, or null if mold is not "paging", or the controller is specified externally by Listbox.setPaginal .

public int getPreloadSize()(Code)
Returns the number of items to preload when receiving the rendering request from the client.

Default: 7.

It is used only if live data ( Listbox.setModel and not paging ( Listbox.getPaging .

public int getRows()(Code)
Returns the rows. Zero means no limitation.

Default: 0.

public int getSelectedCount()(Code)
Returns the number of items being selected.

public int getSelectedIndex()(Code)
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).

public Listitem getSelectedItem()(Code)
Returns the selected item.

Note: if live data is used ( Listbox.getModel is not null), the returned item might NOT be loaded yet. To ensure it is loaded, you have to invoke Listbox.renderItem .

public Set getSelectedItems()(Code)
Returns all selected items.

Note: if live data is used ( Listbox.getModel is not null), the returned item might NOT be loaded yet. To ensure it is loaded, you have to invoke Listbox.renderItem .

public String getSeltype()(Code)
Returns the seltype.

Default: "single".

public int getTabindex()(Code)
Returns the tab order of this component.

Currently, only the "select" mold supports this property.

Default: -1 (means the same as browser's default).

public int getVisibleBegin()(Code)
Returns the index of the first visible child.

Used only for component development, not for application developers.

public int getVisibleEnd()(Code)
Returns the index of the last visible child.

Used only for component development, not for application developers.

boolean inPagingMold()(Code)
Returns whether this listbox is in the paging mold.

final boolean inSelectMold()(Code)
Returns whether the HTML's select tag is used.

public boolean insertBefore(Component newChild, Component refChild)(Code)

final public boolean isCheckmark()(Code)
Returns whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.

Default: false.

final public boolean isDisabled()(Code)
Returns whether it is disabled.

Default: false.

public boolean isMultiple()(Code)
Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.

Default: false.

final public boolean isVflex()(Code)
Returns whether to grow and shrink vertical to fit their given space, so called vertial flexibility.

Note: this attribute is ignored if Listbox.setRows is specified

Default: false.

protected Object newExtraCtrl()(Code)

public void onChildAdded(Component child)(Code)

public void onChildRemoved(Component child)(Code)

public void onInitRender()(Code)
Handles a private event, onInitRender. It is used only for implementation, and you rarely need to invoke it explicitly.

public boolean removeChild(Component child)(Code)

public Listitem removeItemAt(int index)(Code)
Removes the child item in the list box at the given index.

Note: if live data is used ( Listbox.getModel is not null), the returned item might NOT be loaded yet. To ensure it is loaded, you have to invoke Listbox.renderItem . the removed item.

public void removeItemFromSelection(Listitem item)(Code)
Deselects the given item without deselecting other items.

public void renderAll()(Code)
Renders all Listitem if not loaded yet, with Listbox.getItemRenderer .
See Also:   Listbox.renderItem
See Also:   Listbox.renderItems

public Listitem renderItem(Listitem li)(Code)
Renders the specified Listitem if not loaded yet, with Listbox.getItemRenderer .

It does nothing if Listbox.getModel returns null. In other words, it is meaningful only if live data model is used.
See Also:   Listbox.renderItems
See Also:   Listbox.renderAll the list item being passed to this method

public void renderItems(Set items)(Code)

public void selectAll()(Code)
Selects all items.

public void selectItem(Listitem item)(Code)
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.

It is the same as Listbox.setSelectedItem .
  item - the item to select. If null, all items are deselected.

public void setCheckmark(boolean checkmark)(Code)
Sets whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.

The check mark is a checkbox if Listbox.isMultiple returns true. It is a radio button if Listbox.isMultiple returns false.

public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)(Code)
Sets whether it is disabled.

public void setInnerWidth(String innerWidth)(Code)
Sets the inner width of this component. The inner width is the width of the inner table. By default, it is 100%. That is, it is the same as the width of this component. However, it is changed when the user is sizing the column's width.

Application developers rarely call this method, unless they want to preserve the widths of sizable columns changed by the user. To preserve the widths, the developer have to store the widths of all columns and the inner width ( Listbox.getInnerWidth ), and then restore them when re-creating this component.
  innerWidth - the inner width. If null, "100%" is assumed.

public void setItemRenderer(ListitemRenderer renderer)(Code)
Sets the renderer which is used to render each item if Listbox.getModel is not null.

Note: changing a render will not cause the listbox to re-render. If you want it to re-render, you could assign the same model again (i.e., setModel(getModel())), or fire an ListDataEvent event.
  renderer - the renderer, or null to use the default.
  UiException - if failed to initialize with the model

public void setItemRenderer(String clsnm) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException(Code)
Sets the renderer by use of a class name. It creates an instance automatically.

public void setMaxlength(int maxlength)(Code)
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.

public void setModel(ListModel model)(Code)
Sets the list model associated with this listbox. If a non-null model is assigned, no matter whether it is the same as the previous, it will always cause re-render.
  model - the list model to associate, or null to dis-associateany previous model.
  UiException - if failed to initialize with the model

public void setMold(String mold)(Code)

public void setMultiple(boolean multiple)(Code)
Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.

public void setName(String name)(Code)
Sets the name of this component.

The name is used only to work with "legacy" Web application that handles user's request by servlets. It works only with HTTP/HTML-based browsers. It doesn't work with other kind of clients.

Don't use this method if your application is purely based on ZK's event-driven model.
  name - the name of this component.

public void setOddRowSclass(String scls)(Code)
Sets the style class for the odd rows. If the style class doesn't exist, the striping effect disappears. You can provide different effects by providing the proper style classes.

public void setPageSize(int pgsz)(Code)
Sets the page size, aka., the number items per page.
  IllegalStateException - if Listbox.getPaginal returns null,i.e., mold is not "paging" and no external controller is specified.

public void setPaginal(Paginal pgi)(Code)

public void setPreloadSize(int sz)(Code)
Sets the number of items to preload when receiving the rendering request from the client.

It is used only if live data ( Listbox.setModel and not paging ( Listbox.getPaging .
  sz - the number of items to preload. If zero, no preloadat all.
  UiException - if sz is negative

public void setRows(int rows) throws WrongValueException(Code)
Sets the rows.

Note: if both Listbox.setHeight is specified with non-empty, Listbox.setRows is ignored

public void setSelectedIndex(int jsel)(Code)
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the item with the given index.

public void setSelectedItem(Listitem item)(Code)
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.

It is the same as Listbox.selectItem .

public void setSeltype(String seltype) throws WrongValueException(Code)
Sets the seltype.

public void setTabindex(int tabindex) throws WrongValueException(Code)
Sets the tab order of this component.

Currently, only the "select" mold supports this property.

public void setVflex(boolean vflex)(Code)
Sets whether to grow and shrink vertical to fit their given space, so called vertial flexibility.

Note: this attribute is ignored if Listbox.setRows is specified

public void smartUpdate(String attr, String value)(Code)

public void toggleItemSelection(Listitem item)(Code)
If the specified item is selected, it is deselected. If it is not selected, it is selected. Other items in the list box that are selected are not affected, and retain their selected state.

Methods inherited from org.zkoss.zul.impl.XulElement
public String getAction()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getActionAttrs()(Code)(Java Doc)
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public String getContext()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getInnerAttrs()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getOuterAttrs()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getPopup()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getTooltip()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAction(String action)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setContext(String context)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setContext(Popup popup)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setPopup(String popup)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setPopup(Popup popup)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTooltip(String tooltip)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTooltip(Popup popup)(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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