| java.lang.Object java.awt.GradientPaintContext
LOOKUP_MASK | static int LOOKUP_MASK(Code) | | The index mask to lookup color in the table
LOOKUP_SIZE | static int LOOKUP_SIZE(Code) | | The size of noncyclic part of color lookup table
ZERO | static double ZERO(Code) | | The min value equivalent to zero. If absolute value less then ZERO it considered as zero.
c1 | int c1(Code) | | The integer color value of the start point
c2 | int c2(Code) | | The integer color value of the end point
cyclic | boolean cyclic(Code) | | The indicator of cycle filling.
delta | int delta(Code) | | The tempopary pre-calculated value to evalutae color index
dx | int dx(Code) | | The tempopary pre-calculated value to evalutae color index
dy | int dy(Code) | | The tempopary pre-calculated value to evalutae color index
table | int[] table(Code) | | The lookup gradient color table
GradientPaintContext | GradientPaintContext(ColorModel cm, AffineTransform t, Point2D point1, Color color1, Point2D point2, Color color2, boolean cyclic)(Code) | | Constructs a new GradientPaintcontext
Parameters: cm - - not used Parameters: t - - the fill transformation Parameters: point1 - - the start fill point Parameters: color1 - - color of the start point Parameters: point2 - - the end fill point Parameters: color2 - - color of the end point Parameters: cyclic - - the indicator of cycle filling |
createTable | void createTable()(Code) | | Create color index lookup table. Calculate 256 step trasformation from
the start point color to the end point color. Colors multiplied by 256 to do integer calculations.
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
getRaster | public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h)(Code) | | |