| java.lang.Object java.awt.TexturePaintContext
access | AwtImageBackdoorAccessor access(Code) | | The AwtImageBackdoorAccessor object to communicate with image DataBuffer
anchor | Rectangle2D anchor(Code) | | The Rectangle2D bounds of texture piece to be painted
dstBuf | DataBuffer dstBuf(Code) | | The destination DataBuffer object of output rester
m00m01m10m11 | int m00m01m10m11(Code) | | |
srcHeight | int srcHeight(Code) | | The height of the texture image
srcWidth | int srcWidth(Code) | | The width of the texture image
sxsyhxhyvxvy | int sxsyhxhyvxvy(Code) | | The temporary pre-calculated temporary values
value | int[] value(Code) | | The temporary values
weight | int[] weight(Code) | | The integer array of weight components for bilinear interpolation
check | int check(int value, int max)(Code) | | Checks point overrun of texture anchor
check2 | int check2(int value, int max)(Code) | | Checks point overrun of texture anchor
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
getRaster | public Raster getRaster(int dstX, int dstY, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)(Code) | | |
prepare | void prepare(int dstX, int dstY, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)(Code) | | Prepares pre-calculated values