Generates and initializes a Certificate Revocation List from data from
the provided input stream.
Parameters: inStream - InputStream Stream from where data is read to create the CRL CRL an initialized Certificate Revocation List exception: CRLException - if parsing problems are detected
Generates and initializes a collection of Certificate Revocation List
from data from the provided input stream.
Parameters: inStream - InputStream Stream from where data is read to create the CRLs Collection an initialized collection of Certificate RevocationList exception: CRLException - if parsing problems are detected
Generates a CertPath from data from the provided
InputStream. The default encoding is assumed.
Parameters: inStream - InputStream with PKCS7 or PkiPath encoded data CertPath a CertPath initialized from the provided data throws: CertificateException - if parsing problems are detected
Generates a CertPath from data from the provided
InputStream. The encoding is that specified by the
encoding parameter.
Parameters: inStream - InputStream containing certificate path data in specifiedencoding Parameters: encoding - encoding of the data in the input stream CertPath a CertPath initialized from the provided data throws: CertificateException - if parsing problems are detected throws: UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not implement this method
Generates a CertPath from the provided List of
Certificates. The encoding is the default encoding.
Parameters: certificates - List containing certificates in a format supported by theCertificateFactory CertPath a CertPath initialized from the provided data throws: CertificateException - if parsing problems are detected throws: UnsupportedOperationException - if the provider does not implement this method
Generates and initializes a Certificate from data from the
provided input stream.
Parameters: inStream - InputStream Stream from where data is read to create theCertificate Certificate an initialized Certificate exception: CertificateException - if parsing problems are detected
Generates and initializes a collection of Certificates from
data from the provided input stream.
Parameters: inStream - InputStream Stream from where data is read to create theCertificates Collection an initialized collection of Certificates exception: CertificateException - if parsing problems are detected
Returns an Iterator over the supported CertPath encodings (as Strings).
The first element is the default encoding.
Iterator Iterator over supported CertPath encodings (as Strings)
Answers a new CertificateFactory of the given type.
Parameters: type - java.lang.String Type of certificate desired CertificateFactory a concrete implementation for the certificatetype desired. exception: CertificateException - If the type cannot be found exception: NullPointerException - If the type is null
Answers a new CertificateFactory of the given type.
Parameters: type - java.lang.String Type of certificate desired Parameters: provider - Provider which has to implement thealgorithm CertificateFactory a concrete implementation for the certificatetype desired. exception: CertificateException - If the type cannot be found exception: NullPointerException - If algorithm is null