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public interface DatabaseMetaData (Code)
An interface which provides comprehensive information about the database.

This interface is implemented by JDBC driver writers in order to provide information about the underlying Database capabilities and the JDBC driver capabilities taken together.

Some of the methods in this interface take String parameters which are Patterns. Within these string Patterns, '%' and '_' characters have special meanings. '%' means "match any substring of 0 or more characters". '_' means "match any one character". Only metadata entries that match the pattern are returned. If such a search pattern string is set to null, that argument's criteria are dropped from the search.

Field Summary
final public static  shortattributeNoNulls
     States that it may not be permitted to store NULL values.
final public static  shortattributeNullable
     States that NULL values are definitely permitted.
final public static  shortattributeNullableUnknown
     States that whether NULL values are permitted is unknown.
final public static  intbestRowNotPseudo
     States the best row identifier is NOT a pseudo column.
final public static  intbestRowPseudo
     States that the best row identifier is a pseudo column.
final public static  intbestRowSession
     States that the remainder of the current session is used as the scope for the best row identifier.
final public static  intbestRowTemporary
     States that best row identifier scope lasts only while the row is being used.
final public static  intbestRowTransaction
     States that the remainder of the current transaction is used as the scope for the best row identifier.
final public static  intbestRowUnknown
     States that the best row identifier may or may not be a pseudo column.
final public static  intcolumnNoNulls
     States that the column might not allow NULL values.
final public static  intcolumnNullable
     States that the column definitely allows NULL values.
final public static  intcolumnNullableUnknown
     States that it is unknown whether the columns may be nulled.
final public static  intimportedKeyCascade
     For the column UPDATE_RULE, States that when the primary key is updated, the foreign key (imported key) is changed to agree with it.
final public static  intimportedKeyInitiallyDeferred
     States deferrability.
final public static  intimportedKeyInitiallyImmediate
     States defer-ability.
final public static  intimportedKeyNoAction
     For the columns UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE, States that if the primary key has been imported, it cannot be updated or deleted.
final public static  intimportedKeyNotDeferrable
     States defer-ability.
final public static  intimportedKeyRestrict
     States that a primary key must not be updated when imported as a foreign key by some other table.
final public static  intimportedKeySetDefault
     States that when the primary key is modified (updated or deleted) the foreign (imported) key is changed to its default value.
final public static  intimportedKeySetNull
     States that when the primary key is modified (updated or deleted) the foreign (imported) key is changed to NULL.
final public static  intprocedureColumnIn
     States that this column stores IN type parameters.
final public static  intprocedureColumnInOut
     States that this column stores INOUT type parameters.
final public static  intprocedureColumnOut
     States that this column stores OUT type parameters.
final public static  intprocedureColumnResult
final public static  intprocedureColumnReturn
     States that the column stores return values.
final public static  intprocedureColumnUnknown
     States that type of the column is unknown.
final public static  intprocedureNoNulls
     States that NULL values are not permitted.
final public static  intprocedureNoResult
     States that the procedure does not return a result.
final public static  intprocedureNullable
     States that NULL values are permitted.
final public static  intprocedureNullableUnknown
     States that whether NULL values are permitted is unknown.
final public static  intprocedureResultUnknown
     States that it is unknown whether or not the procedure returns a result.
final public static  intprocedureReturnsResult
     States that the procedure returns a result.
final public static  intsqlStateSQL99
     States that the value is an SQL99 SQLSTATE value.
final public static  intsqlStateXOpen
     States that the value is an SQL CLI SQLSTATE value as defined by X/Open (who are now know as Open Group) .
final public static  shorttableIndexClustered
     States that this table index is a clustered index.
final public static  shorttableIndexHashed
     States that this table index is a hashed index.
final public static  shorttableIndexOther
     States this table's index is neither a clustered index, not a hashed index, and not a table statistics index; i.e.
final public static  shorttableIndexStatistic
     States this column has the table's statistics, and that it is returned in conjunction with the table's index description.
final public static  inttypeNoNulls
     States that a NULL value is NOT permitted for this data type.
final public static  inttypeNullable
     States that a NULL value is permitted for this data type.
final public static  inttypeNullableUnknown
     States that it is unknown if a NULL value is permitted for this data type.
final public static  inttypePredBasic
     States that one can base all WHERE search clauses except WHERE .
final public static  inttypePredChar
     States that WHERE is the only WHERE search clause that may be based on this type.
final public static  inttypePredNone
     States that this type does not support WHERE search clauses.
final public static  inttypeSearchable
     States that all WHERE search clauses may be based on this type.
final public static  intversionColumnNotPseudo
     States that the version column is known to be not a pseudo column.
final public static  intversionColumnPseudo
     States that this version column is known to be a pseudo column.
final public static  intversionColumnUnknown
     States that the version column may be a pseudo column or not.

Method Summary
public  booleanallProceduresAreCallable()
     Answers whether all procedures returned by getProcedures can be called by the current user.
public  booleanallTablesAreSelectable()
     Answers whether all the tables returned by getTables can be used by the current user in a SELECT statement.
public  booleandataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()
     Answers if a data definition statement in a transaction forces a commit of the transaction.
public  booleandataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions()
     Answers whether the database ignores data definition statements within a transaction.
public  booleandeletesAreDetected(int type)
     Answers whether a visible row delete can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowDeleted.
public  booleandoesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs()
     Answers whether the return value of getMaxRowSize includes the SQL data types LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY.
public  ResultSetgetAttributes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, String attributeNamePattern)
     Answers a description of the specified attribute of the specified type for an SQL User Defined Type (UDT) for a specified schema and catalog. The descriptions returned are ordered by TYPE_SCHEM, TYPE_NAME and ORDINAL_POSITION.
public  ResultSetgetBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schema, String table, int scope, boolean nullable)
     Answers a list of a table's optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row.
public  StringgetCatalogSeparator()
     Answers the separator that this database uses between a catalog name and table name.
public  StringgetCatalogTerm()
     Answers the term that the database vendor prefers term for "catalog".
public  ResultSetgetCatalogs()
     Answers the set of catalog names available in this database.
public  ResultSetgetColumnPrivileges(String catalog, String schema, String table, String columnNamePattern)
     Answers a description of access rights for a table's columns.
public  ResultSetgetColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern)
     Answers a description of table columns available in a specified catalog. Only descriptions meeting the specified Catalog, Schema, Table and Column names are returned.

The descriptions are returned as a ResultSet conforming to the following data layout, with one row per table column:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. COLUMN_NAME - String - The Column name
  5. DATA_TYPE - int - The SQL type as specified in java.sql.Types
  6. TYPE_NAME - String - Name for the data type, depends on database, UDT names are fully qualified
  7. COLUMN_SIZE - int - Column size - the precision for numeric types, max characters for char and date types
  8. BUFFER_LENGTH - int - Not used
  9. DECIMAL_DIGITS - int - maximum number of fractional digits
  10. NUM_PREC_RADIX - int - the Radix
  11. NULLABLE - int - does the column allow nulls:
    • DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls = may not allow NULLs
    • DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable = does allow NULLs
    • DatabaseMetaData.columnNullableUnknown = unknown NULL status
  12. REMARKS - String - A description of the column (possibly null)
  13. COLUMN_DEF - String - Default value for the column (possibly null)
  14. SQL_DATA_TYPE - int - not used
  15. SQL_DATETIME_SUB - int - not used
  16. CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH - int - maximum number of bytes in the char type columns
  17. ORDINAL_POSITION - int - Column index in the table (1 based)
  18. IS_NULLABLE - String - "NO" = column does not allow NULLs, "YES" = column allows NULLs "" = NULL status unknown
  19. SCOPE_CATALOG - String - Catalog for table, SCOPE of Reference attribute.
public  ConnectiongetConnection()
     Answers the database connection that created this metadata.
public  ResultSetgetCrossReference(String primaryCatalog, String primarySchema, String primaryTable, String foreignCatalog, String foreignSchema, String foreignTable)
     Answers a list of foreign key columns in a given foreign key table that reference the primary key columns of a supplied primary key table.
public  intgetDatabaseMajorVersion()
     Answers the major version number of the database software.
public  intgetDatabaseMinorVersion()
     Answers the minor version number of the database software.
public  StringgetDatabaseProductName()
     Answers the name of the database software.
public  StringgetDatabaseProductVersion()
     Answers the version number of this database software.
public  intgetDefaultTransactionIsolation()
     Answers the default transaction isolation level for this database. the default transaction isolation level.
public  intgetDriverMajorVersion()
     Answers the JDBC driver's major version number.
public  intgetDriverMinorVersion()
     Answers the JDBC driver's minor version number.
public  StringgetDriverName()
     Answers the name of this JDBC driver.
public  StringgetDriverVersion()
     Answers the version number of this JDBC driver.
public  ResultSetgetExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table)
     Answers a list of the foreign key columns that reference the primary key columns of a specified table (the foreign keys exported by a table).

The list is returned as a ResultSet with a row for each of the foreign key columns, ordered by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, and KEY_SEQ, with the format for each row being:

  1. PKTABLE_CAT - String - primary key table : Catalog (possibly null)
  2. PKTABLE_SCHEM - String - primary key table : Schema (possibly null)
  3. PKTABLE_NAME - String - primary key table : name
  4. PKCOLUMN_NAME - String - primary key column : name
  5. FKTABLE_CAT - String - foreign key table : Catalog name being exported (possibly null)
  6. FKTABLE_SCHEM - String - foreign key table : Schema name being exported (possibly null)
  7. FKTABLE_NAME - String - foreign key table : name being exported
  8. FKCOLUMN_NAME - String - foreign key column : name being exported
  9. KEY_SEQ - short - sequence number in the foreign key
  10. UPDATE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is updated:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow update of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - change imported key to match the primary key update
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  11. DELETE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is deleted:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow delete of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - the deletion should also delete rows that import a deleted key
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - it should set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - deletion sets the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  12. FK_NAME - String - foreign key name (possibly null)
  13. PK_NAME - String - primary key name (possibly null)
  14. DEFERRABILITY - short - defines whether foreign key constraints can be deferred until commit (see SQL92 specification for definitions):
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable

  catalog - a Catalog Name.
public  StringgetExtraNameCharacters()
     Answers a string of characters that may be used in unquoted identifier names.
public  StringgetIdentifierQuoteString()
     Answers the string used to quote SQL identifiers.
public  ResultSetgetImportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table)
     Answers a list columns in a table that are both primary keys and referenced by the table's foreign key columns (that is, the primary keys imported by a table).

The list returned is a ResultSet with a row entry for each primary key column, ordered by PKTABLE_CAT, PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME, and KEY_SEQ, with the following format:

  1. PKTABLE_CAT - String - primary key Catalog name being imported (possibly null)
  2. PKTABLE_SCHEM - String - primary key Schema name being imported (possibly null)
  3. PKTABLE_NAME - String - primary key Table name being imported
  4. PKCOLUMN_NAME - String - primary key column name being imported
  5. FKTABLE_CAT - String - foreign key table catalog name (possibly null)
  6. FKTABLE_SCHEM - String - foreign key table Schema name (possibly null)
  7. FKTABLE_NAME - String - foreign key table name
  8. FKCOLUMN_NAME - String - foreign key column name
  9. KEY_SEQ - short - sequence number in the foreign key
  10. UPDATE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is updated:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow update of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - change imported key to match the primary key update
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  11. DELETE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is deleted:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow delete of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - delete those rows that import a deleted key
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  12. FK_NAME - String - foreign key name (possibly null)
  13. PK_NAME - String - primary key name (possibly null)
  14. DEFERRABILITY - short - defines whether foreign key constraints can be deferred until commit (see SQL92 specification for definitions):
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable

  catalog - a Catalog Name.
public  ResultSetgetIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String table, boolean unique, boolean approximate)
     Answers a list of indices and statistics for a specified table.

The list is returned as a ResultSet, with one row for each index or statistic.

public  intgetJDBCMajorVersion()
     Answers this driver's major JDBC version number.
public  intgetJDBCMinorVersion()
     Answers the minor JDBC version number for this driver.
public  intgetMaxBinaryLiteralLength()
     Get the maximum number of hex characters in an in-line binary literal for this database. the maximum number of hex characters in an in-line binaryliteral.
public  intgetMaxCatalogNameLength()
     Answers the maximum size of a Catalog name in this database. the maximum size in characters for a Catalog name.
public  intgetMaxCharLiteralLength()
     Answers the maximum size for a character literal in this database. the maximum size in characters for a character literal.
public  intgetMaxColumnNameLength()
     Answers the maximum size for a Column name for this database. the maximum number of characters for a Column name.
public  intgetMaxColumnsInGroupBy()
     Get the maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause for this database. the maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause.
public  intgetMaxColumnsInIndex()
     Answers the maximum number of columns in an Index for this database. the maximum number of columns in an Index.
public  intgetMaxColumnsInOrderBy()
     Answers the maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause for this database. the maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause.
public  intgetMaxColumnsInSelect()
     Answers the maximum number of columns in a SELECT list for this database. the maximum number of columns in a SELECT list.
public  intgetMaxColumnsInTable()
     Answers the maximum number of columns in a table for this database. the maximum number of columns in a table.
public  intgetMaxConnections()
     Answers the database's maximum number of concurrent connections. the maximum number of connections.
public  intgetMaxCursorNameLength()
     Answers the maximum length of a cursor name for this database. the maximum number of characters in a cursor name.
public  intgetMaxIndexLength()
     Answers the maximum length in bytes for an Index for this database.
public  intgetMaxProcedureNameLength()
     Answers the maximum number of characters for a procedure name in this database. the maximum number of character for a procedure name.
public  intgetMaxRowSize()
     Answers the maximum number of bytes within a single row for this database. the maximum number of bytes for a single row.
public  intgetMaxSchemaNameLength()
     Answers the maximum number of characters in a schema name for this database. the maximum number of characters in a Schema name.
public  intgetMaxStatementLength()
     Answers the maximum number of characters in an SQL statement for this database. the maximum number of characters in an SQL statement.
public  intgetMaxStatements()
     Get the maximum number of simultaneously open active statements for this database. the maximum number of open active statements.
public  intgetMaxTableNameLength()
     Answers the maximum size for a table name in the database. the maximum size in characters for a table name.
public  intgetMaxTablesInSelect()
     Answers the maximum number of tables permitted in a SELECT statement for the database. the maximum number of tables permitted in a SELECT statement.
public  intgetMaxUserNameLength()
     Answers the maximum number of characters in a user name for the database. the maximum number of characters in a user name.
public  StringgetNumericFunctions()
     Answers a list of the math functions available with this database.
public  ResultSetgetPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table)
     Answers a list of the primary key columns of a specified table.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row for each primary key column, ordered by COLUMN_NAME, with each row having the structure as follows:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - table catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Table Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. COLUMN_NAME - String - The Column name
  5. KEY_SEQ - short - the sequence number for this column in the primary key
  6. PK_NAME - String - the primary key name (possibly null)

  catalog - a Catalog Name.
public  ResultSetgetProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, String columnNamePattern)
     Answers a list of parameter and result columns for the stored procedures belonging to a specified Catalog.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row for each parameter or result column.

public  StringgetProcedureTerm()
     Answers the database vendor's preferred name for "procedure".
public  ResultSetgetProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern)
     Answers a list of the stored procedures available in a specified catalog.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row for each stored procedure, ordered by PROCEDURE_SCHEME and PROCEDURE_NAME, with the data in each row as follows:

  1. PROCEDURE_CAT - String : the procedure catalog name
  2. PROCEDURE_SCHEM - String : the procedure schema name (possibly null)
  3. PROCEDURE_NAME - String : the procedure name
  4. Reserved
  5. Reserved
  6. Reserved
  7. REMARKS - String - information about the procedure
  8. PROCEDURE_TYPE - short : one of:
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureResultUnknown - procedure may return a result
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureNoResult - procedure does not return a result
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult - procedure definitely returns a result

  catalog - a Catalog Name.
public  intgetResultSetHoldability()
     Answers the result set's default hold-ability.
public  StringgetSQLKeywords()
     Answers a list of all the SQL keywords that are NOT also SQL92 keywords for the database.
public  intgetSQLStateType()
     States the type of SQLState value returned by SQLException.getSQLState.
public  StringgetSchemaTerm()
     Answers the database vendor's preferred term for "schema".
public  ResultSetgetSchemas()
     Answers a list of the schema names in the database.
public  StringgetSearchStringEscape()
     Returns the string that is used to escape wildcard characters.
public  StringgetStringFunctions()
     Answers a list of string functions available with the database.
public  ResultSetgetSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern)
     Answers a listing of the hierarchies of tables in a specified schema in the database.

The listing only contains entries for tables that have a super table. Super and sub tables must be defined in the same Catalog and Schema.

public  ResultSetgetSuperTypes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern)
     Answers the User Defined Type (UDT) hierarchies for a given schema.
public  StringgetSystemFunctions()
     Answers a list of system functions available with the database.
public  ResultSetgetTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern)
     Answers a description of access rights for each table present in a catalog.
public  ResultSetgetTableTypes()
     Answers a list of table types supported by the database.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row per table type, ordered by the table type.

public  ResultSetgetTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types)
     Answers a description of the tables in a specified catalog.

The descriptions are returned as rows in a ResultSet, one row for each Table.

public  StringgetTimeDateFunctions()
     Answers a list of time and date functions available for the database.
public  ResultSetgetTypeInfo()
     Get a list of the standard SQL Types supported by this database.
public  ResultSetgetUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, int[] types)
     Answers a description of the User Defined Types (UDTs) defined in a given schema, which includes the types DISTINCT, STRUCT and JAVA_OBJECT.

The types matching the supplied the specified Catalog, Schema, Type Name and Type are returned as rows in a ResultSet with columns of information as follows:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. CLASS_NAME - String - The Java class name
  5. DATA_TYPE - int - The SQL type as specified in java.sql.Types.
public  StringgetURL()
     Answers the URL for this database. the URL for the database.
public  StringgetUserName()
     Determine the user name as known by the database.
public  ResultSetgetVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table)
     Answers which of a table's columns are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated.

The result is laid-out in the following columns:

  1. SCOPE - short - not used
  2. COLUMN_NAME - String - Column name
  3. DATA_TYPE - int - The SQL data type, as defined in java.sql.Types
  4. TYPE_NAME - String - The SQL type name, data source dependent
  5. COLUMN_SIZE - int - Precision for numeric types
  6. BUFFER_LENGTH - int - Length of a column value in bytes
  7. DECIMAL_DIGITS - short - Number of digits after the decimal point
  8. PSEUDO_COLUMN - short - If this is a pseudo-column (for example, an Oracle ROWID):
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowUnknown - don't know whether this is a pseudo column
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowNotPseudo - column is not pseudo
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowPseudo - column is a pseudo column

  catalog - a Catalog Name.
public  booleaninsertsAreDetected(int type)
     Determine if a visible row insert can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowInserted.
  type - the ResultSet type.
public  booleanisCatalogAtStart()
     Determine whether a fully qualified table name is prefixed or suffixed to a fully qualified table name.
public  booleanisReadOnly()
     Determine if the database is in read-only mode.
public  booleanlocatorsUpdateCopy()
     Determine if updates are made to a copy of, or directly on, Large Objects (LOBs).
public  booleannullPlusNonNullIsNull()
     Determine if the database handles concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values by producing a NULL output.
public  booleannullsAreSortedAtEnd()
     Determine if NULL values are always sorted to the end of sorted results regardless of requested sort order.
public  booleannullsAreSortedAtStart()
     Determine if NULL values are always sorted at the start of the sorted list, irrespective of the sort order.
public  booleannullsAreSortedHigh()
     Determine if NULL values are sorted high - i.e.
public  booleannullsAreSortedLow()
     Determine if NULL values are sorted low - ie they are sorted as if they are lower than any other values.
public  booleanothersDeletesAreVisible(int type)
     Determine if deletes made by others are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet.
public  booleanothersInsertsAreVisible(int type)
     Determine if inserts made by others are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet.
public  booleanothersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
     Determine if updates made by others are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet.
public  booleanownDeletesAreVisible(int type)
     Determine if a ResultSet's own deletes are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
public  booleanownInsertsAreVisible(int type)
     Determine if its own inserts are visible to a given ResultSet type.
public  booleanownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
     Determine if for a supplied type of ResultSet, the ResultSet's own updates are visible.
public  booleanstoresLowerCaseIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database treats SQL identifiers that are in mixed case (and unquoted) as case insensitive.
public  booleanstoresLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database considers mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in lower case.
public  booleanstoresMixedCaseIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database considers mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in mixed case.
public  booleanstoresMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database considers identifiers as case insensitive if they are mixed case quoted SQL.
public  booleanstoresUpperCaseIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database considers mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case.
public  booleanstoresUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database considers mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case.
public  booleansupportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL()
     Determine if the database supports the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar.
public  booleansupportsANSI92FullSQL()
     Determine if the database supports the ANSI92 full SQL grammar.
public  booleansupportsANSI92IntermediateSQL()
     Determine if the database supports the ANSI92 intermediate SQL Grammar.
public  booleansupportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()
     Determine if the database supports ALTER TABLE operation with add column.
public  booleansupportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()
     Determine if the database supports ALTER TABLE operation with drop column.
public  booleansupportsBatchUpdates()
     Determine if the database supports Batch Updates.
public  booleansupportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()
     Determine whether catalog names may be used in data manipulation statements.
public  booleansupportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions()
     Determine if catalog names can be used in Index Definition statements.
public  booleansupportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions()
     Determine if catalog names can be used in privilege definition statements.
public  booleansupportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()
     Determine if catalog names can be used in procedure call statements.
public  booleansupportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()
     Determine if catalog names may be used in table definition statements.
public  booleansupportsColumnAliasing()
     Determine if the database supports column aliasing.
public  booleansupportsConvert()
     Determine if the database supports the CONVERT operation between SQL types.
public  booleansupportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)
     Determine if the database supports CONVERT operation for two supplied SQL types.
public  booleansupportsCoreSQLGrammar()
     Determine if the database supports the Core SQL Grammar for ODBC.
public  booleansupportsCorrelatedSubqueries()
     Determine if the database supports correlated sub-queries.
public  booleansupportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()
     Determine if the database allows both data definition and data manipulation statements inside a transaction.
public  booleansupportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly()
     Determine if the database only allows data manipulation statements inside a transaction.
public  booleansupportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames()
     Determine if table correlation names are restricted to be different from the names of the tables, when they are supported.
public  booleansupportsExpressionsInOrderBy()
     Determine whether expressions in ORDER BY lists are supported.
public  booleansupportsExtendedSQLGrammar()
     Determine whether the Extended SQL Grammar for ODBC is supported.
public  booleansupportsFullOuterJoins()
     Determine if the database supports full nested outer joins.
public  booleansupportsGetGeneratedKeys()
     Determine if auto generated keys can be returned when a statement executes.
public  booleansupportsGroupBy()
     Determine if the database supports a form of GROUP BY clause.
public  booleansupportsGroupByBeyondSelect()
     Determine if the database supports using a column name in a GROUP BY clause not included in the SELECT statement as long as all of the columns in the SELECT statement are used in the GROUP BY clause.
public  booleansupportsGroupByUnrelated()
     Determine if the database supports using a column name in a GROUP BY clause that is not in the SELECT statement.
public  booleansupportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility()
     Determine whether the database supports SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility.
public  booleansupportsLikeEscapeClause()
     Determine if the database supports using a LIKE escape clause.
public  booleansupportsLimitedOuterJoins()
     Determine if the database provides limited support for outer Join operations. true if there is limited support for outer Joinoperations, false otherwise.
public  booleansupportsMinimumSQLGrammar()
     Determine if the database supports Minimum SQL Grammar for ODBC.
public  booleansupportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()
     Determine if the database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive storing them in mixed case.
public  booleansupportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
     Determine whether the database considers mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive, storing them in mixed case.
public  booleansupportsMultipleOpenResults()
     Determine if it is possible for a single CallableStatement to return multiple ResultSets simultaneously.
public  booleansupportsMultipleResultSets()
     Determine whether retrieving multiple ResultSets from a single call to the execute method is supported.
public  booleansupportsMultipleTransactions()
     Determine whether multiple transactions in progress at at time on different connections are supported.
public  booleansupportsNamedParameters()
     Determine whether call-able statements with named parameters is supported.
public  booleansupportsNonNullableColumns()
     Determine if columns in the database can be defined as non-nullable.
public  booleansupportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit()
     Determine whether keeping Cursors open across Commit operations is supported.
public  booleansupportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback()
     Determine if the database can keep Cursors open across Rollback operations.
public  booleansupportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit()
     Determine whether keeping Statements open across Commit operations is supported.
public  booleansupportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback()
     Determine whether keeping Statements open across Rollback operations is supported.
public  booleansupportsOrderByUnrelated()
     Determine whether using a column in an ORDER BY clause that is not in the SELECT statement is supported.
public  booleansupportsOuterJoins()
     Determine whether outer join operations are supported.
public  booleansupportsPositionedDelete()
     Determine whether positioned DELETE statements are supported.
public  booleansupportsPositionedUpdate()
     Determine whether positioned UPDATE statements are supported.
public  booleansupportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency)
     Determine whether there is support for a given concurrency style for the given ResultSet.
  type - the ResultSet type, as defined injava.sql.ResultSet:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  concurrency - a concurrency type, which may be one ofResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY orResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.
public  booleansupportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability)
     Determine whether the supplied ResultSet holdability is supported.
public  booleansupportsResultSetType(int type)
     Determine whether the supplied ResultSet type is supported.
public  booleansupportsSavepoints()
     Determine whether Savepoints for transactions are supported.
public  booleansupportsSchemasInDataManipulation()
     Determine whether a schema name may be used in a data manipulation statement.
public  booleansupportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions()
     Determine whether a schema name may be used in an index definition statement.
public  booleansupportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions()
     Determine whether a database schema name can be used in a privilege definition statement.
public  booleansupportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()
     Determine if a procedure call statement may be contain in a schema name.
public  booleansupportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()
     Determine if a schema name can be used in a table definition statement.
public  booleansupportsSelectForUpdate()
     Determine if this SELECT FOR UPDATE statements ar supported.
public  booleansupportsStatementPooling()
     Determine whether statement pooling is supported.
public  booleansupportsStoredProcedures()
     Determine whether stored procedure calls using the stored procedure escape syntax is supported.
public  booleansupportsSubqueriesInComparisons()
     Determine whether subqueries in comparison expressions are supported.
public  booleansupportsSubqueriesInExists()
     Determine whether subqueries in EXISTS expressions are supported.
public  booleansupportsSubqueriesInIns()
     Determine whether subqueries in IN statements are supported.
public  booleansupportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds()
     Determine whether subqueries in quantified expressions are supported.
public  booleansupportsTableCorrelationNames()
     Determine whether the database has table correlation names support.
public  booleansupportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)
     Determine whether a specified transaction isolation level is supported.
public  booleansupportsTransactions()
     Determine whether transactions are supported.
public  booleansupportsUnion()
     Determine whether the SQL UNION operation is supported.
public  booleansupportsUnionAll()
     Determine whether the SQL UNION ALL operation is supported.
public  booleanupdatesAreDetected(int type)
     Determine if the method ResultSet.rowUpdated can detect a visible row update.
public  booleanusesLocalFilePerTable()
     Determine if this database uses a file for each table.
public  booleanusesLocalFiles()
     Determine whether this database uses a local file to store tables.

Field Detail
final public static short attributeNoNulls(Code)
States that it may not be permitted to store NULL values.

final public static short attributeNullable(Code)
States that NULL values are definitely permitted.

final public static short attributeNullableUnknown(Code)
States that whether NULL values are permitted is unknown.

final public static int bestRowNotPseudo(Code)
States the best row identifier is NOT a pseudo column.

final public static int bestRowPseudo(Code)
States that the best row identifier is a pseudo column.

final public static int bestRowSession(Code)
States that the remainder of the current session is used as the scope for the best row identifier.

final public static int bestRowTemporary(Code)
States that best row identifier scope lasts only while the row is being used.

final public static int bestRowTransaction(Code)
States that the remainder of the current transaction is used as the scope for the best row identifier.

final public static int bestRowUnknown(Code)
States that the best row identifier may or may not be a pseudo column.

final public static int columnNoNulls(Code)
States that the column might not allow NULL values.

final public static int columnNullable(Code)
States that the column definitely allows NULL values.

final public static int columnNullableUnknown(Code)
States that it is unknown whether the columns may be nulled.

final public static int importedKeyCascade(Code)
For the column UPDATE_RULE, States that when the primary key is updated, the foreign key (imported key) is changed to agree with it.

final public static int importedKeyInitiallyDeferred(Code)
States deferrability.

final public static int importedKeyInitiallyImmediate(Code)
States defer-ability.

final public static int importedKeyNoAction(Code)
For the columns UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE, States that if the primary key has been imported, it cannot be updated or deleted.

final public static int importedKeyNotDeferrable(Code)
States defer-ability.

final public static int importedKeyRestrict(Code)
States that a primary key must not be updated when imported as a foreign key by some other table. Used for the column UPDATE_RULE.

final public static int importedKeySetDefault(Code)
States that when the primary key is modified (updated or deleted) the foreign (imported) key is changed to its default value. Applies to the UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE columns.

final public static int importedKeySetNull(Code)
States that when the primary key is modified (updated or deleted) the foreign (imported) key is changed to NULL. Applies to the UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE columns.

final public static int procedureColumnIn(Code)
States that this column stores IN type parameters.

final public static int procedureColumnInOut(Code)
States that this column stores INOUT type parameters.

final public static int procedureColumnOut(Code)
States that this column stores OUT type parameters.

final public static int procedureColumnResult(Code)
States that the column stores results

final public static int procedureColumnReturn(Code)
States that the column stores return values.

final public static int procedureColumnUnknown(Code)
States that type of the column is unknown.

final public static int procedureNoNulls(Code)
States that NULL values are not permitted.

final public static int procedureNoResult(Code)
States that the procedure does not return a result.

final public static int procedureNullable(Code)
States that NULL values are permitted.

final public static int procedureNullableUnknown(Code)
States that whether NULL values are permitted is unknown.

final public static int procedureResultUnknown(Code)
States that it is unknown whether or not the procedure returns a result.

final public static int procedureReturnsResult(Code)
States that the procedure returns a result.

final public static int sqlStateSQL99(Code)
States that the value is an SQL99 SQLSTATE value.

final public static int sqlStateXOpen(Code)
States that the value is an SQL CLI SQLSTATE value as defined by X/Open (who are now know as Open Group) .

final public static short tableIndexClustered(Code)
States that this table index is a clustered index.

final public static short tableIndexHashed(Code)
States that this table index is a hashed index.

final public static short tableIndexOther(Code)
States this table's index is neither a clustered index, not a hashed index, and not a table statistics index; i.e. it is something else.

final public static short tableIndexStatistic(Code)
States this column has the table's statistics, and that it is returned in conjunction with the table's index description.

final public static int typeNoNulls(Code)
States that a NULL value is NOT permitted for this data type.

final public static int typeNullable(Code)
States that a NULL value is permitted for this data type.

final public static int typeNullableUnknown(Code)
States that it is unknown if a NULL value is permitted for this data type.

final public static int typePredBasic(Code)
States that one can base all WHERE search clauses except WHERE .

final public static int typePredChar(Code)
States that WHERE is the only WHERE search clause that may be based on this type.

final public static int typePredNone(Code)
States that this type does not support WHERE search clauses.

final public static int typeSearchable(Code)
States that all WHERE search clauses may be based on this type.

final public static int versionColumnNotPseudo(Code)
States that the version column is known to be not a pseudo column.

final public static int versionColumnPseudo(Code)
States that this version column is known to be a pseudo column.

final public static int versionColumnUnknown(Code)
States that the version column may be a pseudo column or not.

Method Detail
public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers whether all procedures returned by getProcedures can be called by the current user. true if all procedures can be called by thecurrent user, false otherwise.
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers whether all the tables returned by getTables can be used by the current user in a SELECT statement. true if all the tables can be used,falseotherwise
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers if a data definition statement in a transaction forces a commit of the transaction. true if the statement forces a commit,false otherwise
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers whether the database ignores data definition statements within a transaction. true if the database ignores a data definitionstatement, false otherwise
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public boolean deletesAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers whether a visible row delete can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowDeleted.
  type - the type of the ResultSet involved:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if the visible row delete can be detected,false otherwise
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers whether the return value of getMaxRowSize includes the SQL data types LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY. true if the return value includesLONGVARBINARY and LONGVARCHAR,otherwise false.
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public ResultSet getAttributes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, String attributeNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a description of the specified attribute of the specified type for an SQL User Defined Type (UDT) for a specified schema and catalog. The descriptions returned are ordered by TYPE_SCHEM, TYPE_NAME and ORDINAL_POSITION. The descriptions do not contain inherited attributes.

The returned ResultSet object has rows with the following column names and meanings:

  1. TYPE_CAT - String - the Type Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TYPE_SCHEM - String - the Type Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TYPE_NAME - String - the Type name
  4. ATTR_NAME - String - the Attribute name
  5. DATA_TYPE - int - the Attribute type as defined in java.sql.Types
  6. ATTR_TYPE_NAME - String - the Attribute type name. This depends on the data source. For a UDT the name is fully qualified. For a REF it is both fully qualified and represents the target type of the reference.
  7. ATTR_SIZE - int - the Column size. When referring to char and date types this value is the maximum number of characters. When referring to numeric types is is the precision.
  8. DECIMAL_DIGITS - int - how many fractional digits are supported
  9. NUM_PREC_RADIX - int - numeric values radix
  10. NULLABLE - int - whether NULL is permitted:
    • DatabaseMetaData.attributeNoNulls - might not allow NULLs
    • DatabaseMetaData.attributeNullable - NULLs definitely permitted
    • DatabaseMetaData.attributeNullableUnknown - unknown
  11. REMARKS - String - A comment describing the attribute (possibly null)
  12. ATTR_DEF - String - Default value for the attribute (possibly null)
  13. SQL_DATA_TYPE - int - not used
  14. SQL_DATETIME_SUB - int - not used
  15. CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH - int - For CHAR types, the max number of bytes in the column
  16. ORDINAL_POSITION - int - The Index of the column in the Table (based on 1)
  17. IS_NULLABLE - String - "NO" = column does not allow NULLs, "YES" = column allows NULLs "" = NULL status unknown
  18. SCOPE_CATALOG - String - Catalog for table, SCOPE of Reference attribute. NULL if DATA_TYPE is not REF.
  19. SCOPE_SCHEMA - String - Schema for table, SCOPE of Reference attribute. NULL if DATA_TYPE is not REF.
  20. SCOPE_TABLE - String - Table name for SCOPE of Reference attribute. NULL if DATA_TYPE is not REF.
  21. SOURCE_DATA_TYPE - String - The source type for user generated REF type or for a Distinct type. (NULL if DATA_TYPE is not DISTINCT or user generated REF)

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  typeNamePattern - a Type name. This pattern must match the type name stored inthe database.
  attributeNamePattern - an Attribute name. Must match the attribute name as stored inthe database. a ResultSet, where each Row is an attribute description
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schema, String table, int scope, boolean nullable) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of a table's optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. The results are ordered by SCOPE (see below).

The results are returned as a table, with one entry for each column, as follows:

  1. SCOPE - short - the SCOPE of the result, as follows:
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowTemporary - very temporary, while using row
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowTransaction - good for remainder of current transaction
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowSession - good for remainder of database session
  2. COLUMN_NAME - String - the column name
  3. DATA_TYPE - int - the Type of the data, as defined in java.sql.Types
  4. TYPE_NAME - String - Name of the type - database dependent. For UDT types the name is fully qualified
  5. COLUMN_SIZE - int - The precision of the data in the column
  6. BUFFER_LENGTH - int - not used
  7. DECIMAL_DIGITS - short - number of fractional digits
  8. PSEUDO_COLUMN - short - whether this is a pseudo column eg. and Oracle ROWID:
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowUnknown - don't know whether this is a pseudo column
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowNotPseudo - column is not pseudo
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowPseudo - column is a pseudo column

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  table - the table name. This must match the name of the table asdeclared in the database.
  scope - the SCOPE of interest, values as defined above
  nullable - true = include columns that are nullable,false = do not include a ResultSet where each row is a description of a column and thecomplete set of rows is the optimal set for this table.
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public String getCatalogSeparator() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the separator that this database uses between a catalog name and table name. a String containing the separator
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public String getCatalogTerm() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the term that the database vendor prefers term for "catalog". a String with the vendor's term for "catalog"
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the set of catalog names available in this database. The set is returned ordered by catalog name. a ResultSet containing the Catalog names, with each rowcontaining one Catalog name contained as a String in the singlecolumn named TABLE_CAT.
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String catalog, String schema, String table, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a description of access rights for a table's columns. Only access rights matching the criteria for the column name are returned.

The description is returned as a ResultSet with rows of data for each access right, with columns as follows:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. COLUMN_NAME - String - The Column name
  5. GRANTOR - String - The grantor of access (possibly null)
  6. PRIVILEGE - String - Access right - one of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES,...
  7. IS_GRANTABLE - String - "YES" implies that the receiver can grant access to others, "NO" if the receiver cannot grant access to others, null if unknown.

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  table - the table name. This must match the name of the table asdeclared in the database.
  columnNamePattern - the column name. This must match the name of a column in thetable in the database. a ResultSet containing the access rights, one row for eachprivilege description
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a description of table columns available in a specified catalog. Only descriptions meeting the specified Catalog, Schema, Table and Column names are returned.

The descriptions are returned as a ResultSet conforming to the following data layout, with one row per table column:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. COLUMN_NAME - String - The Column name
  5. DATA_TYPE - int - The SQL type as specified in java.sql.Types
  6. TYPE_NAME - String - Name for the data type, depends on database, UDT names are fully qualified
  7. COLUMN_SIZE - int - Column size - the precision for numeric types, max characters for char and date types
  8. BUFFER_LENGTH - int - Not used
  9. DECIMAL_DIGITS - int - maximum number of fractional digits
  10. NUM_PREC_RADIX - int - the Radix
  11. NULLABLE - int - does the column allow nulls:
    • DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls = may not allow NULLs
    • DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable = does allow NULLs
    • DatabaseMetaData.columnNullableUnknown = unknown NULL status
  12. REMARKS - String - A description of the column (possibly null)
  13. COLUMN_DEF - String - Default value for the column (possibly null)
  14. SQL_DATA_TYPE - int - not used
  15. SQL_DATETIME_SUB - int - not used
  16. CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH - int - maximum number of bytes in the char type columns
  17. ORDINAL_POSITION - int - Column index in the table (1 based)
  18. IS_NULLABLE - String - "NO" = column does not allow NULLs, "YES" = column allows NULLs "" = NULL status unknown
  19. SCOPE_CATALOG - String - Catalog for table, SCOPE of Reference attribute. NULL if DATA_TYPE is not REF.
  20. SCOPE_SCHEMA - String - Schema for table, scope of Reference attribute. NULL if DATA_TYPE is not REF.
  21. SCOPE_TABLE - String - Table name for scope of Reference attribute. NULL if DATA_TYPE is not REF.
  22. SOURCE_DATA_TYPE - String - The source type for user generated REF type or for a Distinct type. (NULL if DATA_TYPE is not DISTINCT or user generated REF)

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  tableNamePattern - the table name. This must match the name of the table asdeclared in the database.
  columnNamePattern - the column name. This must match the name of a column in thetable in the database. the descriptions as a ResultSet with rows in the form definedabove
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the database connection that created this metadata. the connection
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public ResultSet getCrossReference(String primaryCatalog, String primarySchema, String primaryTable, String foreignCatalog, String foreignSchema, String foreignTable) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of foreign key columns in a given foreign key table that reference the primary key columns of a supplied primary key table. This describes how one table imports the key of another table. It would be expected to return a single foreign key - primary key pair in most cases.

The descriptions are returned as a ResultSet with one row for each Foreign key, with the following layout:

  1. PKTABLE_CAT - String - from the primary key table : Catalog (possibly null)
  2. PKTABLE_SCHEM - String - from the primary key table : Schema (possibly null)
  3. PKTABLE_NAME - String - primary key table : name
  4. PKCOLUMN_NAME - String - primary key column : name
  5. FKTABLE_CAT - String - from the foreign key table : the catalog name being exported (possibly null)
  6. FKTABLE_SCHEM - String - foreign key table : Schema name being exported (possibly null)
  7. FKTABLE_NAME - String - foreign key table : the name being exported
  8. FKCOLUMN_NAME - String - foreign key column : the name being exported
  9. KEY_SEQ - short - sequence number (in the foreign key)
  10. UPDATE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is updated:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow update of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - change imported key to match the primary key update
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  11. DELETE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is deleted:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow delete of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - delete those rows that import a deleted key
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  12. FK_NAME - String - foreign key name (possibly null)
  13. PK_NAME - String - primary key name (possibly null)
  14. DEFERRABILITY - short - can foreign key constraints be deferred until commit (see SQL92 specification for definitions)?:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable

  primaryCatalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  primarySchema - a Schema Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  primaryTable - the name of the table which exports the key. It must match thename of the table in the database
  foreignCatalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  foreignSchema - a Schema Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  foreignTable - the name of the table importing the key. It must match thename of the table in the database a ResultSet containing rows with the descriptions of the foreignkeys laid out according to the format defined above.
  SQLException - if there is a database error

public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the major version number of the database software. the Major version number of the database software.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the minor version number of the database software. the Minor version number of the database software.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getDatabaseProductName() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the name of the database software. a String with the name of the database software.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the version number of this database software. a String with the version number of the database software.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the default transaction isolation level for this database. the default transaction isolation level. One ofTRANSACTION_NONE,TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED,TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED,TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ orTRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getDriverMajorVersion()(Code)
Answers the JDBC driver's major version number. the driver's major version number

public int getDriverMinorVersion()(Code)
Answers the JDBC driver's minor version number. the driver's minor version number

public String getDriverName() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the name of this JDBC driver. a String containing the name of the JDBC driver
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getDriverVersion() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the version number of this JDBC driver. a String containing the complete version number of the JDBCdriver
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of the foreign key columns that reference the primary key columns of a specified table (the foreign keys exported by a table).

The list is returned as a ResultSet with a row for each of the foreign key columns, ordered by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, and KEY_SEQ, with the format for each row being:

  1. PKTABLE_CAT - String - primary key table : Catalog (possibly null)
  2. PKTABLE_SCHEM - String - primary key table : Schema (possibly null)
  3. PKTABLE_NAME - String - primary key table : name
  4. PKCOLUMN_NAME - String - primary key column : name
  5. FKTABLE_CAT - String - foreign key table : Catalog name being exported (possibly null)
  6. FKTABLE_SCHEM - String - foreign key table : Schema name being exported (possibly null)
  7. FKTABLE_NAME - String - foreign key table : name being exported
  8. FKCOLUMN_NAME - String - foreign key column : name being exported
  9. KEY_SEQ - short - sequence number in the foreign key
  10. UPDATE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is updated:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow update of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - change imported key to match the primary key update
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  11. DELETE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is deleted:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow delete of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - the deletion should also delete rows that import a deleted key
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - it should set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - deletion sets the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  12. FK_NAME - String - foreign key name (possibly null)
  13. PK_NAME - String - primary key name (possibly null)
  14. DEFERRABILITY - short - defines whether foreign key constraints can be deferred until commit (see SQL92 specification for definitions):
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  table - a table name, which must match the name of a table in thedatabase a ResultSet containing a row for each of the foreign key columns,as defined above
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getExtraNameCharacters() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a string of characters that may be used in unquoted identifier names. The characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ are always permitted. a String containing all the extra characters
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the string used to quote SQL identifiers. Returns " " (space) if identifier quoting not supported. the String used to quote SQL identifiers.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getImportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list columns in a table that are both primary keys and referenced by the table's foreign key columns (that is, the primary keys imported by a table).

The list returned is a ResultSet with a row entry for each primary key column, ordered by PKTABLE_CAT, PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME, and KEY_SEQ, with the following format:

  1. PKTABLE_CAT - String - primary key Catalog name being imported (possibly null)
  2. PKTABLE_SCHEM - String - primary key Schema name being imported (possibly null)
  3. PKTABLE_NAME - String - primary key Table name being imported
  4. PKCOLUMN_NAME - String - primary key column name being imported
  5. FKTABLE_CAT - String - foreign key table catalog name (possibly null)
  6. FKTABLE_SCHEM - String - foreign key table Schema name (possibly null)
  7. FKTABLE_NAME - String - foreign key table name
  8. FKCOLUMN_NAME - String - foreign key column name
  9. KEY_SEQ - short - sequence number in the foreign key
  10. UPDATE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is updated:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow update of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - change imported key to match the primary key update
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  11. DELETE_RULE - short - how to treat foreign key when primary key is deleted:
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction - don't allow delete of primary key if imported
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade - delete those rows that import a deleted key
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull - set the imported key to null
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault - set the imported key to default values
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
  12. FK_NAME - String - foreign key name (possibly null)
  13. PK_NAME - String - primary key name (possibly null)
  14. DEFERRABILITY - short - defines whether foreign key constraints can be deferred until commit (see SQL92 specification for definitions):
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
    • DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  table - a table name, which must match the name of a table in thedatabase a ResultSet containing the list of primary key columns as rows inthe format defined above.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String table, boolean unique, boolean approximate) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of indices and statistics for a specified table.

The list is returned as a ResultSet, with one row for each index or statistic. The list is ordered by NON_UNIQUE, TYPE, INDEX_NAME, and ORDINAL_POSITION. Each row has the following format:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - table catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Table Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. NON_UNIQUE - boolean - true when index values can be non-unique. Must be false when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
  5. INDEX_QUALIFIER - String : index catalog name. null when TYPE is 'tableIndexStatistic'
  6. INDEX_NAME - String : index name. null when TYPE is 'tableIndexStatistic'
  7. TYPE - short - the index type. One of:
    • DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic - table statistics returned with Index descriptions
    • DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered - a clustered Index
    • DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexHashed - a hashed Index
    • DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexOther - other style of Index
  8. ORDINAL_POSITION - short - column sequence within Index. 0 when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
  9. COLUMN_NAME - String - the column name. null when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
  10. ASC_OR_DESC - String - column sort sequence. null if sequencing not supported or TYPE is tableIndexStatistic; otherwise "A" means sort ascending and "D" means sort descending.
  11. CARDINALITY - int - Number of unique values in the Index. If TYPE is tableIndexStatistic, this is number of rows in the table.
  12. PAGES - int - Number of pages for current Index. If TYPE is tableIndexStatistic, this is number of pages used for the table.
  13. FILTER_CONDITION - String - Filter condition. (possibly null)

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Schema Name. Otherwise, the name must match aSchema name in the database, with "" used to retrieve thosewithout a Schema name.
  table - a table name, which must match the name of a table in thedatabase
  unique - true means only return indices for uniquevalues, false implies that they can be returnedeven if not unique.
  approximate - true implies that the list can containapproximate or "out of data" values, falseimplies that all values must be precisely accurate a ResultSet containing the list of indices and statistics for thetable, in the format defined above.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getJDBCMajorVersion() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers this driver's major JDBC version number. the major JDBC version number
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getJDBCMinorVersion() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the minor JDBC version number for this driver. the Minor JDBC Version Number
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Get the maximum number of hex characters in an in-line binary literal for this database. the maximum number of hex characters in an in-line binaryliteral. If the number is unlimited then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum size of a Catalog name in this database. the maximum size in characters for a Catalog name. If the limitis unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum size for a character literal in this database. the maximum size in characters for a character literal. If thelimit is unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result iszero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxColumnNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum size for a Column name for this database. the maximum number of characters for a Column name. If the limitis unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() throws SQLException(Code)
Get the maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause for this database. the maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause. If the limitis unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of columns in an Index for this database. the maximum number of columns in an Index. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause for this database. the maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause. If the limitis unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of columns in a SELECT list for this database. the maximum number of columns in a SELECT list. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxColumnsInTable() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of columns in a table for this database. the maximum number of columns in a table. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxConnections() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the database's maximum number of concurrent connections. the maximum number of connections. If the limit is unknown, orthe value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxCursorNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum length of a cursor name for this database. the maximum number of characters in a cursor name. If the limitis unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxIndexLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum length in bytes for an Index for this database. This covers all the parts of a composite index. the maximum length in bytes for an Index. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of characters for a procedure name in this database. the maximum number of character for a procedure name. If thelimit is unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result iszero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxRowSize() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of bytes within a single row for this database. the maximum number of bytes for a single row. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of characters in a schema name for this database. the maximum number of characters in a Schema name. If the limitis unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxStatementLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of characters in an SQL statement for this database. the maximum number of characters in an SQL statement. If thelimit is unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result iszero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxStatements() throws SQLException(Code)
Get the maximum number of simultaneously open active statements for this database. the maximum number of open active statements. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxTableNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum size for a table name in the database. the maximum size in characters for a table name. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxTablesInSelect() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of tables permitted in a SELECT statement for the database. the maximum number of tables permitted in a SELECT statement. Ifthe limit is unknown, or the value is unlimited, then the resultis zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getMaxUserNameLength() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the maximum number of characters in a user name for the database. the maximum number of characters in a user name. If the limit isunknown, or the value is unlimited, then the result is zero.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getNumericFunctions() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of the math functions available with this database. These are used in the JDBC function escape clause and are the Open Group CLI math function names. a String which contains the list of Math functions as a commaseparated list.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of the primary key columns of a specified table.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row for each primary key column, ordered by COLUMN_NAME, with each row having the structure as follows:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - table catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Table Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. COLUMN_NAME - String - The Column name
  5. KEY_SEQ - short - the sequence number for this column in the primary key
  6. PK_NAME - String - the primary key name (possibly null)

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with theempty string used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with the emptystring used to retrieve those without a Schema name.
  table - the name of a table, which must match the name of a table inthe database a ResultSet containing the list of keys in the format definedabove
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of parameter and result columns for the stored procedures belonging to a specified Catalog.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row for each parameter or result column. The data is ordered by PROCEDURE_SCHEM and PROCEDURE_NAME, while for each procedure, the return value (if any) is first, followed by the parameters in the order they appear in the stored procedure call, followed by ResultSet columns in column number order. Each row has the following structure:

  1. PROCEDURE_CAT - String - the procedure catalog name
  2. PROCEDURE_SCHEM - String - the procedure schema name (possibly null)
  3. PROCEDURE_NAME - String - the procedure name
  4. COLUMN_NAME - String - the name of the column
  5. COLUMN_TYPE - short - the kind of column or parameter, as follows:
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnUnknown - type unknown
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn - an IN parameter
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnInOut - an INOUT parameter
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnOut - an OUT parameter
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn - a return value
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult - a result column in a result set
  6. DATA_TYPE - int - the SQL type of the data, as in java.sql.Types
  7. TYPE_NAME - String - the SQL type name, for a UDT it is fully qualified
  8. PRECISION - int - the precision
  9. LENGTH - int - the length of the data in bytes
  10. SCALE - short - the scale for numeric types
  11. RADIX - short - the Radix for numeric data (typically 2 or 10)
  12. NULLABLE - short - can the data contain null:
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureNoNulls - NULLs not permitted
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullable - NULLs are permitted
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullableUnknown - NULL status unknown
  13. REMARKS - String - an explanatory comment about the data item

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply no narrowing ofthe search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the name must match aSchema name in the database, with "" used to retrieve thosewithout a Schema name.
  procedureNamePattern - a pattern that must match the name of the procedure stored inthe database
  columnNamePattern - a column name pattern. The name must match the column namestored in the database. a ResultSet with the list of parameter and result columns in theformat defined above
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getProcedureTerm() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the database vendor's preferred name for "procedure". a String with the vendor's preferred name for "procedure"
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of the stored procedures available in a specified catalog.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row for each stored procedure, ordered by PROCEDURE_SCHEME and PROCEDURE_NAME, with the data in each row as follows:

  1. PROCEDURE_CAT - String : the procedure catalog name
  2. PROCEDURE_SCHEM - String : the procedure schema name (possibly null)
  3. PROCEDURE_NAME - String : the procedure name
  4. Reserved
  5. Reserved
  6. Reserved
  7. REMARKS - String - information about the procedure
  8. PROCEDURE_TYPE - short : one of:
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureResultUnknown - procedure may return a result
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureNoResult - procedure does not return a result
    • DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult - procedure definitely returns a result

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply no narrowing ofthe search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the name must match aSchema name in the database, with "" used to retrieve thosewithout a Schema name.
  procedureNamePattern - a procedure name pattern, which must match the procedure namestored in the database a ResultSet where each row is a description of a stored procedurein the format defined above.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the result set's default hold-ability. one of ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT orResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getSQLKeywords() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of all the SQL keywords that are NOT also SQL92 keywords for the database. a String containing the list of SQL keywords in a comma separatedformat.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public int getSQLStateType() throws SQLException(Code)
States the type of SQLState value returned by SQLException.getSQLState. This can either be the X/Open (now known as Open Group) SQL CLI form or the SQL99 form. an integer, which is either DatabaseMetaData.sqlStateSQL99 orDatabaseMetaData.sqlStateXOpen.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getSchemaTerm() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the database vendor's preferred term for "schema". a String which is the vendor's preferred term for schema
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getSchemas() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of the schema names in the database. The list is returned as a ResultSet, ordered by the Schema name, with one row per Schema in the following format:
  1. TABLE_SCHEM - String - the Schema name
  2. TABLE_CATALOG - String - the Catalog name (possibly null)
a ResultSet with one row for each schema in the format definedabove.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getSearchStringEscape() throws SQLException(Code)
Returns the string that is used to escape wildcard characters. This string is used to escape the '_' and '%' wildcard characters in catalog search strings which are a pattern and so which use the wildcard characters. '_' is used to represent any single character wile '%' is used for a sequence of zero or more characters. a String used to escape the wildcard characters
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getStringFunctions() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of string functions available with the database. These functions are used in JDBC function escape clause and follow the Open Group CLI string function names definition. a String containing the list of string functions in commaseparated format.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a listing of the hierarchies of tables in a specified schema in the database.

The listing only contains entries for tables that have a super table. Super and sub tables must be defined in the same Catalog and Schema. The list is returned as a ResultSet, with one row for each table that has a super table, in the following format:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - table catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Table Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. SUPERTABLE_NAME - String - The Super Table name

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply no narrowing ofthe search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the name must match aSchema name in the database, with "" used to retrieve thosewithout a Schema name.
  tableNamePattern - a Table Name, which should match the Table name as stored inthe database. it may be a fully qualified name. If it is fullyqualified the Catalog Name and Schema Name parameters areignored. a ResultSet with one row for each table which has a super table,in the format defined above. An empty ResultSet is returned ifthe database does not support table hierarchies.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getSuperTypes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the User Defined Type (UDT) hierarchies for a given schema. Only the immediate parent/child relationship is described. If a UDT does not have a direct supertype, it is not listed.

The listing is returned as a ResultSet where there is one row for a specific UDT which describes its supertype, with the data organized in columns as follows:

  1. TYPE_CAT - String - the UDT Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TYPE_SCHEM - String - the UDT Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TYPE_NAME - String - the UDT type name
  4. SUPERTYPE_CAT - String - direct supertype's Catalog name (possibly null)
  5. SUPERTYPE_SCHEM - String - direct supertype's Schema name (possibly null)
  6. SUPERTYPE_NAME - String - direct supertype's name

  catalog - the Catalog name. "" means get the UDTs without a catalog.null means don't use the catalog name to restrict the search.
  schemaPattern - the Schema pattern name. "" means get the UDT's without aschema.
  typeNamePattern - the UDT name pattern. This may be a fully qualified name. Whena fully qualified name is specified, the Catalog name andSchema name parameters are ignored. a ResultSet in which each row gives information about aparticular UDT in the format defined above. An empty ResultSet isreturned for a database that does not support type hierarchies.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getSystemFunctions() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of system functions available with the database. These are names used in the JDBC function escape clause and are Open Group CLI function names. a String containing the list of system functions in a commaseparated format
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a description of access rights for each table present in a catalog. Table privileges can apply to one or more columns in the table - but are not guaranteed to apply to all columns.

The privileges are returned as a ResultSet, with one row for each privilege, ordered by TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE, and each row has data as defined in the following column definitions:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - table catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Table Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. GRANTOR - String - who granted the access
  5. GRANTEE - String - who received the access grant
  6. PRIVILEGE - String - the type of access granted - one of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES,...
  7. IS_GRANTABLE - String - "YES" implies the grantee can grant access to others, "NO" implies guarantee cannot grant access to others, null means this status is unknown

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply no narrowing ofthe search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the name must match aSchema name in the database, with "" used to retrieve thosewithout a Schema name.
  tableNamePattern - a Table Name, which should match the Table name as stored inthe database. a ResultSet containing a list with one row for each table in theformat defined above.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getTableTypes() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of table types supported by the database.

The list is returned as a ResultSet with one row per table type, ordered by the table type. The information in the ResultSet is structured into a single column per row, as follows:

  1. TABLE_TYPE - String - the Table Type. Typical names include "TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM", "GLOBAL TEMPORARY"
a ResultSet with one row per table type in the format definedabove.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a description of the tables in a specified catalog.

The descriptions are returned as rows in a ResultSet, one row for each Table. The ResultSet is ordered by TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_SCHEM and TABLE_NAME. Each row in the ResultSet consists of a series of columns as follows:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - table catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Table Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. TABLE_TYPE - String - Typical names include "TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM", "GLOBAL TEMPORARY"
  5. REMARKS - String - A comment describing the table
  6. TYPE_CAT - String - the 'Types' catalog(possibly null)
  7. TYPE_SCHEM - String - the 'Types' schema(possibly null)
  8. TYPE_NAME - String - the 'Types' name (possibly null)
  9. SELF_REFERENCING_COL_NAME - String - the name of a designated identifier column in a typed table (possibly null)
  10. REF_GENERATION - String - one of the following values : "SYSTEM" | "USER" | "DERIVED" - specifies how values in the SELF_REFERENCING_COL_NAME are created (possibly null)

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply no narrowing ofthe search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the name must match aSchema name in the database, with "" used to retrieve thosewithout a Schema name.
  tableNamePattern - a Table Name, which should match the Table name as stored inthe database.
  types - a list of table types to include in the list. null implieslist all types. a ResultSet with one row per table in the format defined above.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getTimeDateFunctions() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a list of time and date functions available for the database. a String contain a comma separated list of the time and datefunctions.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws SQLException(Code)
Get a list of the standard SQL Types supported by this database. The list is returned as a ResultSet, with one row for each type, ordered by the DATA_TYPE value, where the data in each row is structured into the following columns:
  1. TYPE_NAMR - String : the Type name
  2. DATA_TYPE - int : the SQL data type value as defined in java.sql.Types
  3. PRECISION - int - the maximum precision of the type
  4. LITERAL_PREFIX - String : the prefix to be used when quoting a literal value (possibly null)
  5. LITERAL_SUFFIX - String : the suffix to be used when quoting a literal value (possibly null)
  6. CREATE_PARAMS - String : params used when creating the type (possibly null)
  7. NULLABLE - short : shows if the value is null-able:
    • DatabaseMetaData.typeNoNulls : NULLs not permitted
    • DatabaseMetaData.typeNullable : NULLs are permitted
    • DatabaseMetaData.typeNullableUnknown : NULL status unknown
  8. CASE_SENSITIVE - boolean : true if the type is case sensitive
  9. SEARCHABLE - short : how this type can be used with WHERE clauses:
    • DatabaseMetaData.typePredNone - cannot be used
    • DatabaseMetaData.typePredChar - support for WHERE...LIKE only
    • DatabaseMetaData.typePredBasic - support except for WHERE...LIKE
    • DatabaseMetaData.typeSearchable - support for all WHERE clauses
  10. UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE - boolean - the type is unsigned or not
  11. FIXED_PREC_SCALE - boolean - fixed precision = it can be used as a money value
  12. AUTO_INCREMENT - boolean - can be used as an auto-increment value
  13. LOCAL_TYPE_NAME - String - a localized version of the type name (possibly null)
  14. MINIMUM_SCALE - short - the minimum scale supported
  15. MAXIMUM_SCALE - short - the maximum scale supported
  16. SQL_DATA_TYPE - int - not used
  17. SQL_DATETIME_SUB - int - not used
  18. NUM_PREC_RADIX - int - number radix (typically 2 or 10)
a ResultSet which is structured as described above
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, int[] types) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers a description of the User Defined Types (UDTs) defined in a given schema, which includes the types DISTINCT, STRUCT and JAVA_OBJECT.

The types matching the supplied the specified Catalog, Schema, Type Name and Type are returned as rows in a ResultSet with columns of information as follows:

  1. TABLE_CAT - String - Catalog name (possibly null)
  2. TABLE_SCHEM - String - Schema name (possibly null)
  3. TABLE_NAME - String - The Table name
  4. CLASS_NAME - String - The Java class name
  5. DATA_TYPE - int - The SQL type as specified in java.sql.Types. One of DISTINCT, STRUCT and JAVA_OBJECT
  6. REMARKS - String - A comment which describes the type
  7. BASE_TYPE - short - A type code. For a DISTINCT type, the source type. For a structured type this is the type that implements the user generated reference type of the SELF_REFERENCING_COLUMN. This is defined in java.sql.Types, and will be null if the DATA_TYPE does not match these criteria.
If the driver does not support UDTs, the ResultSet will be empty.
  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply no narrowing of thesearch using Catalog Name. Otherwise, the name must match aCatalog Name held in the database, with "" used to retrievethose without a Catalog Name.
  schemaPattern - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  typeNamePattern - a Type Name, which should match a Type name as stored in thedatabase. It may be fully qualified.
  types - a list of the UDT types to include in the list - one ofDISTINCT, STRUCT or JAVA_OBJECT. a ResultSet in the format described above
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getURL() throws SQLException(Code)
Answers the URL for this database. the URL for the database. null if it cannot begenerated.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public String getUserName() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine the user name as known by the database. the user name
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public ResultSet getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException(Code)
Answers which of a table's columns are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated.

The result is laid-out in the following columns:

  1. SCOPE - short - not used
  2. COLUMN_NAME - String - Column name
  3. DATA_TYPE - int - The SQL data type, as defined in java.sql.Types
  4. TYPE_NAME - String - The SQL type name, data source dependent
  5. COLUMN_SIZE - int - Precision for numeric types
  6. BUFFER_LENGTH - int - Length of a column value in bytes
  7. DECIMAL_DIGITS - short - Number of digits after the decimal point
  8. PSEUDO_COLUMN - short - If this is a pseudo-column (for example, an Oracle ROWID):
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowUnknown - don't know whether this is a pseudo column
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowNotPseudo - column is not pseudo
    • DatabaseMetaData.bestRowPseudo - column is a pseudo column

  catalog - a Catalog Name. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Catalog Name. Otherwise, thename must match a Catalog Name held in the database, with ""used to retrieve those without a Catalog Name.
  schema - a Schema Name Pattern. null is used to imply nonarrowing of the search using Schema Name. Otherwise, the namemust match a Schema name in the database, with "" used toretrieve those without a Schema name.
  table - a table name. It must match the name of a table in thedatabase. a ResultSet containing the descriptions, one row for each column,in the format defined above.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean insertsAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if a visible row insert can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowInserted.
  type - the ResultSet type. This may be one ofResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE orResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, true if ResultSet.rowInserted detects a visiblerow insert otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether a fully qualified table name is prefixed or suffixed to a fully qualified table name. true if the catalog appears at the start of afully qualified table name, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database is in read-only mode. true if the database is in read-only mode,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if updates are made to a copy of, or directly on, Large Objects (LOBs). true if updates are made to a copy of the LargeObject, false otherwise
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database handles concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values by producing a NULL output. true if NULL to non-NULLconcatenations produce a NULL result,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if NULL values are always sorted to the end of sorted results regardless of requested sort order. This means that they will appear at the end of sorted lists whatever other non-NULL values may be present. true if NULL values are sorted atthe end, false otherwise
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if NULL values are always sorted at the start of the sorted list, irrespective of the sort order. This means that they appear at the start of sorted lists, whatever other values may be present. true if NULL values are sorted atthe start, false otherwise
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if NULL values are sorted high - i.e. they are sorted as if they are higher than any other values. true if NULL values are sortedhigh, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if NULL values are sorted low - ie they are sorted as if they are lower than any other values. true if NULL values are sorted low,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if deletes made by others are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet. It may be eitherResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) true if others' deletes are visible,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if inserts made by others are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet. May beResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if others' inserts are visible otherwisefalse.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if updates made by others are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet. May beResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if others' inserts are visible otherwisefalse.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if a ResultSet's own deletes are visible, for a specified ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if the delete's are seen by the own ResultSetotherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if its own inserts are visible to a given ResultSet type.
  type - the type of the ResultSet:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if inserts are visible for this typefalse otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if for a supplied type of ResultSet, the ResultSet's own updates are visible.
  type - the type of the ResultSet:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if updates are visible to in this ResultSettype otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database treats SQL identifiers that are in mixed case (and unquoted) as case insensitive. If true then the database stores them in lower case. true if unquoted SQL identifiers are stored inlower case, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database considers mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in lower case. true if quoted SQL identifiers are stored in lowercase, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database considers mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in mixed case. true if unquoted SQL identifiers as stored inmixed case, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database considers identifiers as case insensitive if they are mixed case quoted SQL. The database stores them in mixed case. true if quoted SQL identifiers are stored in mixedcase, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database considers mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case. true if unquoted SQL identifiers are stored inupper case, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database considers mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case. true if quoted SQL identifiers are stored in uppercase, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar. true if the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar issupported, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports the ANSI92 full SQL grammar. true if the ANSI92 full SQL grammar is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports the ANSI92 intermediate SQL Grammar. true if the ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar issupported, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports ALTER TABLE operation with add column. true if ALTER TABLE with add column is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports ALTER TABLE operation with drop column. true if ALTER TABLE with drop column is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports Batch Updates. true if batch updates are supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether catalog names may be used in data manipulation statements. true if catalog names can be used in datamanipulation statements, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if catalog names can be used in Index Definition statements. true if catalog names can be used in IndexDefinition statements, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if catalog names can be used in privilege definition statements. true if catalog names can be used in privilegedefinition statements, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if catalog names can be used in procedure call statements. true if catalog names can be used in procedurecall statements.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if catalog names may be used in table definition statements. true if catalog names can be used in definitionstatements, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports column aliasing.

If aliasing is supported, then the SQL AS clause is used to provide names for computed columns and provide alias names for columns. true if column aliasing is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsConvert() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports the CONVERT operation between SQL types. true if the CONVERT operation is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports CONVERT operation for two supplied SQL types.
  fromType - the Type to convert from, as defined byjava.sql.Types
  toType - the Type to convert to, as defined byjava.sql.Types true if the CONVERT operation is supported forthese types, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports the Core SQL Grammar for ODBC. true if the Core SQL Grammar is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports correlated sub-queries. true if the database does support correlatedsub-queries and false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database allows both data definition and data manipulation statements inside a transaction. true if both types of statement are permitted,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database only allows data manipulation statements inside a transaction. true if only data manipulation statements arepermitted, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if table correlation names are restricted to be different from the names of the tables, when they are supported. true if correlation names must be different totable names, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether expressions in ORDER BY lists are supported. true if expressions in ORDER BY lists aresupported.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the Extended SQL Grammar for ODBC is supported. true if the Extended SQL Grammar is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports full nested outer joins. true if full nested outer joins are supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if auto generated keys can be returned when a statement executes. true if auto generated keys can be returned,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsGroupBy() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports a form of GROUP BY clause. true if a form of GROUP BY clause is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports using a column name in a GROUP BY clause not included in the SELECT statement as long as all of the columns in the SELECT statement are used in the GROUP BY clause. true if GROUP BY clauses can use column names inthis way, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports using a column name in a GROUP BY clause that is not in the SELECT statement. true if GROUP BY clause can use a column name notin the SELECT statement, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database supports SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility. true if the Integrity Enhancement Facility issupported, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports using a LIKE escape clause. true if LIKE escape clause is supported,false otherwise
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database provides limited support for outer Join operations. true if there is limited support for outer Joinoperations, false otherwise. This will betrue if supportsFullOuterJoinsreturns true.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database supports Minimum SQL Grammar for ODBC. true if the Minimum SQL Grammar is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive storing them in mixed case. true if unquoted SQL identifiers are stored inmixed case, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database considers mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive, storing them in mixed case. true if quoted SQL identifiers are stored in mixedcase, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if it is possible for a single CallableStatement to return multiple ResultSets simultaneously. true if a single CallableStatement can returnmultiple ResultSets simultaneously, falseotherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether retrieving multiple ResultSets from a single call to the execute method is supported. true if multiple ResultSets can be retrieved,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether multiple transactions in progress at at time on different connections are supported. true if multiple open transactions are supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsNamedParameters() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether call-able statements with named parameters is supported. true if named parameters can be used withcall-able statements, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if columns in the database can be defined as non-nullable. true if Columns can be defined non-nullable,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether keeping Cursors open across Commit operations is supported. true if Cursors can be kept open across Commitoperations, false if they might get closed.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the database can keep Cursors open across Rollback operations. true if Cursors can be kept open across Rollbackoperations, false if they might get closed.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether keeping Statements open across Commit operations is supported. true if Statements can be kept open,false if they might not.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether keeping Statements open across Rollback operations is supported. true if Statements can be kept open,false if they might not.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether using a column in an ORDER BY clause that is not in the SELECT statement is supported. true if it is possible to ORDER using a column notin the SELECT, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether outer join operations are supported. true if outer join operations are supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether positioned DELETE statements are supported. true if the database supports positioned DELETEstatements.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether positioned UPDATE statements are supported. true if the database supports positioned UPDATEstatements, false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether there is support for a given concurrency style for the given ResultSet.
  type - the ResultSet type, as defined injava.sql.ResultSet:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  concurrency - a concurrency type, which may be one ofResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY orResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE. true if that concurrency and ResultSet typepairing is supported otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the supplied ResultSet holdability is supported.
  holdability - as specified in java.sql.ResultSet:ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT orResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT true if the given ResultSet holdability issupported and if it isn't then false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsResultSetType(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the supplied ResultSet type is supported.
  type - the ResultSet type as defined in java.sql.ResultSet:ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true if the ResultSet type is supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSavepoints() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether Savepoints for transactions are supported. true if Savepoints are supported,false otherwise.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether a schema name may be used in a data manipulation statement. true if a schema name can be used in a datamanipulation otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether a schema name may be used in an index definition statement. true if a schema name can be used in an indexdefinition otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether a database schema name can be used in a privilege definition statement. true if a database schema name may be used in aprivilege definition otherwise false
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if a procedure call statement may be contain in a schema name. true if a schema name can be used in a procedurecall otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if a schema name can be used in a table definition statement. true if a schema name can be used in a tabledefinition otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if this SELECT FOR UPDATE statements ar supported. true if SELECT FOR UPDATEstatements are supported otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsStatementPooling() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether statement pooling is supported. true of the database does support statementpooling otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether stored procedure calls using the stored procedure escape syntax is supported. true if stored procedure calls using the storedprocedure escape syntax are supported otherwisefalse.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether subqueries in comparison expressions are supported. true if subqueries are supported in comparisonexpressions.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether subqueries in EXISTS expressions are supported. true if subqueries are supported in EXISTSexpressions otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether subqueries in IN statements are supported. true if subqueries are supported in IN statementsotherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether subqueries in quantified expressions are supported. true if subqueries are supported otherwisefalse.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the database has table correlation names support. true if table correlation names are supportedotherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether a specified transaction isolation level is supported.
  level - the transaction isolation level, as specified injava.sql.Connection:TRANSACTION_NONE,TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED,TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED,TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ,TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE true if the specific isolation level is supportedotherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsTransactions() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether transactions are supported.

If transactions are not supported, then the commit method does nothing and the transaction isolation level is always TRANSACTION_NONE. true if transactions are supported otherwisefalse.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsUnion() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the SQL UNION operation is supported. true of the database does supportUNION otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean supportsUnionAll() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether the SQL UNION ALL operation is supported. true if the database does support UNION ALLotherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean updatesAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if the method ResultSet.rowUpdated can detect a visible row update.
  type - ResultSet type: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, orResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE true detecting changes is possible otherwisefalse.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine if this database uses a file for each table. true if the database uses one file for each tableotherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred

public boolean usesLocalFiles() throws SQLException(Code)
Determine whether this database uses a local file to store tables. true of the database does store tables in a localfile otherwise false.
  SQLException - a database error occurred | Contact Us
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