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final public class Scanner implements Iterator<String>(Code)
A parser that parses a text string of primitive types and strings with the help of regular expressions. It supports localized numbers and various radixes. The input is broken into tokens by the delimiter pattern, which is whitespace by default. The primitive types can be obtained via corresponding next* methods. If the token is not in a valid format, an InputMismatchException is thrown. For example: Scanner s = new Scanner("1A true"); System.out.println(s.nextInt(16)); System.out.println(s.nextBoolean()); The result: 26 true A scanner can also find or skip specific patterns with no regard to the delimiter. All these methods and the various next* and hasNext* methods may block. The Scanner class is not thread-safe.

Constructor Summary
public  Scanner(File src)
     Constructs a scanner that uses File as its input.
public  Scanner(File src, String charsetName)
     Constructs a scanner that uses File as its input.
public  Scanner(String src)
     Constructs a scanner that uses String as its input.
public  Scanner(InputStream src)
     Constructs a scanner that uses InputStream as its input.
public  Scanner(InputStream src, String charsetName)
     Constructs a scanner that uses InputStream as its input.
public  Scanner(Readable src)
     Constructs a scanner that uses Readable as its input.
public  Scanner(ReadableByteChannel src)
     Constructs a scanner that uses ReadableByteChannel as its input.
public  Scanner(ReadableByteChannel src, String charsetName)
     Constructs a scanner that uses ReadableByteChannel as its input.

Method Summary
public  voidclose()
     Closes the underlying input if the input implements Closeable.
public  Patterndelimiter()
     Returns the Pattern in use by this scanner.
public  StringfindInLine(Pattern pattern)
     Tries to find the pattern in input.
public  StringfindInLine(String pattern)
     Tries to find the pattern compiled from the specified string.
public  StringfindWithinHorizon(Pattern pattern, int horizon)
     Tries to find the pattern in input from current position to the specified horizon.
public  StringfindWithinHorizon(String pattern, int horizon)
     Tries to find the pattern in input from current position to the specified horizon.
public  booleanhasNext()
     Returns true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining to parse.
public  booleanhasNext(Pattern pattern)
     Returns true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining to parse and the next token matches the given pattern.
public  booleanhasNext(String pattern)
     Returns true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining to parse and the next token matches a pattern compiled from the given string.
public  booleanhasNextBigDecimal()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid BigDecimal.
public  booleanhasNextBigInteger()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid BigInteger in the default radix.
public  booleanhasNextBigInteger(int radix)
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid BigInteger in the specified radix.
public  booleanhasNextBoolean()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid boolean value.
public  booleanhasNextByte()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid byte value in the default radix.
public  booleanhasNextByte(int radix)
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid byte value in the specified radix.
public  booleanhasNextDouble()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid double value.
public  booleanhasNextFloat()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid float value.
public  booleanhasNextInt()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid int value in the default radix.
public  booleanhasNextInt(int radix)
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid int value in the specified radix.
public  booleanhasNextLine()
     Returns true if there is another line in the input.
public  booleanhasNextLong()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid long value in the default radix.
public  booleanhasNextLong(int radix)
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid long value in the specified radix.
public  booleanhasNextShort()
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid short value in the default radix.
public  booleanhasNextShort(int radix)
     Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid short value in the specified radix.
public  IOExceptionioException()
     Returns the last IOException thrown when reading the underlying input.
public  Localelocale()
     Return the locale of this scanner.
public  MatchResultmatch()
     Returns the match result of this scanner's last match operation.This method throws IllegalStateException if no match operation has been performed, or if the last match was unsuccessful. The various nextXXX methods of Scanner provide a match result if they do not complete with throwing an exception.
public  Stringnext()
     Returns the next token.
public  Stringnext(Pattern pattern)
     Returns the next token if it matches the specified pattern.
public  Stringnext(String pattern)
     Returns the next token if it matches the specified pattern.
public  BigDecimalnextBigDecimal()
     Returns the next token as a BigDecimal.
public  BigIntegernextBigInteger()
     Returns the next token as a BigInteger.
public  BigIntegernextBigInteger(int radix)
     Returns the next token as a BigInteger with the specified radix.
public  booleannextBoolean()
     Returns the next token as a boolean.
public  bytenextByte()
     Returns the next token as a byte.
public  bytenextByte(int radix)
     Returns the next token as a byte with the specified radix.
public  doublenextDouble()
     Returns the next token as a double.
public  floatnextFloat()
     Returns the next token as a float.
public  intnextInt()
     Returns the next token as an int.
public  intnextInt(int radix)
     Returns the next token as an int with the specified radix.
public  StringnextLine()
     Returns the skipped input and advances the scanner to the beginning of the next line.
public  longnextLong()
     Returns the next token as a long.
public  longnextLong(int radix)
     Returns the next token as a long with the specified radix.
public  shortnextShort()
     Returns the next token as a short.
public  shortnextShort(int radix)
     Returns the next token as a short with the specified radix.
public  intradix()
     Return the radix of this scanner.
public  voidremove()
     Remove is not a supported operation on Scanner.
public  Scannerskip(Pattern pattern)
     Tries to use specified pattern to match input from the current position. The delimiter will be ignored.
public  Scannerskip(String pattern)
     Tries to use the specified string to construct a pattern.
public  StringtoString()
     Returns a string.
public  ScanneruseDelimiter(Pattern pattern)
public  ScanneruseDelimiter(String pattern)
public  ScanneruseLocale(Locale l)
     Set the locale of this scanner to a specified locale.
public  ScanneruseRadix(int radix)
     Set the radix of this scanner to the specified radix.

Constructor Detail
public Scanner(File src) throws FileNotFoundException(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses File as its input. The default charset is applied when reading the file.
  src - the file to be scanned
  FileNotFoundException - if the specified file is not found

public Scanner(File src, String charsetName) throws FileNotFoundException(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses File as its input. The specified charset is applied when reading the file.
  src - the file to be scanned
  charsetName - the name of the encoding type of the file
  FileNotFoundException - if the specified file is not found
  IllegalArgumentException - if the specified coding does not exist

public Scanner(String src)(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses String as its input.
  src - the string to be scanned

public Scanner(InputStream src)(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses InputStream as its input. The default charset is applied when decoding the input.
  src - the input stream to be scanned

public Scanner(InputStream src, String charsetName)(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses InputStream as its input. The specified charset is applied when decoding the input.
  src - the input stream to be scanned
  charsetName - the encoding type of the input stream
  IllegalArgumentException - if the specified character set is not found

public Scanner(Readable src)(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses Readable as its input.
  src - the Readable to be scanned

public Scanner(ReadableByteChannel src)(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses ReadableByteChannel as its input. The default charset is applied when decoding the input.
  src - the ReadableByteChannel to be scanned

public Scanner(ReadableByteChannel src, String charsetName)(Code)
Constructs a scanner that uses ReadableByteChannel as its input. The specified charset is applied when decoding the input.
  src - the ReadableByteChannel to be scanned
  charsetName - the encoding type of the content in the ReadableByteChannel
  IllegalArgumentException - if the specified character set is not found

Method Detail
public void close()(Code)
Closes the underlying input if the input implements Closeable. If the scanner has been closed, this method will take no effect. The scanning operation after calling this method will throw IllegalStateException

public Pattern delimiter()(Code)
Returns the Pattern in use by this scanner. the Pattern presently in use by this scanner

public String findInLine(Pattern pattern)(Code)
Tries to find the pattern in input. Delimiters are ignored. If the pattern is found before line terminator, the matched string will be returned, and the scanner will advance to the end of the matched string. Otherwise, null will be returned and the scanner will not advance the input. When waiting for input, the scanner may be blocked. All the input may be cached if no line terminator exists in the buffer.
  pattern - the pattern used to match input the matched string
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed

public String findInLine(String pattern)(Code)
Tries to find the pattern compiled from the specified string. The delimiter will be ignored. It is the same as invoke findInLine(Pattern.compile(pattern))
  pattern - a string used to construct a pattern which in turn used tomatch input the matched string
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed

public String findWithinHorizon(Pattern pattern, int horizon)(Code)
Tries to find the pattern in input from current position to the specified horizon. Delimiters are ignored. If the pattern is found, the matched string will be returned, and the scanner will advance to the end of the matched string. Otherwise, null will be returned and scanner will not advance the input. When waiting for input, the scanner may be blocked. Scanner will never search exceed horizon code points from current position. The position of horizon does have effects on the result of match. For example, when input is "123", and current position is at zero, findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}{3}"), 2) will return null. While findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}{3}"), 3) will return "123". Horizon is treated as a transparent, non-anchoring bound. (refer to Matcher.useTransparentBounds and Matcher.useAnchoringBounds ) Horizon whose value is zero will be ignored and the whole input will be used for search. Under this situation, all the input may be cached. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown out if horizon is less than zero.
  pattern - the pattern used to scan
  horizon - the search limit the matched string
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed
  IllegalArgumentException - if horizon is less than zero

public String findWithinHorizon(String pattern, int horizon)(Code)
Tries to find the pattern in input from current position to the specified horizon. Delimiters are ignored. It is the same as invoke findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile(pattern)).
  pattern - the pattern used to scan
  horizon - the search limit the matched string
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed
  IllegalArgumentException - if horizon is less than zero

public boolean hasNext()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining to parse. Will block if the data is still being read. true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNext(Pattern pattern)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining to parse and the next token matches the given pattern. Will block if the data is still being read.
  pattern - the pattern to check for true if this scanner has more tokens and the next token matchesthe pattern
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNext(String pattern)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner has one or more tokens remaining to parse and the next token matches a pattern compiled from the given string. Will block if the data is still being read. Equivalent to hasNext(Pattern.compile(pattern)).
  pattern - the string representation of the pattern to check for true if this scanner has more tokens and the next token matchesthe pattern
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextBigDecimal()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid BigDecimal. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid BigDecimal
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextBigInteger()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid BigInteger in the default radix. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid BigInteger
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextBigInteger(int radix)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid BigInteger in the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into a BigInteger true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid BigInteger
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextBoolean()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid boolean value. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid boolean value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextByte()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid byte value in the default radix. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid byte value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextByte(int radix)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid byte value in the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into a byte value true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid byte value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextDouble()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid double value. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid double value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextFloat()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid float value. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid float value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextInt()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid int value in the default radix. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid int value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextInt(int radix)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid int value in the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into an int value true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid int value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextLine()(Code)
Returns true if there is another line in the input. Otherwise, returns false. When waiting for input, the scanner may be blocked. true if there is another line in the input. Otherwise, false willbe returned.
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed

public boolean hasNextLong()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid long value in the default radix. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid long value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextLong(int radix)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid long value in the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into a long value true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid long value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextShort()(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid short value in the default radix. true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid short value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public boolean hasNextShort(int radix)(Code)
Returns true if this scanner's next token can be translated into a valid short value in the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into a short value true if the next token in this scanner's input can be translatedinto a valid short value
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner has been closed

public IOException ioException()(Code)
Returns the last IOException thrown when reading the underlying input. If no exception is thrown, return null. the last IOException thrown

public Locale locale()(Code)
Return the locale of this scanner. the locale of this scanner

public MatchResult match()(Code)
Returns the match result of this scanner's last match operation.This method throws IllegalStateException if no match operation has been performed, or if the last match was unsuccessful. The various nextXXX methods of Scanner provide a match result if they do not complete with throwing an exception. For example, after an invocation of the nextBoolean() method which returned a boolean value, this method returns a match result for the search of the Boolean regular expression defined above. In the same way,the findInLine(java.lang.String), findWithinHorizon(java.lang.String, int), and skip(java.util.regex.Pattern) methods will provide a match result if they are successful. the match result of the last match operation
  IllegalStateException - if the match result is not available

public String next()(Code)
Returns the next token. The token will be both prefixed and postfixed by the delimiter that is currently being used (or a string that matches the delimiter pattern). Will block if input is being read. the next token
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted

public String next(Pattern pattern)(Code)
Returns the next token if it matches the specified pattern. The token will be both prefixed and postfixed by the delimiter that is currently being used (or a string that matches the delimiter pattern). Will block if input is being read.
  pattern - the pattern to check for the next token
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token does not match the pattern given

public String next(String pattern)(Code)
Returns the next token if it matches the specified pattern. The token will be both prefixed and postfixed by the delimiter that is currently being used (or a string that matches the delimiter pattern). Will block if input is being read. Equivalent to next(Pattern.compile(pattern)).
  pattern - the string representation of the pattern to check for the next token
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token does not match the pattern given

public BigDecimal nextBigDecimal()(Code)
Returns the next token as a BigDecimal. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a BigDecimal the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to BigDecimal.BigDecimal(String) }. the next token as a BigDecimal
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a validBigDecimal

public BigInteger nextBigInteger()(Code)
Returns the next token as a BigInteger. Will block if input is being read. Equivalent to nextBigInteger(DEFAULT_RADIX) the next token as a BigInteger
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a validBigInteger

public BigInteger nextBigInteger(int radix)(Code)
Returns the next token as a BigInteger with the specified radix. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a BigInteger the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to BigInteger.BigInteger(Stringint) } with the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into a BigInteger the next token as a BigInteger
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a validBigInteger

public boolean nextBoolean()(Code)
Returns the next token as a boolean. Will block if input is being read. the next token as a boolean
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid booleanvalue

public byte nextByte()(Code)
Returns the next token as a byte. Will block if input is being read. Equivalent to nextByte(DEFAULT_RADIX) the next token as a byte
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid bytevalue

public byte nextByte(int radix)(Code)
Returns the next token as a byte with the specified radix. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a byte the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to Byte.parseByte(Stringint) } with the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into byte value the next token as a byte
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid bytevalue

public double nextDouble()(Code)
Returns the next token as a double. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a double the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to Double.parseDouble(String) }. If the token matches the localized NaN or infinity strings, it is also passed to Double.parseDouble(String) }. the next token as a double
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid doublevalue

public float nextFloat()(Code)
Returns the next token as a float. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a float the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to Float.parseFloat(String) }.If the token matches the localized NaN or infinity strings, it is also passed to Float.parseFloat(String) }. the next token as a float
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid floatvalue

public int nextInt()(Code)
Returns the next token as an int. Will block if input is being read. Equivalent to nextInt(DEFAULT_RADIX). the next token as an int
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid intvalue

public int nextInt(int radix)(Code)
Returns the next token as an int with the specified radix. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into an int the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to Integer.parseInt(Stringint) with the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into an int value the next token as an int
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid intvalue

public String nextLine()(Code)
Returns the skipped input and advances the scanner to the beginning of the next line. The returned result will exclude any line terminator. When searching, if no line terminator is found, then a large amount of input will be cached. If no line at all can be found, a NoSuchElementException will be thrown out. the skipped line
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed
  NoSuchElementException - if no line can be found, e.g. when input is an empty string

public long nextLong()(Code)
Returns the next token as a long. Will block if input is being read. Equivalent to nextLong(DEFAULT_RADIX). the next token as a long
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid longvalue

public long nextLong(int radix)(Code)
Returns the next token as a long with the specified radix. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a long the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to Long.parseLong(Stringint) } with the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into a long value the long value scanned from the input
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid longvalue

public short nextShort()(Code)
Returns the next token as a short. Will block if input is being read. Equivalent to nextShort(DEFAULT_RADIX). the next token as a short
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid shortvalue

public short nextShort(int radix)(Code)
Returns the next token as a short with the specified radix. Will block if input is being read. If the next token can be translated into a short the following is done: All locale specific prefixes, group separators, and locale specific suffixes are removed. Then non-ASCII digits are mapped into ASCII digits via Character.digit(charint) , a negative sign (-) is added if the locale specific negative prefix or suffix was present. Finally the resulting String is passed to Short.parseShort(Stringint) } with the specified radix.
  radix - the radix used to translate the token into short value the short value scanned from the input
  IllegalStateException - if this scanner has been closed
  NoSuchElementException - if input has been exhausted
  InputMismatchException - if the next token can not be translated into a valid shortvalue

public int radix()(Code)
Return the radix of this scanner. the radix of this scanner

public void remove()(Code)
Remove is not a supported operation on Scanner.
  UnsupportedOperationException - if this method is invoked

public Scanner skip(Pattern pattern)(Code)
Tries to use specified pattern to match input from the current position. The delimiter will be ignored. If matches, the matched input will be skipped. If an anchored match of the specified pattern succeeds, input will also be skipped. Otherwise, a NoSuchElementException will be thrown out. Patterns that can match a lot of input may cause the scanner to read in a large amount of input. Uses a pattern that matches nothing( sc.skip(Pattern.compile("[ \t]*")) ) will suppress NoSuchElementException.
  pattern - used to skip over input the scanner itself
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed
  NoSuchElementException - if the specified pattern match fails

public Scanner skip(String pattern)(Code)
Tries to use the specified string to construct a pattern. And then uses the constructed pattern to match input from the current position. The delimiter will be ignored. It is the same as invoke skip(Pattern.compile(pattern))
  pattern - the string used to construct a pattern which in turn used tomatch input the matched input
  IllegalStateException - if the scanner is closed

public String toString()(Code)
Returns a string. The string is used to represent this scanner. Contained information may be helpful for debugging. The format of the string is unspecified. a string to represent this scanner

public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)(Code)
Set the delimiting pattern of this scanner
  pattern - the delimiting pattern to use this scanner

public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern)(Code)
Set the delimiting pattern of this scanner with a pattern compiled from the supplied string value
  pattern - a string from which a Pattern can be compiled this scanner

public Scanner useLocale(Locale l)(Code)
Set the locale of this scanner to a specified locale.
  l - the specified locale to use this scanner

public Scanner useRadix(int radix)(Code)
Set the radix of this scanner to the specified radix.
  radix - the specified radix to use this scanner

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object object)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Class<? extends Object> getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long millis) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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