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All known Subclasses:   java.util.prefs.RegistryPreferencesImpl,  java.util.prefs.FilePreferencesImpl,
abstract public class AbstractPreferences extends Preferences (Code)
This class is partly implementation of Preferences, which can be used to simplify Preferences provider's implementation.

This class define nine abstract SPI methods, which must be implemented by preference provider. And provider can also override other methods of this class. Some SPI methods will throw BackingStoreException, including childrenNamesSpi(), flushSpi(), keysSpi(), removeNodeSpi(), syncSpi(); getSpi(String, String) never throws any exceptions; the last SPI methods, putSpi(String), removeSpi(String) and childSpi(String) won't throw BackingStoreException, but in some implementations, they may throw SecurityException due to lacking the permission to access backing end storage.

See Also:   Preferences

Field Summary
final protected  Objectlock
     The object used to lock this node.
protected  booleannewNode
     This field is true if this node is created while it doesn't exist in the backing store.

Constructor Summary
protected  AbstractPreferences(AbstractPreferences parent, String name)
     Construct a new AbstractPreferences instance using given parent node and node name.

Method Summary
public  StringabsolutePath()
public  voidaddNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener ncl)
public  voidaddPreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener pcl)
final protected  AbstractPreferences[]cachedChildren()
     Return arrays of all cached children node.
abstract protected  AbstractPreferenceschildSpi(String name)
     Return the child preference node with the given name, and create new one if it does not exist.
public  String[]childrenNames()
abstract protected  String[]childrenNamesSpi()
     Return names of this node's all children , or empty array if this node has no child.
public  voidclear()
public  voidexportNode(OutputStream ostream)
public  voidexportSubtree(OutputStream ostream)
public  voidflush()
abstract protected  voidflushSpi()
     Flush changes of this node to the backing store.
public  Stringget(String key, String deflt)
public  booleangetBoolean(String key, boolean deflt)
public  byte[]getByteArray(String key, byte[] deflt)
protected  AbstractPreferencesgetChild(String name)
     Return the child node with given name, or null if it doesn't exist.
public  doublegetDouble(String key, double deflt)
public  floatgetFloat(String key, float deflt)
public  intgetInt(String key, int deflt)
public  longgetLong(String key, long deflt)
abstract protected  StringgetSpi(String key)
     Get the preference value mapped to the given key.
protected  booleanisRemoved()
     Return true if and only if this node has been removed by invoking AbstractPreferences.removeNode() removeNode .
public  booleanisUserNode()
public  String[]keys()
abstract protected  String[]keysSpi()
     Return all keys of this node's preferences, or empty array if no preference found on this node.
public  Stringname()
public  Preferencesnode(String name)
public  booleannodeExists(String name)
public  Preferencesparent()
public  voidput(String key, String value)
public  voidputBoolean(String key, boolean value)
public  voidputByteArray(String key, byte[] value)
public  voidputDouble(String key, double value)
public  voidputFloat(String key, float value)
public  voidputInt(String key, int value)
public  voidputLong(String key, long value)
abstract protected  voidputSpi(String name, String value)
     Put the given key-value pair into this node.
public  voidremove(String key)
public  voidremoveNode()
public  voidremoveNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener ncl)
abstract protected  voidremoveNodeSpi()
     Remove this node from the preference hierarchy tree.
public  voidremovePreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener pcl)
abstract protected  voidremoveSpi(String key)
     Remove the preference with the given key.
public  voidsync()
abstract protected  voidsyncSpi()
     Synchronize this node with the backing store.
public  StringtoString()

Field Detail
final protected Object lock(Code)
The object used to lock this node.

protected boolean newNode(Code)
This field is true if this node is created while it doesn't exist in the backing store. This field's default value is false, and it is checked when the node creation is completed, and if it is true, the node change event will be fired for this node's parent.

boolean userNode(Code)
true if this node is in user preference hierarchy

Constructor Detail
protected AbstractPreferences(AbstractPreferences parent, String name)(Code)
Construct a new AbstractPreferences instance using given parent node and node name.
  parent - the parent node of this node, can be null, which means this node is root
  name - the name of this node, can be empty(""), which means this node is root
  IllegalArgumentException - if name contains slash, or be empty if parent is not null

Method Detail
public String absolutePath()(Code)

public void addNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener ncl)(Code)

public void addPreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener pcl)(Code)

final protected AbstractPreferences[] cachedChildren()(Code)
Return arrays of all cached children node. arrays of all cached children node.

abstract protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name)(Code)
Return the child preference node with the given name, and create new one if it does not exist. Invoker of this method should assure that the given name are valid as well as this node is not removed. Invocation of this method implies that the node with given name is not cached(or, has been removed.) If the named node has just been removed, implementation of this method must create a new one instead of reactivated the removed one.

The new creation is not required to be persisted immediately until the flush method is invoked.

  name - AbstractPreferences

public String[] childrenNames() throws BackingStoreException(Code)

abstract protected String[] childrenNamesSpi() throws BackingStoreException(Code)
Return names of this node's all children , or empty array if this node has no child. Cached children name is not required to be returned. names of this node's all children
  BackingStoreException - if backing store is unavailable or causes operation failure

public void clear() throws BackingStoreException(Code)

public void exportNode(OutputStream ostream) throws IOException, BackingStoreException(Code)

public void exportSubtree(OutputStream ostream) throws IOException, BackingStoreException(Code)

public void flush() throws BackingStoreException(Code)

abstract protected void flushSpi() throws BackingStoreException(Code)
Flush changes of this node to the backing store. This method should only flush this node, and should not include the descendant nodes. The implementation which want to flush all nodes at once should override AbstractPreferences.flush() flush() method.
  BackingStoreException - if backing store is unavailable or causes operation failure

public String get(String key, String deflt)(Code)

public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean deflt)(Code)

public byte[] getByteArray(String key, byte[] deflt)(Code)

protected AbstractPreferences getChild(String name) throws BackingStoreException(Code)
Return the child node with given name, or null if it doesn't exist. The given name must be valid and this node cannot be removed. Invocation of this method implies that the node with given name is not cached(or, has been removed.)
  name - the given child name to be got the child node with given name, or null if it doesn't exist
  BackingStoreException - if backing store is unavailable or causes operation failure

public double getDouble(String key, double deflt)(Code)

public float getFloat(String key, float deflt)(Code)

public int getInt(String key, int deflt)(Code)

public long getLong(String key, long deflt)(Code)

abstract protected String getSpi(String key)(Code)
Get the preference value mapped to the given key. Invoker of this method should assure that given key are valid as well as this node is not removed. This method should not throw exceptions, but if it does, the invoker should catch it and deal with it as null return value.
  key - the given key to be searched for the preference value mapped to the given key

protected boolean isRemoved()(Code)
Return true if and only if this node has been removed by invoking AbstractPreferences.removeNode() removeNode . true if and only if this node has been removed by invoking AbstractPreferences.removeNode() removeNode

public boolean isUserNode()(Code)

public String[] keys() throws BackingStoreException(Code)

abstract protected String[] keysSpi() throws BackingStoreException(Code)
Return all keys of this node's preferences, or empty array if no preference found on this node. Invoker of this method should assure that this node is not removed. all keys of this node's preferences
  BackingStoreException - if backing store is unavailable or causes operation failure

public String name()(Code)

public Preferences node(String name)(Code)

public boolean nodeExists(String name) throws BackingStoreException(Code)

public Preferences parent()(Code)

public void put(String key, String value)(Code)

public void putBoolean(String key, boolean value)(Code)

public void putByteArray(String key, byte[] value)(Code)

public void putDouble(String key, double value)(Code)

public void putFloat(String key, float value)(Code)

public void putInt(String key, int value)(Code)

public void putLong(String key, long value)(Code)

abstract protected void putSpi(String name, String value)(Code)
Put the given key-value pair into this node. Invoker of this method should assure that both the given values are valid as well as this node is not removed.
  name - the given preference key
  value - the given preference value

public void remove(String key)(Code)

public void removeNode() throws BackingStoreException(Code)

public void removeNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener ncl)(Code)

abstract protected void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException(Code)
Remove this node from the preference hierarchy tree. The invoker of this method should assure that this node has no child node, which means the Preferences.removeNode Preferences.removeNode() should invoke this method multi-times in bottom-up pattern. The removal is not required to be persisted at once until the it is flushed.
  BackingStoreException - if backing store is unavailable or causes operation failure

public void removePreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener pcl)(Code)

abstract protected void removeSpi(String key)(Code)
Remove the preference with the given key. Invoker of this method should assure that given key are valid as well as this node is not removed.
  key - the given key to removed

public void sync() throws BackingStoreException(Code)

abstract protected void syncSpi() throws BackingStoreException(Code)
Synchronize this node with the backing store. This method should only synchronize this node, and should not include the descendant nodes. The implementation which want to synchronize all nodes at once should override AbstractPreferences.sync() sync() method.
  BackingStoreException - if backing store is unavailable or causes operation failure

public String toString()(Code)

Fields inherited from java.util.prefs.Preferences
final public static int MAX_KEY_LENGTH(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int MAX_NAME_LENGTH(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int MAX_VALUE_LENGTH(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.util.prefs.Preferences
abstract public String absolutePath()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void addNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener ncl)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void addPreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener pcl)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String[] childrenNames() throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void clear() throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void exportNode(OutputStream ostream) throws IOException, BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void exportSubtree(OutputStream ostream) throws IOException, BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void flush() throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String get(String key, String deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public byte[] getByteArray(String key, byte[] deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public double getDouble(String key, double deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public float getFloat(String key, float deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int getInt(String key, int deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public long getLong(String key, long deflt)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void importPreferences(InputStream istream) throws InvalidPreferencesFormatException, IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public boolean isUserNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String[] keys() throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String name()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Preferences node(String path)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public boolean nodeExists(String path) throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Preferences parent()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void put(String key, String value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void putBoolean(String key, boolean value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void putByteArray(String key, byte[] value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void putDouble(String key, double value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void putFloat(String key, float value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void putInt(String key, int value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void putLong(String key, long value)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void remove(String key)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void removeNode() throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void removeNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener ncl)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void removePreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener pcl)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void sync() throws BackingStoreException(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Preferences systemNodeForPackage(Class c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Preferences systemRoot()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Preferences userNodeForPackage(Class c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Preferences userRoot()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object object)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Class<? extends Object> getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long millis) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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