| java.lang.Object javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext
SynthContext | public class SynthContext (Code) | | |
SynthContext | SynthContext(SynthStyle style, int state)(Code) | | For the most of UIs context needed to represent style and state
SynthContext | SynthContext(int state)(Code) | | Sometimes context just represents currentState
gainState | void gainState(int proposed)(Code) | | Adds additional state to current if it doesn't exist
getCommonComponentState | static int getCommonComponentState(JComponent c)(Code) | | Used in UI's. Created to reduce code doubling
getComponent | public JComponent getComponent()(Code) | | The component uses this context |
getComponentState | public int getComponentState()(Code) | | The state for the component uses this context |
getRegion | public Region getRegion()(Code) | | the region of the context |
isDefault | static boolean isDefault(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
isDisabled | static boolean isDisabled(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
isEnabled | static boolean isEnabled(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
isFocused | static boolean isFocused(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
isMouseOver | static boolean isMouseOver(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
isPressed | static boolean isPressed(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
isSelected | static boolean isSelected(int verifiedState)(Code) | | |
lossState | void lossState(int proposed)(Code) | | Removes proposed state from current if it exists
setState | void setState(int state)(Code) | | |