| java.lang.Object org.apache.harmony.pack200.SegmentUtils
SegmentUtils | final public class SegmentUtils (Code) | | |
countArgs | public static int countArgs(String descriptor)(Code) | | |
countArgs | protected static int countArgs(String descriptor, int widthOfLongsAndDoubles)(Code) | | Count the number of arguments in the descriptor. Each
long or double counts as widthOfLongsAndDoubles; all other
arguments count as 1.
Parameters: descriptor - String for which arguments are counted Parameters: widthOfLongsAndDoubles - int increment to apply for longsdoubles. This is typically 1 when counting arguments alone,or 2 when counting arguments for invokeinterface. integer count |
countBit16 | public static int countBit16(int[] flags)(Code) | | |
countBit16 | public static int countBit16(long[] flags)(Code) | | |
countBit16 | public static int countBit16(long[][] flags)(Code) | | |
countInvokeInterfaceArgs | public static int countInvokeInterfaceArgs(String descriptor)(Code) | | |
countMatches | public static int countMatches(long[] flags, IMatcher matcher)(Code) | | |
countMatches | public static int countMatches(long[][] flags, IMatcher matcher)(Code) | | |
debug | public static void debug(String message)(Code) | | This is a debugging message to aid the developer in writing this
class. If the property 'debug.pack200' is set, this will
generate messages to stderr; otherwise, it will be silent.
Parameters: message - |
indexOfFirstDollar | public static int indexOfFirstDollar(String string)(Code) | | Answer the index of the first character <= '$'
in the parameter. This is used instead of indexOf('$')
because inner classes may be separated by any character
<= '$' (in other words, Foo#Bar is as valid as Foo$Bar).
If no $ character is found, answer -1.
Parameters: string - String to search for $ first index of $ character, or -1 if not found |