0001: /*
0002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003: * contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
0004: * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
0005: * use this file except in compliance with the License.
0006: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
0007: *
0008: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
0009: *
0010: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0011: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0012: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0013: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0014: * limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
0015: * copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
0016: * directory of this distribution.
0017: */
0018: /* Created on Jun 16, 2004 */
0019: package org.apache.roller.business.hibernate;
0021: import java.util.ArrayList;
0022: import java.util.Date;
0023: import java.util.HashMap;
0024: import java.util.Hashtable;
0025: import java.util.Iterator;
0026: import java.util.List;
0027: import java.util.Map;
0028: import java.util.TreeMap;
0029: import org.apache.roller.pojos.StatCount;
0030: import org.hibernate.Criteria;
0031: import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
0032: import org.hibernate.Session;
0033: import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression;
0034: import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode;
0035: import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
0036: import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
0037: import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
0038: import org.hibernate.criterion.SimpleExpression;
0039: import org.apache.roller.RollerException;
0040: import org.apache.roller.config.RollerConfig;
0041: import org.apache.roller.business.pings.AutoPingManager;
0042: import org.apache.roller.business.BookmarkManager;
0043: import org.apache.roller.business.pings.PingTargetManager;
0044: import org.apache.roller.business.RollerFactory;
0045: import org.apache.roller.business.UserManager;
0046: import org.apache.roller.business.WeblogManager;
0047: import org.apache.roller.pojos.AutoPingData;
0048: import org.apache.roller.pojos.BookmarkData;
0049: import org.apache.roller.pojos.FolderData;
0050: import org.apache.roller.pojos.TagStat;
0051: import org.apache.roller.pojos.WeblogEntryTagData;
0052: import org.apache.roller.pojos.WeblogTemplate;
0053: import org.apache.roller.pojos.PermissionsData;
0054: import org.apache.roller.pojos.PingQueueEntryData;
0055: import org.apache.roller.pojos.PingTargetData;
0056: import org.apache.roller.pojos.RefererData;
0057: import org.apache.roller.pojos.UserData;
0058: import org.apache.roller.pojos.WeblogCategoryData;
0059: import org.apache.roller.pojos.WeblogEntryData;
0060: import org.apache.roller.pojos.WebsiteData;
0061: import org.hibernate.Query;
0063: /**
0064: * Hibernate implementation of the UserManager.
0065: */
0066: public class HibernateUserManagerImpl implements UserManager {
0068: static final long serialVersionUID = -5128460637997081121L;
0069: private static Log log = LogFactory
0070: .getLog(HibernateUserManagerImpl.class);
0071: private HibernatePersistenceStrategy strategy = null;
0073: // cached mapping of weblogHandles -> weblogIds
0074: private Map weblogHandleToIdMap = new Hashtable();
0076: // cached mapping of userNames -> userIds
0077: private Map userNameToIdMap = new Hashtable();
0079: public HibernateUserManagerImpl(HibernatePersistenceStrategy strat) {
0080: log.debug("Instantiating Hibernate User Manager");
0082: this .strategy = strat;
0083: }
0085: /**
0086: * Update existing website.
0087: */
0088: public void saveWebsite(WebsiteData website) throws RollerException {
0090: website.setLastModified(new java.util.Date());
0091: strategy.store(website);
0092: }
0094: public void removeWebsite(WebsiteData weblog)
0095: throws RollerException {
0097: // remove contents first, then remove website
0098: this .removeWebsiteContents(weblog);
0099: this .strategy.remove(weblog);
0101: // remove entry from cache mapping
0102: this .weblogHandleToIdMap.remove(weblog.getHandle());
0103: }
0105: /**
0106: * convenience method for removing contents of a weblog.
0107: * TODO BACKEND: use manager methods instead of queries here
0108: */
0109: private void removeWebsiteContents(WebsiteData website)
0110: throws HibernateException, RollerException {
0112: Session session = this .strategy.getSession();
0114: BookmarkManager bmgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0115: .getBookmarkManager();
0116: WeblogManager wmgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0117: .getWeblogManager();
0119: // remove tags
0120: Criteria tagQuery = session.createCriteria(
0121: WeblogEntryTagData.class).add(
0122: Expression.eq("weblog.id", website.getId()));
0123: for (Iterator iter = tagQuery.list().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0124: WeblogEntryTagData tagData = (WeblogEntryTagData) iter
0125: .next();
0126: this .strategy.remove(tagData);
0127: }
0129: // remove site tag aggregates
0130: List tags = wmgr.getTags(website, null, null, -1);
0131: for (Iterator iter = tags.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0132: TagStat stat = (TagStat) iter.next();
0133: Query query = session
0134: .createQuery("update WeblogEntryTagAggregateData set total = total - ? where name = ? and weblog is null");
0135: query.setParameter(0, new Integer(stat.getCount()));
0136: query.setParameter(1, stat.getName());
0137: query.executeUpdate();
0138: }
0140: // delete all weblog tag aggregates
0141: session
0142: .createQuery(
0143: "delete from WeblogEntryTagAggregateData where weblog = ?")
0144: .setParameter(0, website).executeUpdate();
0146: // delete all bad counts
0147: session
0148: .createQuery(
0149: "delete from WeblogEntryTagAggregateData where total <= 0")
0150: .executeUpdate();
0152: // Remove the website's ping queue entries
0153: Criteria criteria = session
0154: .createCriteria(PingQueueEntryData.class);
0155: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0156: List queueEntries = criteria.list();
0158: // Remove the website's auto ping configurations
0159: AutoPingManager autoPingMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0160: .getAutopingManager();
0161: List autopings = autoPingMgr.getAutoPingsByWebsite(website);
0162: Iterator it = autopings.iterator();
0163: while (it.hasNext()) {
0164: this .strategy.remove((AutoPingData) it.next());
0165: }
0167: // Remove the website's custom ping targets
0168: PingTargetManager pingTargetMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0169: .getPingTargetManager();
0170: List pingtargets = pingTargetMgr.getCustomPingTargets(website);
0171: it = pingtargets.iterator();
0172: while (it.hasNext()) {
0173: this .strategy.remove((PingTargetData) it.next());
0174: }
0176: // remove entries
0177: Criteria entryQuery = session
0178: .createCriteria(WeblogEntryData.class);
0179: entryQuery.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0180: List entries = entryQuery.list();
0181: for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0182: WeblogEntryData entry = (WeblogEntryData) iter.next();
0184: this .strategy.remove(entry);
0185: }
0187: // remove associated referers
0188: Criteria refererQuery = session
0189: .createCriteria(RefererData.class);
0190: refererQuery.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0191: List referers = refererQuery.list();
0192: for (Iterator iter = referers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0193: RefererData referer = (RefererData) iter.next();
0194: this .strategy.remove(referer);
0195: }
0197: // remove associated pages
0198: Criteria pageQuery = session
0199: .createCriteria(WeblogTemplate.class);
0200: pageQuery.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0201: List pages = pageQuery.list();
0202: for (Iterator iter = pages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0203: WeblogTemplate page = (WeblogTemplate) iter.next();
0204: this .strategy.remove(page);
0205: }
0207: // remove folders (including bookmarks)
0208: FolderData rootFolder = bmgr.getRootFolder(website);
0209: if (null != rootFolder) {
0210: this .strategy.remove(rootFolder);
0212: // Still cannot get all Bookmarks cleared!
0213: Iterator allFolders = bmgr.getAllFolders(website)
0214: .iterator();
0215: while (allFolders.hasNext()) {
0216: FolderData aFolder = (FolderData) allFolders.next();
0217: bmgr.removeFolderContents(aFolder);
0218: this .strategy.remove(aFolder);
0219: }
0220: }
0222: // remove categories
0223: WeblogCategoryData rootCat = wmgr
0224: .getRootWeblogCategory(website);
0225: if (null != rootCat) {
0226: this .strategy.remove(rootCat);
0227: }
0229: }
0231: public void saveUser(UserData data) throws RollerException {
0232: this .strategy.store(data);
0233: }
0235: public void removeUser(UserData user) throws RollerException {
0236: this .strategy.remove(user);
0238: // remove entry from cache mapping
0239: this .userNameToIdMap.remove(user.getUserName());
0240: }
0242: public void savePermissions(PermissionsData perms)
0243: throws RollerException {
0244: this .strategy.store(perms);
0245: }
0247: public void removePermissions(PermissionsData perms)
0248: throws RollerException {
0249: this .strategy.remove(perms);
0250: }
0252: /**
0253: * @see org.apache.roller.model.UserManager#storePage(org.apache.roller.pojos.WeblogTemplate)
0254: */
0255: public void savePage(WeblogTemplate page) throws RollerException {
0256: this .strategy.store(page);
0258: // update weblog last modified date. date updated by saveWebsite()
0259: RollerFactory.getRoller().getUserManager().saveWebsite(
0260: page.getWebsite());
0261: }
0263: public void removePage(WeblogTemplate page) throws RollerException {
0264: this .strategy.remove(page);
0265: }
0267: public void addUser(UserData newUser) throws RollerException {
0269: if (newUser == null)
0270: throw new RollerException("cannot add null user");
0272: // TODO BACKEND: we must do this in a better fashion, like getUserCnt()?
0273: boolean adminUser = false;
0274: List existingUsers = this .getUsers(0, 1);
0275: if (existingUsers.size() == 0) {
0276: // Make first user an admin
0277: adminUser = true;
0278: }
0280: if (getUserByUserName(newUser.getUserName()) != null
0281: || getUserByUserName(newUser.getUserName()
0282: .toLowerCase()) != null) {
0283: throw new RollerException("error.add.user.userNameInUse");
0284: }
0286: newUser.grantRole("editor");
0287: if (adminUser) {
0288: newUser.grantRole("admin");
0289: }
0291: this .strategy.store(newUser);
0292: }
0294: public void addWebsite(WebsiteData newWeblog)
0295: throws RollerException {
0297: this .strategy.store(newWeblog);
0298: this .addWeblogContents(newWeblog);
0299: }
0301: private void addWeblogContents(WebsiteData newWeblog)
0302: throws RollerException {
0304: UserManager umgr = RollerFactory.getRoller().getUserManager();
0305: WeblogManager wmgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0306: .getWeblogManager();
0308: // grant weblog creator ADMIN permissions
0309: PermissionsData perms = new PermissionsData();
0310: perms.setUser(newWeblog.getCreator());
0311: perms.setWebsite(newWeblog);
0312: perms.setPending(false);
0313: perms.setPermissionMask(PermissionsData.ADMIN);
0314: this .strategy.store(perms);
0316: // add default categories
0317: WeblogCategoryData rootCat = new WeblogCategoryData(null, // id
0318: newWeblog, // newWeblog
0319: null, // parent
0320: "root", // name
0321: "root", // description
0322: null); // image
0323: this .strategy.store(rootCat);
0325: String cats = RollerConfig.getProperty("newuser.categories");
0326: WeblogCategoryData firstCat = rootCat;
0327: if (cats != null) {
0328: String[] splitcats = cats.split(",");
0329: for (int i = 0; i < splitcats.length; i++) {
0330: WeblogCategoryData c = new WeblogCategoryData(null, // id
0331: newWeblog, // newWeblog
0332: rootCat, // parent
0333: splitcats[i], // name
0334: splitcats[i], // description
0335: null); // image
0336: if (i == 0)
0337: firstCat = c;
0338: this .strategy.store(c);
0339: }
0340: }
0341: // Use first category as default for Blogger API
0342: newWeblog.setBloggerCategory(firstCat);
0344: // But default category for weblog itself should be root
0345: newWeblog.setDefaultCategory(rootCat);
0347: this .strategy.store(newWeblog);
0349: // add default bookmarks
0350: FolderData root = new FolderData(null, "root", "root",
0351: newWeblog);
0352: this .strategy.store(root);
0354: Integer zero = new Integer(0);
0355: String blogroll = RollerConfig.getProperty("newuser.blogroll");
0356: if (blogroll != null) {
0357: String[] splitroll = blogroll.split(",");
0358: for (int i = 0; i < splitroll.length; i++) {
0359: String[] rollitems = splitroll[i].split("\\|");
0360: if (rollitems != null && rollitems.length > 1) {
0361: BookmarkData b = new BookmarkData(root, // parent
0362: rollitems[0], // name
0363: "", // description
0364: rollitems[1].trim(), // url
0365: null, // feedurl
0366: zero, // weight
0367: zero, // priority
0368: null); // image
0369: this .strategy.store(b);
0370: }
0371: }
0372: }
0374: // add any auto enabled ping targets
0375: PingTargetManager pingTargetMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0376: .getPingTargetManager();
0377: AutoPingManager autoPingMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller()
0378: .getAutopingManager();
0380: Iterator pingTargets = pingTargetMgr.getCommonPingTargets()
0381: .iterator();
0382: PingTargetData pingTarget = null;
0383: while (pingTargets.hasNext()) {
0384: pingTarget = (PingTargetData) pingTargets.next();
0386: if (pingTarget.isAutoEnabled()) {
0387: AutoPingData autoPing = new AutoPingData(null,
0388: pingTarget, newWeblog);
0389: autoPingMgr.saveAutoPing(autoPing);
0390: }
0391: }
0392: }
0394: /**
0395: * Creates and stores a pending PermissionsData for user and website specified.
0396: * TODO BACKEND: do we really need this? can't we just use storePermissions()?
0397: */
0398: public PermissionsData inviteUser(WebsiteData website,
0399: UserData user, short mask) throws RollerException {
0401: if (website == null)
0402: throw new RollerException("Website cannot be null");
0403: if (user == null)
0404: throw new RollerException("User cannot be null");
0406: PermissionsData perms = new PermissionsData();
0407: perms.setWebsite(website);
0408: perms.setUser(user);
0409: perms.setPermissionMask(mask);
0410: this .strategy.store(perms);
0412: return perms;
0413: }
0415: /**
0416: * Remove user permissions from a website.
0417: *
0418: * TODO: replace this with a domain model method like weblog.retireUser(user)
0419: */
0420: public void retireUser(WebsiteData website, UserData user)
0421: throws RollerException {
0423: if (website == null)
0424: throw new RollerException("Website cannot be null");
0425: if (user == null)
0426: throw new RollerException("User cannot be null");
0428: Iterator perms = website.getPermissions().iterator();
0429: PermissionsData target = null;
0430: while (perms.hasNext()) {
0431: PermissionsData pd = (PermissionsData) perms.next();
0432: if (pd.getUser().getId().equals(user.getId())) {
0433: target = pd;
0434: break;
0435: }
0436: }
0437: if (target == null)
0438: throw new RollerException("User not member of website");
0440: website.removePermission(target);
0441: this .strategy.remove(target);
0442: }
0444: public WebsiteData getWebsite(String id) throws RollerException {
0445: return (WebsiteData) this .strategy.load(id, WebsiteData.class);
0446: }
0448: public WebsiteData getWebsiteByHandle(String handle)
0449: throws RollerException {
0450: return getWebsiteByHandle(handle, Boolean.TRUE);
0451: }
0453: /**
0454: * Return website specified by handle.
0455: */
0456: public WebsiteData getWebsiteByHandle(String handle, Boolean enabled)
0457: throws RollerException {
0459: if (handle == null)
0460: throw new RollerException("Handle cannot be null");
0462: // check cache first
0463: // NOTE: if we ever allow changing handles then this needs updating
0464: if (this .weblogHandleToIdMap.containsKey(handle)) {
0466: WebsiteData weblog = this
0467: .getWebsite((String) this .weblogHandleToIdMap
0468: .get(handle));
0469: if (weblog != null) {
0470: // only return weblog if enabled status matches
0471: if (enabled == null
0472: || enabled.equals(weblog.getEnabled())) {
0473: log.debug("weblogHandleToId CACHE HIT - " + handle);
0474: return weblog;
0475: }
0476: } else {
0477: // mapping hit with lookup miss? mapping must be old, remove it
0478: this .weblogHandleToIdMap.remove(handle);
0479: }
0480: }
0482: // cache failed, do lookup
0483: try {
0484: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0485: .getSession();
0486: Criteria criteria = session
0487: .createCriteria(WebsiteData.class);
0489: if (enabled != null) {
0490: criteria.add(Expression.conjunction().add(
0491: new IgnoreCaseEqExpression("handle", handle))
0492: .add(Expression.eq("enabled", enabled)));
0493: } else {
0494: criteria.add(Expression.conjunction().add(
0495: Expression.eq("handle", handle)));
0496: }
0498: WebsiteData website = (WebsiteData) criteria.uniqueResult();
0500: // add mapping to cache
0501: if (website != null) {
0502: log.debug("weblogHandleToId CACHE MISS - " + handle);
0503: this .weblogHandleToIdMap.put(website.getHandle(),
0504: website.getId());
0505: }
0507: return website;
0508: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0509: throw new RollerException(e);
0510: }
0511: }
0513: /**
0514: * Get websites of a user
0515: */
0516: public List getWebsites(UserData user, Boolean enabled,
0517: Boolean active, Date startDate, Date endDate, int offset,
0518: int length) throws RollerException {
0519: // TODO: ATLAS getWebsites DONE TESTED
0520: if (endDate == null)
0521: endDate = new Date();
0522: try {
0523: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0524: .getSession();
0525: Criteria criteria = session
0526: .createCriteria(WebsiteData.class);
0527: if (user != null) {
0528: criteria.createAlias("permissions", "permissions");
0529: criteria.add(Expression.eq("permissions.user", user));
0530: criteria.add(Expression.eq("permissions.pending",
0531: Boolean.FALSE));
0532: }
0533: criteria.add(Expression.lt("dateCreated", endDate));
0534: if (startDate != null) {
0535: criteria.add(Expression.gt("dateCreated", startDate));
0536: }
0537: if (enabled != null) {
0538: criteria.add(Expression.eq("enabled", enabled));
0539: }
0540: if (active != null) {
0541: criteria.add(Expression.eq("active", active));
0542: }
0543: if (offset != 0) {
0544: criteria.setFirstResult(offset);
0545: }
0546: if (length != -1) {
0547: criteria.setMaxResults(length);
0548: }
0549: criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("dateCreated"));
0550: return criteria.list();
0551: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0552: throw new RollerException(e);
0553: }
0554: }
0556: public UserData getUser(String id) throws RollerException {
0557: return (UserData) this .strategy.load(id, UserData.class);
0558: }
0560: public UserData getUserByUserName(String userName)
0561: throws RollerException {
0562: return getUserByUserName(userName, Boolean.TRUE);
0563: }
0565: public UserData getUserByUserName(String userName, Boolean enabled)
0566: throws RollerException {
0568: if (userName == null)
0569: throw new RollerException("userName cannot be null");
0571: // check cache first
0572: // NOTE: if we ever allow changing usernames then this needs updating
0573: if (this .userNameToIdMap.containsKey(userName)) {
0575: UserData user = this .getUser((String) this .userNameToIdMap
0576: .get(userName));
0577: if (user != null) {
0578: // only return the user if the enabled status matches
0579: if (enabled == null
0580: || enabled.equals(user.getEnabled())) {
0581: log
0582: .debug("userNameToIdMap CACHE HIT - "
0583: + userName);
0584: return user;
0585: }
0586: } else {
0587: // mapping hit with lookup miss? mapping must be old, remove it
0588: this .userNameToIdMap.remove(userName);
0589: }
0590: }
0592: // cache failed, do lookup
0593: try {
0594: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0595: .getSession();
0596: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserData.class);
0598: if (enabled != null) {
0599: criteria.add(Expression.conjunction().add(
0600: Expression.eq("userName", userName)).add(
0601: Expression.eq("enabled", enabled)));
0602: } else {
0603: criteria.add(Expression.conjunction().add(
0604: Expression.eq("userName", userName)));
0605: }
0607: UserData user = (UserData) criteria.uniqueResult();
0609: // add mapping to cache
0610: if (user != null) {
0611: log.debug("userNameToIdMap CACHE MISS - " + userName);
0612: this .userNameToIdMap.put(user.getUserName(), user
0613: .getId());
0614: }
0616: return user;
0617: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0618: throw new RollerException(e);
0619: }
0620: }
0622: public List getUsers(int offset, int length) throws RollerException {
0623: return getUsers(Boolean.TRUE, null, null, offset, length);
0624: }
0626: public List getUsers(Boolean enabled, Date startDate, Date endDate,
0627: int offset, int length) throws RollerException {
0628: if (endDate == null)
0629: endDate = new Date();
0630: try {
0631: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0632: .getSession();
0633: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserData.class);
0634: criteria.add(Expression.lt("dateCreated", endDate));
0635: if (startDate != null) {
0636: criteria.add(Expression.gt("dateCreated", startDate));
0637: }
0638: if (enabled != null) {
0639: criteria.add(Expression.eq("enabled", enabled));
0640: }
0641: if (offset != 0) {
0642: criteria.setFirstResult(offset);
0643: }
0644: if (length != -1) {
0645: criteria.setMaxResults(length);
0646: }
0647: criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("dateCreated"));
0648: return criteria.list();
0649: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0650: throw new RollerException(e);
0651: }
0652: }
0654: /**
0655: * Get users of a website
0656: */
0657: public List getUsers(WebsiteData website, Boolean enabled,
0658: int offset, int length) throws RollerException {
0660: try {
0661: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0662: .getSession();
0663: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserData.class);
0664: if (website != null) {
0665: criteria.createAlias("permissions", "permissions");
0666: criteria.add(Expression.eq("permissions.website",
0667: website));
0668: }
0669: if (enabled != null) {
0670: criteria.add(Expression.eq("enabled", enabled));
0671: }
0672: if (offset != 0) {
0673: criteria.setFirstResult(offset);
0674: }
0675: if (length != -1) {
0676: criteria.setMaxResults(length);
0677: }
0678: return criteria.list();
0679: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0680: throw new RollerException(e);
0681: }
0682: }
0684: public List getUsersStartingWith(String startsWith,
0685: Boolean enabled, int offset, int length)
0686: throws RollerException {
0688: List results = new ArrayList();
0689: try {
0690: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0691: .getSession();
0692: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserData.class);
0694: if (enabled != null) {
0695: criteria.add(Expression.eq("enabled", enabled));
0696: }
0697: if (startsWith != null) {
0698: criteria.add(Expression.disjunction().add(
0699: Expression.like("userName", startsWith,
0700: MatchMode.START)).add(
0701: Expression.like("emailAddress", startsWith,
0702: MatchMode.START)));
0703: }
0704: if (offset != 0) {
0705: criteria.setFirstResult(offset);
0706: }
0707: if (length != -1) {
0708: criteria.setMaxResults(length);
0709: }
0710: results = criteria.list();
0711: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0712: throw new RollerException(e);
0713: }
0714: return results;
0715: }
0717: public WeblogTemplate getPage(String id) throws RollerException {
0718: // Don't hit database for templates stored on disk
0719: if (id != null && id.endsWith(".vm"))
0720: return null;
0722: return (WeblogTemplate) this .strategy.load(id,
0723: WeblogTemplate.class);
0724: }
0726: /**
0727: * Use Hibernate directly because Roller's Query API does too much allocation.
0728: */
0729: public WeblogTemplate getPageByLink(WebsiteData website,
0730: String pagelink) throws RollerException {
0732: if (website == null)
0733: throw new RollerException("userName is null");
0735: if (pagelink == null)
0736: throw new RollerException("Pagelink is null");
0738: try {
0739: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0740: .getSession();
0741: Criteria criteria = session
0742: .createCriteria(WeblogTemplate.class);
0743: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0744: criteria.add(Expression.eq("link", pagelink));
0745: criteria.setMaxResults(1);
0747: List list = criteria.list();
0748: return list.size() != 0 ? (WeblogTemplate) list.get(0)
0749: : null;
0750: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0751: throw new RollerException(e);
0752: }
0753: }
0755: /**
0756: * @see org.apache.roller.model.UserManager#getPageByName(WebsiteData, java.lang.String)
0757: */
0758: public WeblogTemplate getPageByName(WebsiteData website,
0759: String pagename) throws RollerException {
0761: if (website == null)
0762: throw new RollerException("website is null");
0764: if (pagename == null)
0765: throw new RollerException("Page name is null");
0767: try {
0768: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0769: .getSession();
0770: Criteria criteria = session
0771: .createCriteria(WeblogTemplate.class);
0772: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0773: criteria.add(Expression.eq("name", pagename));
0774: criteria.setMaxResults(1);
0776: List list = criteria.list();
0777: return list.size() != 0 ? (WeblogTemplate) list.get(0)
0778: : null;
0779: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0780: throw new RollerException(e);
0781: }
0782: }
0784: /**
0785: * @see org.apache.roller.model.UserManager#getPages(WebsiteData)
0786: */
0787: public List getPages(WebsiteData website) throws RollerException {
0789: if (website == null)
0790: throw new RollerException("website is null");
0792: try {
0793: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0794: .getSession();
0795: Criteria criteria = session
0796: .createCriteria(WeblogTemplate.class);
0797: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0798: criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("name"));
0800: return criteria.list();
0801: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0802: throw new RollerException(e);
0803: }
0804: }
0806: public PermissionsData getPermissions(String inviteId)
0807: throws RollerException {
0808: return (PermissionsData) this .strategy.load(inviteId,
0809: PermissionsData.class);
0810: }
0812: /**
0813: * Return permissions for specified user in website
0814: */
0815: public PermissionsData getPermissions(WebsiteData website,
0816: UserData user) throws RollerException {
0818: try {
0819: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0820: .getSession();
0821: Criteria criteria = session
0822: .createCriteria(PermissionsData.class);
0823: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0824: criteria.add(Expression.eq("user", user));
0826: List list = criteria.list();
0827: return list.size() != 0 ? (PermissionsData) list.get(0)
0828: : null;
0829: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0830: throw new RollerException(e);
0831: }
0832: }
0834: /**
0835: * Get pending permissions for user
0836: */
0837: public List getPendingPermissions(UserData user)
0838: throws RollerException {
0840: try {
0841: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0842: .getSession();
0843: Criteria criteria = session
0844: .createCriteria(PermissionsData.class);
0845: criteria.add(Expression.eq("user", user));
0846: criteria.add(Expression.eq("pending", Boolean.TRUE));
0848: return criteria.list();
0849: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0850: throw new RollerException(e);
0851: }
0852: }
0854: /**
0855: * Get pending permissions for website
0856: */
0857: public List getPendingPermissions(WebsiteData website)
0858: throws RollerException {
0860: try {
0861: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0862: .getSession();
0863: Criteria criteria = session
0864: .createCriteria(PermissionsData.class);
0865: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0866: criteria.add(Expression.eq("pending", Boolean.TRUE));
0868: return criteria.list();
0869: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0870: throw new RollerException(e);
0871: }
0872: }
0874: /**
0875: * Get all permissions of a website (pendings not including)
0876: */
0877: public List getAllPermissions(WebsiteData website)
0878: throws RollerException {
0880: try {
0881: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0882: .getSession();
0883: Criteria criteria = session
0884: .createCriteria(PermissionsData.class);
0885: criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", website));
0886: criteria.add(Expression.eq("pending", Boolean.FALSE));
0888: return criteria.list();
0889: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0890: throw new RollerException(e);
0891: }
0892: }
0894: /**
0895: * Get all permissions of a user.
0896: */
0897: public List getAllPermissions(UserData user) throws RollerException {
0899: try {
0900: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0901: .getSession();
0902: Criteria criteria = session
0903: .createCriteria(PermissionsData.class);
0904: criteria.add(Expression.eq("user", user));
0905: criteria.add(Expression.eq("pending", Boolean.FALSE));
0907: return criteria.list();
0908: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0909: throw new RollerException(e);
0910: }
0911: }
0913: public void release() {
0914: }
0916: public Map getUserNameLetterMap() throws RollerException {
0917: // TODO: ATLAS getUserNameLetterMap DONE TESTED
0918: String msg = "Getting username letter map";
0919: try {
0921: Map results = new TreeMap();
0922: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) strategy)
0923: .getSession();
0924: for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
0925: Query query = session
0926: .createQuery("select count(user) from UserData user where upper(user.userName) like '"
0927: + lc.charAt(i) + "%'");
0928: List row = query.list();
0929: Integer count = (Integer) row.get(0);
0930: results.put(new String(new char[] { lc.charAt(i) }),
0931: count);
0932: }
0933: return results;
0934: } catch (Throwable pe) {
0935: log.error(msg, pe);
0936: throw new RollerException(msg, pe);
0937: }
0938: }
0940: public List getUsersByLetter(char letter, int offset, int length)
0941: throws RollerException {
0942: // TODO: ATLAS getUsersByLetter DONE
0943: try {
0944: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0945: .getSession();
0946: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserData.class);
0947: criteria.add(Expression.ilike("userName", new String(
0948: new char[] { letter })
0949: + "%", MatchMode.START));
0950: criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("userName"));
0951: if (offset != 0) {
0952: criteria.setFirstResult(offset);
0953: }
0954: if (length != -1) {
0955: criteria.setMaxResults(length);
0956: }
0957: return criteria.list();
0958: } catch (HibernateException e) {
0959: throw new RollerException(e);
0960: }
0961: }
0963: public Map getWeblogHandleLetterMap() throws RollerException {
0964: // TODO: ATLAS getWeblogHandleLetterMap DONE
0965: String msg = "Getting weblog letter map";
0966: try {
0968: Map results = new TreeMap();
0969: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) strategy)
0970: .getSession();
0971: for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
0972: Query query = session
0973: .createQuery("select count(website) from WebsiteData website where upper(website.handle) like '"
0974: + lc.charAt(i) + "%'");
0975: List row = query.list();
0976: Integer count = (Integer) row.get(0);
0977: results.put(new String(new char[] { lc.charAt(i) }),
0978: count);
0979: }
0980: return results;
0981: } catch (Throwable pe) {
0982: log.error(msg, pe);
0983: throw new RollerException(msg, pe);
0984: }
0985: }
0987: public List getWeblogsByLetter(char letter, int offset, int length)
0988: throws RollerException {
0989: // TODO: ATLAS getWeblogsByLetter DONE
0990: try {
0991: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this .strategy)
0992: .getSession();
0993: Criteria criteria = session
0994: .createCriteria(WebsiteData.class);
0995: criteria.add(Expression.ilike("handle", new String(
0996: new char[] { letter })
0997: + "%", MatchMode.START));
0998: criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("handle"));
0999: if (offset != 0) {
1000: criteria.setFirstResult(offset);
1001: }
1002: if (length != -1) {
1003: criteria.setMaxResults(length);
1004: }
1005: return criteria.list();
1006: } catch (HibernateException e) {
1007: throw new RollerException(e);
1008: }
1009: }
1011: public List getMostCommentedWebsites(Date startDate, Date endDate,
1012: int offset, int length) throws RollerException {
1013: // TODO: ATLAS getMostCommentedWebsites DONE TESTED
1014: String msg = "Getting most commented websites";
1015: if (endDate == null)
1016: endDate = new Date();
1017: try {
1018: Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) strategy)
1019: .getSession();
1020: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1021: sb
1022: .append("select count(distinct c), c.weblogEntry.website.id, c.weblogEntry.website.handle, c.weblogEntry.website.name ");
1023: sb
1024: .append("from CommentData c where c.weblogEntry.pubTime < :endDate ");
1025: if (startDate != null) {
1026: sb.append("and c.weblogEntry.pubTime > :startDate ");
1027: }
1028: sb
1029: .append("group by c.weblogEntry.website.id, c.weblogEntry.website.name, c.weblogEntry.website.description order by col_0_0_ desc");
1030: Query query = session.createQuery(sb.toString());
1031: query.setParameter("endDate", endDate);
1032: if (startDate != null) {
1033: query.setParameter("startDate", startDate);
1034: }
1035: if (offset != 0) {
1036: query.setFirstResult(offset);
1037: }
1038: if (length != -1) {
1039: query.setMaxResults(length);
1040: }
1041: List results = new ArrayList();
1042: for (Iterator iter = query.list().iterator(); iter
1043: .hasNext();) {
1044: Object[] row = (Object[]) iter.next();
1045: results.add(new StatCount((String) row[1],
1046: (String) row[2], (String) row[3],
1047: "statCount.weblogCommentCountType", new Long(
1048: ((Integer) row[0]).intValue())
1049: .longValue()));
1050: }
1051: return results;
1052: } catch (Throwable pe) {
1053: log.error(msg, pe);
1054: throw new RollerException(msg, pe);
1055: }
1056: }
1058: /** Doesn't seem to be any other way to get ignore case w/o QBE */
1059: class IgnoreCaseEqExpression extends SimpleExpression {
1060: public IgnoreCaseEqExpression(String property, Object value) {
1061: super (property, value, "=", true);
1062: }
1063: }
1064: }