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public class Ear extends Jar (Code)
Creates a EAR archive. Based on WAR task
   Ant 1.4

Constructor Summary
public  Ear()
     Create an Ear task.

Method Summary
public  voidaddArchives(ZipFileSet fs)
     Adds zipfileset.
protected  voidcleanUp()
     Make sure we don't think we already have a application.xml next time this task gets executed.
protected  voidinitZipOutputStream(ZipOutputStream zOut)
     Initialize the output stream.
public  voidsetAppxml(File descr)
     File to incorporate as application.xml.
public  voidsetEarfile(File earFile)
     Set the destination file.
protected  voidzipFile(File file, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, int mode)

Constructor Detail
public Ear()(Code)
Create an Ear task.

Method Detail
public void addArchives(ZipFileSet fs)(Code)
Adds zipfileset.
  fs - zipfileset to add

protected void cleanUp()(Code)
Make sure we don't think we already have a application.xml next time this task gets executed.

protected void initZipOutputStream(ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException, BuildException(Code)
Initialize the output stream.
  zOut - the zip output stream.
  IOException - on I/O errors
  BuildException - on other errors

public void setAppxml(File descr)(Code)
File to incorporate as application.xml.
  descr - the descriptor file

public void setEarfile(File earFile)(Code)
Set the destination file.
  earFile - the destination file

protected void zipFile(File file, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, int mode) throws IOException(Code)
Overridden from Zip class to deal with application.xml
  file - the file to add to the archive
  zOut - the stream to write to
  vPath - the name this entry shall have in the archive
  mode - the Unix permissions to set.
  IOException - on error

Fields inherited from
protected String emptyBehavior(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public void addConfiguredIndexJars(Path p)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addConfiguredManifest(Manifest newManifest) throws ManifestException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addConfiguredService(Service service)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addMetainf(ZipFileSet fs)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void cleanUp()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean createEmptyZip(File zipFile) throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalizeZipOutputStream(ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException, BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String findJarName(String fileName, String[] classpath)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ArchiveState getResourcesToAdd(ResourceCollection[] rcs, File zipFile, boolean needsUpdate) throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static void grabFilesAndDirs(String file, List dirs, List files) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initZipOutputStream(ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException, BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void reset()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFilesetmanifest(FilesetManifestConfig config)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setIndex(boolean flag)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setJarfile(File jarFile)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setManifest(File manifestFile)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setManifestEncoding(String manifestEncoding)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setWhenempty(WhenEmpty we)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setWhenmanifestonly(WhenEmpty we)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void writeIndexLikeList(List dirs, List files, PrintWriter writer) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void zipFile(InputStream is, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, long lastModified, File fromArchive, int mode) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
protected Hashtable addedDirs(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String archiveType(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean doubleFilePass(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String duplicate(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String emptyBehavior(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Hashtable entries(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean skipWriting(Code)(Java Doc)
protected File zipFile(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public void add(ResourceCollection a)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addFileset(FileSet set)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void addParentDirs(File baseDir, String entry, ZipOutputStream zOut, String prefix, int dirMode) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void addResources(FileSet fileset, Resource[] resources, ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void addResources(ResourceCollection rc, Resource[] resources, ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addZipGroupFileset(FileSet set)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addZipfileset(ZipFileSet set)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void cleanUp()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean createEmptyZip(File zipFile) throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void execute() throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void executeMain() throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalizeZipOutputStream(ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException, BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getComment()(Code)(Java Doc)
public File getDestFile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getEncoding()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getLevel()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ArchiveState getNonFileSetResourcesToAdd(ResourceCollection[] rcs, File zipFile, boolean needsUpdate) throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ArchiveState getResourcesToAdd(ResourceCollection[] rcs, File zipFile, boolean needsUpdate) throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ArchiveState getResourcesToAdd(FileSet[] filesets, File zipFile, boolean needsUpdate) throws BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Resource[][] grabNonFileSetResources(ResourceCollection[] rcs)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Resource[][] grabResources(FileSet[] filesets)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initZipOutputStream(ZipOutputStream zOut) throws IOException, BuildException(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected boolean isAddingNewFiles()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isCompress()(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static boolean isEmpty(Resource[][] r)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isInUpdateMode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void reset()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Resource[] selectFileResources(Resource[] orig)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBasedir(File baseDir)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setComment(String comment)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCompress(boolean c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDestFile(File destFile)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDuplicate(Duplicate df)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setEncoding(String encoding)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFile(File file)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFilesonly(boolean f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setKeepCompression(boolean keep)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLevel(int level)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRoundUp(boolean r)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUpdate(boolean c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setWhenempty(WhenEmpty we)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setZipfile(File zipFile)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void zipDir(File dir, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, int mode) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void zipDir(File dir, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, int mode, ZipExtraField[] extra) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void zipFile(InputStream in, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, long lastModified, File fromArchive, int mode) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void zipFile(File file, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath, int mode) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
protected FileSet fileset(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public void XsetIgnore(String ignoreString)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void XsetItems(String itemString)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void add(FileSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addAnd(AndSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addContains(ContainsSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addContainsRegexp(ContainsRegexpSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addCustom(ExtendSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addDate(DateSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addDepend(DependSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addDepth(DepthSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addDifferent(DifferentSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addFilename(FilenameSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addMajority(MajoritySelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addModified(ModifiedSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addNone(NoneSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addNot(NotSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addOr(OrSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addPresent(PresentSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addSelector(SelectSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addSize(SizeSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addType(TypeSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void appendSelector(FileSelector selector)(Code)(Java Doc)
public PatternSet.NameEntry createExclude()(Code)(Java Doc)
public PatternSet.NameEntry createExcludesFile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public PatternSet.NameEntry createInclude()(Code)(Java Doc)
public PatternSet.NameEntry createIncludesFile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public PatternSet createPatternSet()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected DirectoryScanner getDirectoryScanner(File baseDir)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected FileSet getImplicitFileSet()(Code)(Java Doc)
public FileSelector[] getSelectors(Project p)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean hasSelectors()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int selectorCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Enumeration selectorElements()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCaseSensitive(boolean isCaseSensitive)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDefaultexcludes(boolean useDefaultExcludes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setExcludes(String excludes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setExcludesfile(File excludesfile)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFollowSymlinks(boolean followSymlinks)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setIncludes(String includes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setIncludesfile(File includesfile)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setProject(Project project)(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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