java.lang .Object .ProjectComponent .Message Message public class Message extends ProjectComponent (Code) Class representing an email message.
since: Ant 1.5
Message public Message()(Code) Creates a new empty message
Message public Message(String text)(Code) Creates a new message based on the given string
Parameters: text - the message
Message public Message(File file)(Code) Creates a new message using the contents of the given file.
Parameters: file - the source of the message
addText public void addText(String text)(Code) Adds a textual part of the message
Parameters: text - some text to add
getCharset public String getCharset()(Code) Returns the charset of mail message.
Charset of mail message.since: Ant 1.6
getMimeType public String getMimeType()(Code) Returns the content type
the mime type
isMimeTypeSpecified public boolean isMimeTypeSpecified()(Code) Returns true if the mimeType has been set.
false if the default value is in use
setCharset public void setCharset(String charset)(Code) Sets the character set of mail message.
Will be ignored if mimeType contains ....; Charset=... substring.
Parameters: charset - the character set name.since: Ant 1.6
setMimeType public void setMimeType(String mimeType)(Code) Sets the content type for the message
Parameters: mimeType - a mime type e.g. "text/plain"
setSrc public void setSrc(File src)(Code) Sets the source file of the message
Parameters: src - the source of the message