java.lang .Object .GenericDeploymentTool .WeblogicDeploymentTool .WeblogicTOPLinkDeploymentTool WeblogicTOPLinkDeploymentTool public class WeblogicTOPLinkDeploymentTool extends WeblogicDeploymentTool (Code) Deployment tool for Weblogic TOPLink.
addVendorFiles protected void addVendorFiles(Hashtable ejbFiles, String ddPrefix)(Code) Add any vendor specific files which should be included in the
EJB Jar.
Parameters: ejbFiles - the hashtable to add files to.Parameters: ddPrefix - the prefix to use.
getDescriptorHandler protected DescriptorHandler getDescriptorHandler(File srcDir)(Code) Get the descriptor handler.
Parameters: srcDir - the source file. the descriptor handler.
setToplinkdescriptor public void setToplinkdescriptor(String inString)(Code) Setter used to store the name of the toplink descriptor.
Parameters: inString - the string to use as the descriptor name.
setToplinkdtd public void setToplinkdtd(String inString)(Code) Setter used to store the location of the toplink DTD file.
This is expected to be an URL (file or otherwise). If running
this on NT using a file URL, the safest thing would be to not use a
drive spec in the URL and make sure the file resides on the drive that
ANT is running from. This will keep the setting in the build XML
platform independent.
Parameters: inString - the string to use as the DTD location.
validateConfigured public void validateConfigured() throws BuildException (Code) Called to validate that the tool parameters have been configured.
throws: BuildException - if there is an error.
Methods inherited from protected void addFileToJar(JarOutputStream jStream, File inputFile, String logicalFilename) throws BuildException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void addSupportClasses(Hashtable ejbFiles)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void addVendorFiles(Hashtable ejbFiles, String ddPrefix)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void checkAndAddDependants(Hashtable checkEntries) throws BuildException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void checkConfiguration(String descriptorFileName, SAXParser saxParser) throws BuildException (Code) (Java Doc) public void configure(EjbJar.Config config)(Code) (Java Doc) public Path createClasspath()(Code) (Java Doc) protected ClassLoader getClassLoaderForBuild()(Code) (Java Doc) protected Path getCombinedClasspath()(Code) (Java Doc) protected EjbJar.Config getConfig()(Code) (Java Doc) protected DescriptorHandler getDescriptorHandler(File srcDir)(Code) (Java Doc) protected File getDestDir()(Code) (Java Doc) protected String getJarBaseName(String descriptorFileName)(Code) (Java Doc) protected Location getLocation()(Code) (Java Doc) protected File getManifestFile(String prefix)(Code) (Java Doc) protected String getPublicId()(Code) (Java Doc) protected Task getTask()(Code) (Java Doc) public String getVendorDDPrefix(String baseName, String descriptorFileName)(Code) (Java Doc) File getVendorOutputJarFile(String baseName)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void log(String message, int level)(Code) (Java Doc) protected boolean needToRebuild(Hashtable ejbFiles, File jarFile)(Code) (Java Doc) protected Hashtable parseEjbFiles(String descriptorFileName, SAXParser saxParser) throws IOException , SAXException (Code) (Java Doc) public void processDescriptor(String descriptorFileName, SAXParser saxParser)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void registerKnownDTDs(DescriptorHandler handler)(Code) (Java Doc) public void setClasspath(Path classpath)(Code) (Java Doc) public void setDestdir(File inDir)(Code) (Java Doc) public void setGenericJarSuffix(String inString)(Code) (Java Doc) public void setTask(Task task)(Code) (Java Doc) protected boolean usingBaseJarName()(Code) (Java Doc) public void validateConfigured() throws BuildException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void writeJar(String baseName, File jarfile, Hashtable files, String publicId) throws BuildException (Code) (Java Doc)