Submits a numbered changelist to Perforce.
Note: P4Submit cannot (yet) submit the default changelist.
This shouldn't be a problem with the ANT task as the usual flow is
P4Change to create a new numbered change followed by P4Edit then P4Submit.
Example Usage:-
<p4submit change="${p4.change}" />
set the change list number to submit
Parameters: change - The changelist number to submit; required.
public void setChangeProperty(String changeProperty)(Code)
property defining the change number if the change number gets renumbered
Parameters: changeProperty - name of a new property to which the change numberwill be assigned if it changes since: ant 1.6.1
public void setNeedsResolveProperty(String needsResolveProperty)(Code)
property defining the need to resolve the change list
Parameters: needsResolveProperty - a property which will be set if the change needs resolve since: ant 1.6.1
Fields inherited from