java.lang .Object .DefaultRmicAdapter All known Subclasses: .KaffeRmic , .SunRmic , .WLRmic , .ForkingSunRmic ,DefaultRmicAdapter abstract public class DefaultRmicAdapter implements RmicAdapter (Code) This is the default implementation for the RmicAdapter interface.
Currently, this is a cut-and-paste of the original rmic task and
since: Ant 1.4
RMI_SKEL_SUFFIX final public static String RMI_SKEL_SUFFIX (Code) suffix denoting a skel file
RMI_STUB_SUFFIX final public static String RMI_STUB_SUFFIX (Code) suffix denoting a stub file
RMI_TIE_SUFFIX final public static String RMI_TIE_SUFFIX (Code) suffix denoting a tie file
STUB_1_1 final public static String STUB_1_1 (Code) arg for 1.1
STUB_1_2 final public static String STUB_1_2 (Code) arg for 1.2
STUB_COMPAT final public static String STUB_COMPAT (Code) arg for compat
DefaultRmicAdapter public DefaultRmicAdapter()(Code) Default constructor
getClasspath public Path getClasspath()(Code) Gets the CLASSPATH this rmic process will use.
the classpath
getCompileClasspath protected Path getCompileClasspath()(Code) Builds the compilation classpath.
the classpath
getMapper public FileNameMapper getMapper()(Code) This implementation returns a mapper that may return up to two
file names.
for JRMP it will return *_getStubClassSuffix (and
_getSkelClassSuffix if JDK 1.1 is used)
for IDL it will return a random name, causing <rmic> to
always recompile.
for IIOP it will return _*_getStubClassSuffix for
interfaces and _*_getStubClassSuffix for non-interfaces (and
determine the interface and create _*_Stub from that).
a FileNameMapper
getRmic public Rmic getRmic()(Code) Get the Rmic attributes
the attributes as a Rmic taskdef
getSkelClassSuffix protected String getSkelClassSuffix()(Code) Gets the skeleton class suffix
the skeleton suffix "_Skel"
getStubClassSuffix protected String getStubClassSuffix()(Code) Gets the stub class suffix
the stub suffix "_Stub"
getTieClassSuffix protected String getTieClassSuffix()(Code) Gets the tie class suffix
the tie suffix "_Tie"
logAndAddFilesToCompile protected void logAndAddFilesToCompile(Commandline cmd)(Code) Logs the compilation parameters, adds the files to compile and logs the
Parameters: cmd - the commandline args
setRmic public void setRmic(Rmic attributes)(Code) Sets Rmic attributes
Parameters: attributes - the rmic attributes
setupRmicCommand protected Commandline setupRmicCommand()(Code) Setup rmic argument for rmic.
the command line
setupRmicCommand protected Commandline setupRmicCommand(String [] options)(Code) Setup rmic argument for rmic.
Parameters: options - additional parameters needed by a specificimplementation. the command line