Computes the statistical properties of a given measurement across the
submetrics of the measurement's context. Given a measurement name, it
explores the tree of metrics rooted at the context and finds the numerical
value of these named measurements in the tree. For these measurements, it
- minimum value
- median value
- average value
- standard deviation
- maximum value
- sum
- number of data points
This is the syntax for initializing this type of measurement:
monitored measurement name [DISPOSE_x]
If the monitored measurement is itself a statistical measurement, the
disposition indicates how to deal with it, which of its values to use in
this measurement's calculation. The default is
StatisticalMeasurement.DISPOSE_IGNORE ,
meaning it should skip statistical measurements look in further submetrics
for raw values.
The second disposition tells which internal value to return in calls to
StatisticalMeasurement.compute method, which will be used by clients that do not
distinguish between StatisticalMeasurent and other Measurements. The
default is
StatisticalMeasurement.DISPOSE_AVERAGE .