Provides the command line interface to modify byte code in a Java class or JAR files.
This is the first step in using JBlanket.
The following tags are required command line arguments for the main methods:
'classDir' - the directory containing all .class or .jar files to modify
For example: -classDir c:\cvs\jblanket\build\classes
'include' - file(s) to be modified located in classDir
For example: -include csdl\jblanket\example\foo\Foo.class
'exclude' - file(s) to remain untouched in classDir
For example: -exclude csdl\jblanket\example\foo\TestFoo2.class
'testGrammar' - grammar describing the names of the Test classes
For example: -testGrammar Test*.class
The following tags are optional command line arguments:
'verbose' - describes if instrumentation should execute in verbose mode
For example: -verbose true
'excludeOneLineMethods' - describes if one-line methods should be excluded
For example: -excludeOneLineMethods false
'excludeConstructors' - describes if constructors should be excluded
For example: -excludeConstructors false
'totalFile' - name of the XML file for all methods included in the coverage
For example: -totalFile totalMethods.xml
'untestableFile' - name of the XML file for all abstract or native methods
For example: -untestableFile untestableMethods.xml
'excludedFile' - name of the XML file for all methods specifically excluded
from the coverage measurement
For example: -excludedFile excludedMethods.xml
'oneLineFile' - name of the XML file for methods containing one line of source
For example: -oneLineFile oneLineMethods.xml
'constructorFile' - name of the XML file for constructors
For example: -constructorFile constructorMethods.xml
'packagePrefix' - name of a package prefix to include in the coverage
For example: -packagePrefix csdl.jblanket.
Classes are modified inside the 'classDir' directory. |