Provides the application used to exclude individual methods from the coverage measurement. It
displays a mapping of a system's package structure to facilitate selection of individual methods
and deciding what to do with them.
This is an optional step in JBlanket that adds to the power of Extreme Coverage.
The above mentioned funcitonality is achieved by invoking the main method.
Arguments to pass to the main method include:
Required command line arguments:
'total.testedFile' - file containing all the tested methods before any optional exclusions,
e.g., one-line methods, etc., are removed
For example: -total.testedFile
'total.untestedFile' - file containing all the untested methods before any optional exclusions,
e.g., one-line methods, etc., are removed
For example: -total.untestedFile
Optional command line arguments:
'verbose' - describes if application should execute in verbose mode
For example: -verbose true
'excludeOneLineMethods' - describes if one-line methods should be distinguished
For example: -excludeOneLineMethods false
'excludeConstructors' - describes if constructors should be distinguished
For example: -excludeConstructors false
'onelineFile' - name of the file containing all one-line methods
For example: -onelineFile oneLineMethods.xml
'constructorFile' - name of the file containing all constructors
For example: -constructorFile constructorMethods.xml
'excludedIndividualFile' - name of the file containing all indiviually excluded methods
For example: -excludedIndividualFile excludedIndividualMethods.xml
An example of the most basic command line is:
jblanket>java -D"jblanket.dir"=.\build\jblanket
-classpath .;.\lib\ant\jblanket.jar;.\lib\ant\jdom.jar;.\lib\ant\xerces.jar
-total.testedFile -total.untestedFile
Another one that excludes one-line methods in a file myOneLineMethods.xml is:
jblanket>java -D"jblanket.dir"=.\build\jblanket
-classpath .;.\lib\ant\jblanket.jar;.\lib\ant\jdom.jar;.\lib\ant\xerces.jar
-total.testedFile -total.untestedFile -excludeOneLineMethods true
-oneLineFile myOneLineMethods.xml
author: Joy M. Agustin version: $Id:,v 1.1 2004/11/07 00:32:41 timshadel Exp $ |