Aggregates the output from JBlanket and transforms the aggregate file from XML to HTML.
First this class combines all methods in the system into one XML file, 'COVER-MethodSets.xml',
according to the following types:
'constructor' - constructors.
'oneline' - methods that contain only one line of code.
'excludedindividual' - excluded methods chose though ExcludedIndividualMethodsApp.
'tested' - methods invoked during testing that are not 'oneline' methods.
'untested' - methods not invoked during testing that are not 'oneline' methods.
Then the aggregate XML file can be transformed into HTML pages, mimicking the behavior found
in Apache Ant's junitreport task.
Note that the excluded individual methods take priority over all the other
categories of methods. I.e., if a one-line method was individually excluded by the application,
then it is considered to be an individually excluded methods instead of a one-line method.
Code is based upon Ant's XMLResultAggregator class.
author: Joy M. Agustin version: $Id:,v 1.1 2004/11/07 00:32:44 timshadel Exp $ |