| java.lang.Object spoon.support.reflect.cu.SourcePositionImpl
lineSeparatorPositions | int[] lineSeparatorPositions(Code) | | |
SourcePositionImpl | public SourcePositionImpl(CompilationUnit compilationUnit, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, int[] lineSeparatorPositions)(Code) | | |
getColumn | public int getColumn()(Code) | | |
getEndColumn | public int getEndColumn()(Code) | | |
getEndLine | public int getEndLine()(Code) | | |
getLine | public int getLine()(Code) | | |
getSourceEnd | public int getSourceEnd()(Code) | | |
getSourceStart | public int getSourceStart()(Code) | | |
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Returns a string representation of this position in the form
"sourcefile:line", or "sourcefile" if no line number is available.