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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Collaboration » poi 3.0.2 beta2 » org.apache.poi.hpsf.basic 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /* ====================================================================
002:           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:           contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:           this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:           The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:           (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:           the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
011:           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:           distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:           WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:           See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:           limitations under the License.
016:        ==================================================================== */
018:        package org.apache.poi.hpsf.basic;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import;
023:        import;
024:        import;
025:        import;
026:        import;
027:        import;
028:        import;
029:        import;
030:        import;
031:        import;
032:        import java.nio.charset.Charset;
033:        import java.util.Date;
034:        import java.util.HashMap;
035:        import java.util.Map;
037:        import junit.framework.Assert;
038:        import junit.framework.TestCase;
040:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.ClassID;
041:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.Constants;
042:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.HPSFRuntimeException;
043:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.IllegalPropertySetDataException;
044:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutableProperty;
045:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutablePropertySet;
046:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutableSection;
047:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.NoFormatIDException;
048:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.NoPropertySetStreamException;
049:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet;
050:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySetFactory;
051:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.ReadingNotSupportedException;
052:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.Section;
053:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.SummaryInformation;
054:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.UnsupportedVariantTypeException;
055:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.Variant;
056:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.VariantSupport;
057:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.WritingNotSupportedException;
058:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.wellknown.PropertyIDMap;
059:        import org.apache.poi.hpsf.wellknown.SectionIDMap;
060:        import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReader;
061:        import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReaderEvent;
062:        import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReaderListener;
063:        import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
064:        import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
065:        import org.apache.poi.util.TempFile;
067:        /**
068:         * <p>Tests HPSF's writing functionality.</p>
069:         *
070:         * @author Rainer Klute (
071:         * @since 2003-02-07
072:         * @version $Id: 489730 2006-12-22 19:18:16Z bayard $
073:         */
074:        public class TestWrite extends TestCase {
076:            static final String POI_FS = "TestHPSFWritingFunctionality.doc";
078:            static final int BYTE_ORDER = 0xfffe;
079:            static final int FORMAT = 0x0000;
080:            static final int OS_VERSION = 0x00020A04;
081:            static final int[] SECTION_COUNT = { 1, 2 };
082:            static final boolean[] IS_SUMMARY_INFORMATION = { true, false };
083:            static final boolean[] IS_DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_INFORMATION = { false,
084:                    true };
086:            final String IMPROPER_DEFAULT_CHARSET_MESSAGE = "Your default character set is "
087:                    + getDefaultCharsetName()
088:                    + ". However, this testcase must be run in an environment "
089:                    + "with a default character set supporting at least "
090:                    + "8-bit-characters. You can achieve this by setting the "
091:                    + "LANG environment variable to a proper value, e.g. "
092:                    + "\"de_DE\".";
094:            POIFile[] poiFiles;
096:            /**
097:             * <p>Constructor</p>
098:             * 
099:             * @param name the test case's name
100:             */
101:            public TestWrite(final String name) {
102:                super (name);
103:            }
105:            /**
106:             * @see TestCase#setUp()
107:             */
108:            public void setUp() {
109:                VariantSupport.setLogUnsupportedTypes(false);
110:            }
112:            /**
113:             * <p>Writes an empty property set to a POIFS and reads it back
114:             * in.</p>
115:             * 
116:             * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs
117:             */
118:            public void testNoFormatID() throws IOException {
119:                final String dataDirName = System
120:                        .getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path");
121:                final File dataDir = new File(dataDirName);
122:                final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS);
123:                filename.deleteOnExit();
125:                /* Create a mutable property set with a section that does not have the
126:                 * formatID set: */
127:                final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename);
128:                final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
129:                final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet();
130:                ps.clearSections();
131:                ps.addSection(new MutableSection());
133:                /* Write it to a POIFS and the latter to disk: */
134:                try {
135:                    final ByteArrayOutputStream psStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
136:                    ps.write(psStream);
137:                    psStream.close();
138:                    final byte[] streamData = psStream.toByteArray();
139:                    poiFs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamData),
140:                            SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME);
141:                    poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
142:                    out.close();
143:          "Should have thrown a NoFormatIDException.");
144:                } catch (Exception ex) {
145:                    Assert.assertTrue(ex instanceof  NoFormatIDException);
146:                } finally {
147:                    out.close();
148:                }
149:            }
151:            /**
152:             * <p>Writes an empty property set to a POIFS and reads it back
153:             * in.</p>
154:             * 
155:             * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs
156:             * @exception UnsupportedVariantTypeException if HPSF does not yet support
157:             * a variant type to be written
158:             */
159:            public void testWriteEmptyPropertySet() throws IOException,
160:                    UnsupportedVariantTypeException {
161:                final File dataDir = new File(System
162:                        .getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path"));
163:                final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS);
164:                filename.deleteOnExit();
166:                /* Create a mutable property set and write it to a POIFS: */
167:                final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename);
168:                final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
169:                final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet();
170:                final MutableSection s = (MutableSection) ps.getSections().get(
171:                        0);
172:                s.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID);
174:                final ByteArrayOutputStream psStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
175:                ps.write(psStream);
176:                psStream.close();
177:                final byte[] streamData = psStream.toByteArray();
178:                poiFs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamData),
179:                        SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME);
180:                poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
181:                out.close();
183:                /* Read the POIFS: */
184:                final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader();
185:                r.registerListener(new MyPOIFSReaderListener(),
186:                        SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME);
187:       FileInputStream(filename));
188:            }
190:            /**
191:             * <p>Writes a simple property set with a SummaryInformation section to a
192:             * POIFS and reads it back in.</p>
193:             * 
194:             * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs
195:             * @exception UnsupportedVariantTypeException if HPSF does not yet support
196:             * a variant type to be written
197:             */
198:            public void testWriteSimplePropertySet() throws IOException,
199:                    UnsupportedVariantTypeException {
200:                final String AUTHOR = "Rainer Klute";
201:                final String TITLE = "Test Document";
202:                final File dataDir = new File(System
203:                        .getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path"));
204:                final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS);
205:                filename.deleteOnExit();
206:                final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename);
207:                final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
209:                final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet();
210:                final MutableSection si = new MutableSection();
211:                si.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID);
212:                ps.getSections().set(0, si);
214:                final MutableProperty p = new MutableProperty();
215:                p.setID(PropertyIDMap.PID_AUTHOR);
216:                p.setType(Variant.VT_LPWSTR);
217:                p.setValue(AUTHOR);
218:                si.setProperty(p);
219:                si
220:                        .setProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE, Variant.VT_LPSTR,
221:                                TITLE);
223:                poiFs.createDocument(ps.toInputStream(),
224:                        SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME);
225:                poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
226:                out.close();
228:                /* Read the POIFS: */
229:                final PropertySet[] psa = new PropertySet[1];
230:                final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader();
231:                r.registerListener(new POIFSReaderListener() {
232:                    public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(
233:                            final POIFSReaderEvent event) {
234:                        try {
235:                            psa[0] = PropertySetFactory.create(event
236:                                    .getStream());
237:                        } catch (Exception ex) {
238:                            fail(org.apache.poi.hpsf.Util.toString(ex));
239:                        }
240:                    }
242:                }, SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME);
243:       FileInputStream(filename));
244:                Assert.assertNotNull(psa[0]);
245:                Assert.assertTrue(psa[0].isSummaryInformation());
247:                final Section s = (Section) (psa[0].getSections().get(0));
248:                Object p1 = s.getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_AUTHOR);
249:                Object p2 = s.getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE);
250:                Assert.assertEquals(AUTHOR, p1);
251:                Assert.assertEquals(TITLE, p2);
252:            }
254:            /**
255:             * <p>Writes a simple property set with two sections to a POIFS and reads it
256:             * back in.</p>
257:             * 
258:             * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs
259:             * @exception WritingNotSupportedException if HPSF does not yet support
260:             * a variant type to be written
261:             */
262:            public void testWriteTwoSections()
263:                    throws WritingNotSupportedException, IOException {
264:                final String STREAM_NAME = "PropertySetStream";
265:                final String SECTION1 = "Section 1";
266:                final String SECTION2 = "Section 2";
268:                final File dataDir = new File(System
269:                        .getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path"));
270:                final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS);
271:                filename.deleteOnExit();
272:                final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename);
274:                final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
275:                final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet();
276:                ps.clearSections();
278:                final ClassID formatID = new ClassID();
279:                formatID.setBytes(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
280:                        10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 });
281:                final MutableSection s1 = new MutableSection();
282:                s1.setFormatID(formatID);
283:                s1.setProperty(2, SECTION1);
284:                ps.addSection(s1);
286:                final MutableSection s2 = new MutableSection();
287:                s2.setFormatID(formatID);
288:                s2.setProperty(2, SECTION2);
289:                ps.addSection(s2);
291:                poiFs.createDocument(ps.toInputStream(), STREAM_NAME);
292:                poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
293:                out.close();
295:                /* Read the POIFS: */
296:                final PropertySet[] psa = new PropertySet[1];
297:                final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader();
298:                r.registerListener(new POIFSReaderListener() {
299:                    public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(
300:                            final POIFSReaderEvent event) {
301:                        try {
302:                            psa[0] = PropertySetFactory.create(event
303:                                    .getStream());
304:                        } catch (Exception ex) {
305:                            ex.printStackTrace();
306:                            throw new RuntimeException(ex.toString());
307:                            /* FIXME (2): Replace the previous line by the following
308:                             * one once we no longer need JDK 1.3 compatibility. */
309:                            // throw new RuntimeException(ex);
310:                        }
311:                    }
312:                }, STREAM_NAME);
313:       FileInputStream(filename));
314:                Assert.assertNotNull(psa[0]);
315:                Section s = (Section) (psa[0].getSections().get(0));
316:                assertEquals(s.getFormatID(), formatID);
317:                Object p = s.getProperty(2);
318:                Assert.assertEquals(SECTION1, p);
319:                s = (Section) (psa[0].getSections().get(1));
320:                p = s.getProperty(2);
321:                Assert.assertEquals(SECTION2, p);
322:            }
324:            static class MyPOIFSReaderListener implements  POIFSReaderListener {
325:                public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(final POIFSReaderEvent event) {
326:                    try {
327:                        PropertySetFactory.create(event.getStream());
328:                    } catch (Exception ex) {
329:                        fail(org.apache.poi.hpsf.Util.toString(ex));
330:                    }
331:                }
332:            }
334:            private static final int CODEPAGE_DEFAULT = -1;
335:            private static final int CODEPAGE_1252 = 1252;
336:            private static final int CODEPAGE_UTF8 = Constants.CP_UTF8;
337:            private static final int CODEPAGE_UTF16 = Constants.CP_UTF16;
339:            /**
340:             * <p>Writes and reads back various variant types and checks whether the
341:             * stuff that has been read back equals the stuff that was written.</p>
342:             */
343:            public void testVariantTypes() {
344:                Throwable t = null;
345:                final int codepage = CODEPAGE_DEFAULT;
346:                if (!hasProperDefaultCharset()) {
347:                    System.err.println(IMPROPER_DEFAULT_CHARSET_MESSAGE
348:                            + " This testcase is skipped.");
349:                    return;
350:                }
352:                try {
353:                    check(Variant.VT_EMPTY, null, codepage);
354:                    check(Variant.VT_BOOL, new Boolean(true), codepage);
355:                    check(Variant.VT_BOOL, new Boolean(false), codepage);
356:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0 }, codepage);
357:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1 }, codepage);
358:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }, codepage);
359:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, codepage);
360:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, codepage);
361:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
362:                            codepage);
363:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
364:                            codepage);
365:                    check(Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 },
366:                            codepage);
367:                    check(Variant.VT_I4, new Integer(27), codepage);
368:                    check(Variant.VT_I8, new Long(28), codepage);
369:                    check(Variant.VT_R8, new Double(29.0), codepage);
370:                    check(Variant.VT_I4, new Integer(-27), codepage);
371:                    check(Variant.VT_I8, new Long(-28), codepage);
372:                    check(Variant.VT_R8, new Double(-29.0), codepage);
373:                    check(Variant.VT_FILETIME, new Date(), codepage);
374:                    check(Variant.VT_I4, new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
375:                            codepage);
376:                    check(Variant.VT_I4, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE),
377:                            codepage);
378:                    check(Variant.VT_I8, new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE), codepage);
379:                    check(Variant.VT_I8, new Long(Long.MIN_VALUE), codepage);
380:                    check(Variant.VT_R8, new Double(Double.MAX_VALUE), codepage);
381:                    check(Variant.VT_R8, new Double(Double.MIN_VALUE), codepage);
383:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "", codepage);
384:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "\u00e4", codepage);
385:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6", codepage);
386:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc", codepage);
387:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df",
388:                            codepage);
389:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4",
390:                            codepage);
391:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR,
392:                            "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4\u00d6", codepage);
393:                    check(Variant.VT_LPSTR,
394:                            "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc",
395:                            codepage);
397:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "", codepage);
398:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "\u00e4", codepage);
399:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6", codepage);
400:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc", codepage);
401:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df",
402:                            codepage);
403:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4",
404:                            codepage);
405:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR,
406:                            "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4\u00d6", codepage);
407:                    check(Variant.VT_LPWSTR,
408:                            "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc",
409:                            codepage);
410:                } catch (Exception ex) {
411:                    t = ex;
412:                } catch (Error ex) {
413:                    t = ex;
414:                }
415:                if (t != null)
416:                    fail(org.apache.poi.hpsf.Util.toString(t));
417:            }
419:            /**
420:             * <p>Writes and reads back strings using several different codepages and
421:             * checks whether the stuff that has been read back equals the stuff that
422:             * was written.</p>
423:             */
424:            public void testCodepages() {
425:                Throwable thr = null;
426:                final int[] validCodepages = new int[] { CODEPAGE_DEFAULT,
427:                        CODEPAGE_UTF8, CODEPAGE_UTF16, CODEPAGE_1252 };
428:                for (int i = 0; i < validCodepages.length; i++) {
429:                    final int cp = validCodepages[i];
430:                    if (cp == -1 && !hasProperDefaultCharset()) {
431:                        System.err
432:                                .println(IMPROPER_DEFAULT_CHARSET_MESSAGE
433:                                        + " This testcase is skipped for the default codepage.");
434:                        continue;
435:                    }
437:                    final long t = cp == CODEPAGE_UTF16 ? Variant.VT_LPWSTR
438:                            : Variant.VT_LPSTR;
439:                    try {
440:                        check(t, "", cp);
441:                        check(t, "\u00e4", cp);
442:                        check(t, "\u00e4\u00f6", cp);
443:                        check(t, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc", cp);
444:                        check(t, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4", cp);
445:                        check(t, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6", cp);
446:                        check(t, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc", cp);
447:                        check(t, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc\u00df",
448:                                cp);
449:                        if (cp == Constants.CP_UTF16 || cp == Constants.CP_UTF8)
450:                            check(t, "\u79D1\u5B78", cp);
451:                    } catch (Exception ex) {
452:                        thr = ex;
453:                    } catch (Error ex) {
454:                        thr = ex;
455:                    }
456:                    if (thr != null)
457:                        fail(org.apache.poi.hpsf.Util.toString(thr)
458:                                + " with codepage " + cp);
459:                }
461:                final int[] invalidCodepages = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 4711, 815 };
462:                for (int i = 0; i < invalidCodepages.length; i++) {
463:                    int cp = invalidCodepages[i];
464:                    final long type = cp == CODEPAGE_UTF16 ? Variant.VT_LPWSTR
465:                            : Variant.VT_LPSTR;
466:                    try {
467:                        check(type, "", cp);
468:                        check(type, "\u00e4", cp);
469:                        check(type, "\u00e4\u00f6", cp);
470:                        check(type, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc", cp);
471:                        check(type, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4", cp);
472:                        check(type, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6", cp);
473:                        check(type, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc", cp);
474:                        check(type,
475:                                "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc\u00df",
476:                                cp);
477:                        fail("UnsupportedEncodingException for codepage " + cp
478:                                + " expected.");
479:                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
480:                        /* This is the expected behaviour. */
481:                    } catch (Exception ex) {
482:                        thr = ex;
483:                    } catch (Error ex) {
484:                        thr = ex;
485:                    }
486:                    if (thr != null)
487:                        fail(org.apache.poi.hpsf.Util.toString(thr));
488:                }
490:            }
492:            /**
493:             * <p>Tests whether writing 8-bit characters to a Unicode property
494:             * succeeds.</p>
495:             */
496:            public void testUnicodeWrite8Bit() {
497:                final String TITLE = "This is a sample title";
498:                final MutablePropertySet mps = new MutablePropertySet();
499:                final MutableSection ms = (MutableSection) mps.getSections()
500:                        .get(0);
501:                ms.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID);
502:                final MutableProperty p = new MutableProperty();
503:                p.setID(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE);
504:                p.setType(Variant.VT_LPSTR);
505:                p.setValue(TITLE);
506:                ms.setProperty(p);
508:                Throwable t = null;
509:                try {
510:                    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
511:                    mps.write(out);
512:                    out.close();
513:                    byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray();
515:                    PropertySet psr = new PropertySet(bytes);
516:                    assertTrue(psr.isSummaryInformation());
517:                    Section sr = (Section) psr.getSections().get(0);
518:                    String title = (String) sr
519:                            .getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE);
520:                    assertEquals(TITLE, title);
521:                } catch (WritingNotSupportedException e) {
522:                    t = e;
523:                } catch (IOException e) {
524:                    t = e;
525:                } catch (NoPropertySetStreamException e) {
526:                    t = e;
527:                }
528:                if (t != null)
529:                    fail(t.getMessage());
530:            }
532:            /**
533:             * <p>Writes a property and reads it back in.</p>
534:             *
535:             * @param variantType The property's variant type.
536:             * @param value The property's value.
537:             * @param codepage The codepage to use for writing and reading.
538:             * @throws UnsupportedVariantTypeException if the variant is not supported.
539:             * @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs.
540:             * @throws ReadingNotSupportedException 
541:             * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
542:             */
543:            private void check(final long variantType, final Object value,
544:                    final int codepage) throws UnsupportedVariantTypeException,
545:                    IOException, ReadingNotSupportedException,
546:                    UnsupportedEncodingException {
547:                final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
548:                VariantSupport.write(out, variantType, value, codepage);
549:                out.close();
550:                final byte[] b = out.toByteArray();
551:                final Object objRead =, 0, b.length
552:                        + LittleEndian.INT_SIZE, variantType, codepage);
553:                if (objRead instanceof  byte[]) {
554:                    final int diff = diff((byte[]) value, (byte[]) objRead);
555:                    if (diff >= 0)
556:                        fail("Byte arrays are different. First different byte is at "
557:                                + "index " + diff + ".");
558:                } else if (value != null && !value.equals(objRead)) {
559:                    fail("Expected: \""
560:                            + value
561:                            + "\" but was: \""
562:                            + objRead
563:                            + "\". Codepage: "
564:                            + codepage
565:                            + (codepage == -1 ? " ("
566:                                    + System.getProperty("file.encoding")
567:                                    + ")." : "."));
568:                } else
569:                    assertEquals(value, objRead);
570:            }
572:            /**
573:             * <p>Compares two byte arrays.</p>
574:             *
575:             * @param a The first byte array
576:             * @param b The second byte array
577:             * @return The index of the first byte that is different. If the byte arrays
578:             * are equal, -1 is returned.
579:             */
580:            private int diff(final byte[] a, final byte[] b) {
581:                final int min = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
582:                for (int i = 0; i < min; i++)
583:                    if (a[i] != b[i])
584:                        return i;
585:                if (a.length != b.length)
586:                    return min;
587:                return -1;
588:            }
590:            /**
591:             * <p>This test method does a write and read back test with all POI
592:             * filesystems in the "data" directory by performing the following
593:             * actions for each file:</p>
594:             * 
595:             * <ul>
596:             * 
597:             * <li><p>Read its property set streams.</p></li>
598:             * 
599:             * <li><p>Create a new POI filesystem containing the origin file's
600:             * property set streams.</p></li>
601:             * 
602:             * <li><p>Read the property set streams from the POI filesystem just
603:             * created.</p></li>
604:             * 
605:             * <li><p>Compare each property set stream with the corresponding one from
606:             * the origin file and check whether they are equal.</p></li>
607:             *
608:             * </ul>
609:             */
610:            public void testRecreate() {
611:                final File dataDir = new File(System
612:                        .getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path"));
613:                final File[] fileList = dataDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
614:                    public boolean accept(final File f) {
615:                        return f.getName().startsWith("Test");
616:                    }
617:                });
618:                for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
619:                    testRecreate(fileList[i]);
620:            }
622:            /**
623:             * <p>Performs the check described in {@link #testRecreate()} for a single
624:             * POI filesystem.</p>
625:             *
626:             * @param f the POI filesystem to check
627:             */
628:            private void testRecreate(final File f) {
629:                System.out.println("Recreating file \"" + f + "\"");
630:                try {
631:                    /* Read the POI filesystem's property set streams: */
632:                    final POIFile[] psf1 = Util.readPropertySets(f);
634:                    /* Create a new POI filesystem containing the origin file's
635:                     * property set streams: */
636:                    final File copy = TempFile.createTempFile(f.getName(), "");
637:                    copy.deleteOnExit();
638:                    final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(copy);
639:                    final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
640:                    for (int i = 0; i < psf1.length; i++) {
641:                        final InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(psf1[i]
642:                                .getBytes());
643:                        final PropertySet psIn = PropertySetFactory.create(in);
644:                        final MutablePropertySet psOut = new MutablePropertySet(
645:                                psIn);
646:                        final ByteArrayOutputStream psStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
647:                        psOut.write(psStream);
648:                        psStream.close();
649:                        final byte[] streamData = psStream.toByteArray();
650:                        poiFs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(
651:                                streamData), psf1[i].getName());
652:                        poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
653:                    }
654:                    out.close();
656:                    /* Read the property set streams from the POI filesystem just
657:                     * created. */
658:                    final POIFile[] psf2 = Util.readPropertySets(copy);
659:                    for (int i = 0; i < psf2.length; i++) {
660:                        final byte[] bytes1 = psf1[i].getBytes();
661:                        final byte[] bytes2 = psf2[i].getBytes();
662:                        final InputStream in1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes1);
663:                        final InputStream in2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes2);
664:                        final PropertySet ps1 = PropertySetFactory.create(in1);
665:                        final PropertySet ps2 = PropertySetFactory.create(in2);
667:                        /* Compare the property set stream with the corresponding one
668:                         * from the origin file and check whether they are equal. */
669:                        assertEquals("Equality for file " + f.getName(), ps1,
670:                                ps2);
671:                    }
672:                } catch (Exception ex) {
673:                    handle(ex);
674:                }
675:            }
677:            /**
678:             * <p>Tests writing and reading back a proper dictionary.</p>
679:             */
680:            public void testDictionary() {
681:                try {
682:                    final File copy = TempFile.createTempFile("Test-HPSF",
683:                            "ole2");
684:                    copy.deleteOnExit();
686:                    /* Write: */
687:                    final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(copy);
688:                    final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
689:                    final MutablePropertySet ps1 = new MutablePropertySet();
690:                    final MutableSection s = (MutableSection) ps1.getSections()
691:                            .get(0);
692:                    final Map m = new HashMap(3, 1.0f);
693:                    m.put(new Long(1), "String 1");
694:                    m.put(new Long(2), "String 2");
695:                    m.put(new Long(3), "String 3");
696:                    s.setDictionary(m);
697:                    s
698:                            .setFormatID(SectionIDMap.DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID[0]);
699:                    int codepage = Constants.CP_UNICODE;
700:                    s.setProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE, Variant.VT_I2,
701:                            new Integer(codepage));
702:                    poiFs.createDocument(ps1.toInputStream(), "Test");
703:                    poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
704:                    out.close();
706:                    /* Read back: */
707:                    final POIFile[] psf = Util.readPropertySets(copy);
708:                    Assert.assertEquals(1, psf.length);
709:                    final byte[] bytes = psf[0].getBytes();
710:                    final InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
711:                    final PropertySet ps2 = PropertySetFactory.create(in);
713:                    /* Check if the result is a DocumentSummaryInformation stream, as
714:                     * specified. */
715:                    assertTrue(ps2.isDocumentSummaryInformation());
717:                    /* Compare the property set stream with the corresponding one
718:                     * from the origin file and check whether they are equal. */
719:                    assertEquals(ps1, ps2);
720:                } catch (Exception ex) {
721:                    handle(ex);
722:                }
723:            }
725:            /**
726:             * <p>Tests writing and reading back a proper dictionary with an invalid
727:             * codepage. (HPSF writes Unicode dictionaries only.)</p>
728:             */
729:            public void testDictionaryWithInvalidCodepage() {
730:                try {
731:                    final File copy = TempFile.createTempFile("Test-HPSF",
732:                            "ole2");
733:                    copy.deleteOnExit();
735:                    /* Write: */
736:                    final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(copy);
737:                    final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem();
738:                    final MutablePropertySet ps1 = new MutablePropertySet();
739:                    final MutableSection s = (MutableSection) ps1.getSections()
740:                            .get(0);
741:                    final Map m = new HashMap(3, 1.0f);
742:                    m.put(new Long(1), "String 1");
743:                    m.put(new Long(2), "String 2");
744:                    m.put(new Long(3), "String 3");
745:                    s.setDictionary(m);
746:                    s
747:                            .setFormatID(SectionIDMap.DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID[0]);
748:                    int codepage = 12345;
749:                    s.setProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE, Variant.VT_I2,
750:                            new Integer(codepage));
751:                    poiFs.createDocument(ps1.toInputStream(), "Test");
752:                    poiFs.writeFilesystem(out);
753:                    out.close();
754:                    fail("This testcase did not detect the invalid codepage value.");
755:                } catch (IllegalPropertySetDataException ex) {
756:                    assertTrue(true);
757:                } catch (Exception ex) {
758:                    handle(ex);
759:                }
760:            }
762:            /**
763:             * <p>Handles unexpected exceptions in testcases.</p>
764:             *
765:             * @param ex The exception that has been thrown.
766:             */
767:            private void handle(final Exception ex) {
768:                final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
769:                final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
770:                Throwable t = ex;
771:                while (t != null) {
772:                    t.printStackTrace(pw);
773:                    if (t instanceof  HPSFRuntimeException)
774:                        t = ((HPSFRuntimeException) t).getReason();
775:                    else
776:                        t = null;
777:                    if (t != null)
778:                        pw.println("Caused by:");
779:                }
780:                pw.close();
781:                try {
782:                    sw.close();
783:                } catch (IOException ex2) {
784:                    ex.printStackTrace();
785:                }
786:                fail(sw.toString());
787:            }
789:            /**
790:             * <p>Returns the display name of the default character set.</p>
791:             *
792:             * @return the display name of the default character set.
793:             */
794:            private String getDefaultCharsetName() {
795:                final String charSetName = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
796:                final Charset charSet = Charset.forName(charSetName);
797:                return charSet.displayName();
798:            }
800:            /**
801:             * <p>In order to execute tests with characters beyond US-ASCII, this
802:             * method checks whether the application is runing in an environment
803:             * where the default character set is 16-bit-capable.</p>
804:             *
805:             * @return <code>true</code> if the default character set is 16-bit-capable,
806:             * else <code>false</code>.
807:             */
808:            private boolean hasProperDefaultCharset() {
809:                final String charSetName = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
810:                final Charset charSet = Charset.forName(charSetName);
811:                return charSet.newEncoder().canEncode('\u00e4');
812:            }
814:            /**
815:             * <p>Runs the test cases stand-alone.</p>
816:             * 
817:             * @param args The command-line parameters.
818:             * @throws Throwable if anything goes wrong.
819:             */
820:            public static void main(final String[] args) throws Throwable {
821:                System.setProperty("HPSF.testdata.path",
822:                        "./src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hpsf/data");
823:      ;
824:            }
826:        } | Contact Us
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