| org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.TestPOIFSDocumentPath
TestPOIFSDocumentPath | public class TestPOIFSDocumentPath extends TestCase (Code) | | Class to test POIFSDocumentPath functionality
author: Marc Johnson |
TestPOIFSDocumentPath | public TestPOIFSDocumentPath(String name)(Code) | | Constructor TestPOIFSDocumentPath
Parameters: name - |
main | public static void main(String[] ignored_args)(Code) | | main method to run the unit tests
Parameters: ignored_args - |
testDefaultConstructor | public void testDefaultConstructor()(Code) | | Test default constructor
testEquality | public void testEquality()(Code) | | test equality
testFullPathConstructor | public void testFullPathConstructor()(Code) | | Test full path constructor
testRelativePathConstructor | public void testRelativePathConstructor()(Code) | | Test relative path constructor