A general-purpose abstract Widget which can hold zero or more widgets.
version: $Id: AbstractContainerWidget.java 462520 2006-10-10 19:39:14Z vgritsenko $
initialize() Called after widget's environment has been setup,
to allow for any contextual initalization such as
looking up case widgets for union widgets.
public void
readFromRequest(FormContext formContext) Delegates the readFromRequest() down to the contained child-widgets.
public boolean
validate() Delegates the validate() down to the contained child-widgets,
and validates the extra rules on this containment level regardless of
children widget's validities.
Subclass container widgets can call this super.generateItemSaxFragment(..)
to just insert the child-widget content wrapped in a @lt;fi:widgets@gt;
Parameters: contentHandler - where the SAX is sent to via Widget.generateSaxFragment(ContentHandlerLocale) Parameters: locale - throws: SAXException -
Delegates the readFromRequest() down to the contained child-widgets.
When overriding one should call super.readFromRequest()
to allow child-widgets to process the request.
Overide only to add possible request-reading statements on the containment level.
Parameters: formContext - to be passed to the Widget.readFromRequest(FormContext)of the contained widgets.
Delegates the validate() down to the contained child-widgets,
and validates the extra rules on this containment level regardless of
children widget's validities.
When overriding one should call super.validate() as the first
statement to keep in sync with this behaviour.
true only if all contained widgets are valid and theextra validation rules on this containment level are ok.
Fields inherited from org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.AbstractWidget