Method Summary |
public static AbstractChildObject | getArchivedObject(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi, String sPath) Returns the archived child object reference by the given path. |
public static List | getArchivedVirtualCollectionMemberNames(URL resourceURL) |
public static String | getChildTypeFromURL(String sPath) Returns the class name associated to the given URL of the resource, if the URL is
a version URL, or at least the resource type's group class name if the URL is a
standard DAV URL. |
public static String | getClassFromResourceTypeDesc(String sResourceType, String sContentType) Returns the Harmonise classname appropriate for the given combination of
resource type and content type. |
public static String | getDAVPath(AbstractChildObject cobj) Returns the URI that the given object can be accessed by over WebDAV. |
public static String | getDAVPath(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi, String harmonisePath) Returns the DAV path equivalent of a Harmonise path. |
public static String | getDAVPath(Class clss, String sHarmonisePath) Returns the URI that the given object can be accessed by over WebDAV. |
public static String | getFilePath(URL url) Returns the path to a file on the local file system associated to the
given URL. |
public static String | getFullURL(AbstractChildObject cobj, URL resourceUrl) Returns the full URL for the given child object. |
public static String | getLastSegment(String sPath) Returns the path of the parent of the object reference by the given path. |
public static AbstractChildObject | getObjectFromNonVersionURL(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi, String sPath) Returns a child object from the given non-version URL. |
public static AbstractChildObject | getObjectFromURL(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi, URL url) Returns a child object from the given URL. |
public static AbstractChildObject | getObjectFromURL(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi, String sPath) Returns a child object from the given URL. |
public static AbstractChildObject | getObjectFromVersionURL(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi, String sPath) Returns a child object from a version URL. |
public static String | getParentTypeFromURL(String sPath) Returns the class name associated to the given URL of the resource, if the URL is
a version URL, or at least the resource type's group class name if the URL is a
standard DAV URL. |
public static String | getPathParent(String sPath) Returns the path of the parent of the object reference by the given path. |
public static Profile | getProfileForNamespaceURI(AbstractProfiledObject profObj, String sURI) Returns the correct profile for the AbstarctProfiledObject
for the given namespace URI. |
public static NamespaceType | getPropertyNamespace(Property prop) Returns the correct namespace for the given property. |
public static String | getRealPath(URL url) Translate a URL into a Harmonise path name. |
public static String | getRealPath(String sPath) Translate a URL into a Harmonise path name. |
public static String | getResourceName(URL url) Returns the name of the resource referenced by the given
URL . |
public static String | getResourceType(String sResourceName) |
public static String | getResourceTypeFromClass(String sClassName) Returns the resource type for a given class name. |
public static List | getRootCollections() Returns the member collections of the DAV root. |
public static String | getRootForClass(String sClassname) |
public static String | getTagForLiveProperty(String livepropname) |
public static String | getTypeFromVersionURL(String sPath) Returns the class name associated to the given URL of the resource, if the URL is
a version URL, or at least the resource type's group class name if the URL is a
standard DAV URL. |
public static String | getUUID(String uri, String user_name) Returns a Universal Unique Identifier for the combination of URI and user name. |
public static String | getVersionPath(AbstractChildObject child) |
public static List | getVirtualCollectionMemberNames(URL url) |
public static List | getVirtualCollectionMemberNames(String sPath) Returns the list of members for the virtual collection found at the given URL. |
public static boolean | hasValidDAVPath(AbstractChildObject child) |
public static boolean | isArchiveRoot(URL url) |
public static boolean | isArchiveRoot(String sPath) |
public static boolean | isArchiveURL(URL url) Returns true if URL is a path to an archived version. |
public static boolean | isArchiveURL(String sURL) Returns true if URL is a path to an archived version. |
public static boolean | isArchivedVirtualCollection(URL resourceURL) |
public static boolean | isDAVPath(String sPath) Returns true if the specified path starts
with the WEBDAV_ROOT_MARKER segment. |
public static boolean | isDAVRoot(URL url) Returns true if the given url references the root of the DAV server
i.e. |
public static boolean | isDAVRoot(String sURL) Returns true if the given url references the root of the DAV server
i.e. |
public static boolean | isMappedLiveProperty(String livepropname) |
public static boolean | isVersionPath(String sPath) Returns true if the given URL path is a version path of the form
'http://..../../4/ver/23' where 4 would be the live id of a versioned resource
and 23 would be the key of the specific version. |
public static boolean | isVirtualCollection(URL url) Returns true if the given url references one of the virtual collections
i.e. |
public static boolean | isVirtualCollection(String sPath) Returns true if the given url references one of the virtual collections
i.e. |
public static boolean | isVirtualResource(URL url) Returns true if the given url references a virtual resource
i.e. |
public static String | stripExtension(String sName) Returns a String stripped of anything after and including a '.',
if there is one. |