Method Summary |
void | checkDatabaseChangeLogLockTable() |
void | checkDatabaseChangeLogTable() |
void | close() |
void | commit() |
Object | convertDatabaseValueToJavaObject(Object defaultValue, int dataType, int columnSize, int decimalDigits) |
String | convertJavaObjectToString(Object value) |
String | convertRequestedSchemaToCatalog(String requestedSchema) |
String | convertRequestedSchemaToSchema(String requestedSchema) |
SqlStatement | createFindSequencesSQL(String schema) |
boolean | doesChangeLogLockTableExist() |
boolean | doesChangeLogTableExist() |
boolean | doesTagExist(String tag) |
void | dropDatabaseObjects(String schema) |
String | escapeColumnName(String columnName) Escapes a single column name in a database-dependent manner so reserved words can be used as a column
name (i.e. |
String | escapeColumnNameList(String columnNames) Escapes a list of column names in a database-dependent manner so reserved words can be used as a column
name (i.e. |
String | escapeSequenceName(String schemaName, String sequenceName) |
String | escapeStringForDatabase(String string) |
String | escapeTableName(String schemaName, String tableName) Escapes the table name in a database-dependent manner so reserved words can be used as a table name (i.e. |
String | escapeViewName(String schemaName, String viewName) |
String | generatePrimaryKeyName(String tableName) |
public boolean | getAutoCommitMode() |
String | getAutoIncrementClause() |
String | getBlobType() Returns the actual database-specific data type to use a "BLOB" column. |
String | getBooleanType() Returns the actual database-specific data type to use a "boolean" column. |
String | getClobType() Returns the actual database-specific data type to use a "CLOB" column. |
String | getColumnType(String columnType, Boolean autoIncrement) |
String | getConcatSql(String... values) Returns SQL to concat the passed values. |
DatabaseConnection | getConnection() |
String | getConnectionURL() |
String | getConnectionUsername() |
String | getCurrencyType() Returns the actual database-specific data type to use a "currency" column. |
String | getCurrentDateTimeFunction() Returns database-specific function for generating the current date/time. |
String | getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName() |
String | getDatabaseChangeLogTableName() |
String | getDatabaseProductName() |
String | getDatabaseProductName(Connection conn) |
String | getDatabaseProductVersion() |
int | getDatabaseType(int type) |
String | getDateLiteral(String isoDate) |
String | getDateLiteral(java.sql.Date date) |
String | getDateLiteral(java.sql.Time time) |
String | getDateLiteral(java.sql.Timestamp timeStamp) |
String | getDateLiteral(Date defaultDateValue) |
String | getDateTimeType() Returns the actual database-specific data type to use a "datetime" column. |
String | getDateType() |
String | getDefaultCatalogName() |
String | getDefaultDriver(String url) If this database understands the given url, return the default driver class name. |
String | getDefaultSchemaName() |
String | getDriverName() |
String | getFalseBooleanValue() |
JdbcTemplate | getJdbcTemplate() |
String | getLineComment() |
String | getProductName() Returns the full database product name. |
RanChangeSet | getRanChangeSet(ChangeSet changeSet) |
List<RanChangeSet> | getRanChangeSetList() |
Date | getRanDate(ChangeSet changeSet) |
ChangeSet.RunStatus | getRunStatus(ChangeSet changeSet) |
SqlStatement | getSelectChangeLogLockSQL() |
String | getTimeType() |
String | getTrueBooleanValue() |
String | getTypeName() Returns an all-lower-case short name of the product. |
String | getUUIDType() Returns the actual database-specific data type to use a "UUID" column. |
String | getViewDefinition(String schemaName, String name) |
boolean | isColumnAutoIncrement(String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName) |
boolean | isCorrectDatabaseImplementation(Connection conn) Is this AbstractDatabase subclass the correct one to use for the given connection. |
boolean | isLiquibaseTable(String tableName) |
boolean | isSystemTable(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName) |
boolean | isSystemView(String catalogName, String schemaName, String name) |
void | markChangeSetAsRan(ChangeSet changeSet) |
void | markChangeSetAsReRan(ChangeSet changeSet) |
void | removeRanStatus(ChangeSet changeSet) |
void | rollback() |
void | setConnection(Connection conn) |
void | setConnection(DatabaseConnection conn) |
void | setCurrentDateTimeFunction(String function) |
void | setDefaultSchemaName(String schemaName) |
void | setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate template) |
boolean | shouldQuoteValue(String value) |
public boolean | supportsAutoIncrement() |
boolean | supportsDDLInTransaction() Determines if the database supports DDL within a transaction or not. |
boolean | supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns() Returns whether this database support initially deferrable columns. |
boolean | supportsSchemas() |
public boolean | supportsSequences() |
boolean | supportsTablespaces() |
void | tag(String tagString) |