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public class DataStore (Code)
A class to cache the result of a database query. If the underlying SELECT used only one table, then the DataStore can be updated and the changes can be saved back to the database. For updating or deleting rows, key columns are required For inserting new rows, no keys are required.
See Also:

Field Summary
final public static  IntegerROW_MODIFIED
final public static  IntegerROW_NEW
final public static  IntegerROW_ORIGINAL

Constructor Summary
public  DataStore(String[] aColNames, int[] colTypes)
public  DataStore(String[] colNames, int[] colTypes, int[] colSizes)
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResultSet, WbConnection aConn)
     Create a DataStore based on the contents of the given ResultSet.
 DataStore(ResultInfo metaData)
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResult)
     Initialize this DataStore based on the given ResultSet but without reading the data.
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData)
     Initialize this DataStore based on the given ResultSet The ResultSet has to be closed by the caller.
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResult, WbConnection conn, boolean readData)
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData, int maxRows)
     Create a DataStore based on the given ResultSet.
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData, RowActionMonitor aMonitor)
     Create a DataStore based on the given ResultSet.
public  DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData, RowActionMonitor aMonitor, int maxRows, WbConnection conn)
     Create a DataStore based on the given ResultSet.
public  DataStore(ResultSetMetaData metaData, WbConnection aConn)
     Create an empty DataStore based on the information given in the MetaData object.

Method Summary
public  intaddRow(ResultSet rs)
     Adds the next row from the result set to the DataStore.
public  intaddRow()
     Adds a new empty row to the DataStore.
public  intaddRow(RowData row)
public  voidapplyFilter(FilterExpression filterExpression)
     Applies a filter based on the given to this datastore.
public  booleancanSaveAsSqlInsert()
     Returns true if the current data can be converted to SQL INSERT statements.
public  voidcancelRetrieve()
     If the DataStore is beeing initialized with a ResultSet, this cancels the processing of the ResultSet.
public  voidcancelUpdate()
     Cancels a currently running update.
public  booleancheckUpdateTable()
public  booleancheckUpdateTable(WbConnection aConn)
public  voidclearFilter()
     Restores all rows that were filtered.
public  ObjectconvertCellValue(Object aValue, int aColumn)
public  voiddeleteRow(int aRow)
public  voiddeleteRowWithDependencies(int aRow)
public  intduplicateRow(int aRow)
public  ClassgetColumnClass(int aColumn)
public  StringgetColumnClassName(int aColumn)
public  intgetColumnCount()
public  intgetColumnDisplaySize(int aColumn)
     Return the suggested display size of the column.
public  intgetColumnIndex(String aName)
     Returns the index of the column with the given name.
public  StringgetColumnName(int aColumn)
     Return the name of the given column
  aColumn - The index of the column in this DataStore.
public  intgetColumnType(int aColumn)
public  ColumnIdentifier[]getColumns()
public  StringgetGeneratingSql()
public  StringgetInsertTable()
     Return the table that should be used when generating INSERTs ("copy as INSERT") Normally this is the update table.
public  List<ColumnIdentifier>getMissingPkColumns()
public  intgetModifiedCount()
protected  RowDatagetNextDeletedRow()
public  WbConnectiongetOriginalConnection()
     Return the connection that was used to retrieve the result.
protected  ObjectgetOriginalValue(int aRow, int aColumn)
public  List<ColumnData>getPkValues(int aRow)
     Returns a list with the value of all PK columns for the given row.
public  List<ColumnData>getPkValues(int aRow, boolean originalValues)
     Returns a list with the value of all PK columns for the given row.
public  RowActionMonitorgetProgressMonitor()
     Getter for property progressMonitor.
public  ResultInfogetResultInfo()
public  RowDatagetRow(int aRow)
public  intgetRowCount()
public  IntegergetRowStatus(int aRow)
     Return the status object for the given row.
public  List<DmlStatement>getUpdateStatements(WbConnection aConnection)
     Returns a List of s which would be executed in order to store the current content of the DataStore.
public  TableIdentifiergetUpdateTable()
public  ObjectgetValue(int aRow, int aColumn)
     Returns the current value of the specified column in the specified row.
public  ObjectgetValue(int aRow, String columnName)
     Returns the current value of the named column in the specified row.
public  intgetValueAsInt(int aRow, int aColumn, int aDefault)
     Return the value of a column as an int value.
public  longgetValueAsLong(int aRow, int aColumn, long aDefault)
     Return the value of a column as an long value.
public  StringgetValueAsString(int aRow, String colName)
     Returns the value of the given row/column as a String.
public  StringgetValueAsString(int aRow, int aColumn)
     Returns the value of the given row/column as a String.
public  booleanhasDeletedRows()
public  booleanhasPkColumns()
public  booleanhasUpdateableColumns()
public  booleanhasUpdatedRows()
     Returns true if at least one row has been updated.
public  voidinitData(ResultSet aResultSet)
     Read the column definitions from the result set's meta data and store the data from the ResultSet in this DataStore with no maximum The ResultSet must be closed by the caller.
public  voidinitData(ResultSet aResultSet, int maxRows)
     Read the column definitions from the result set's meta data and store the data from the ResultSet in this DataStore (up to maxRows) The ResultSet must be closed by the caller.
  aResultSet - the ResultSet to read
  maxRows - max.
public  intinsertRowAfter(int anIndex)
     Inserts a row after the given row number.
public  booleanisCancelled()
     Checks if the last ResultSet processing was cancelled.
public  booleanisFiltered()
public  booleanisModified()
public  booleanisRowModified(int aRow)
     Returns true if the given row has been modified.
public  booleanisUpdateable()
public  booleanlastUpdateHadErrors()
public  booleanneedPkForUpdate()
     Returns true if key columns are needed to save the changes to the database.
public  booleanpkColumnsComplete()
public  voidreset()
public  voidresetCancelStatus()
public  voidresetDmlSentStatus()
     Clears the flag for all modified rows that indicates any pending update has already been sent to the database.
public  voidresetStatus()
     Reset all rows to not modified.
public  voidresetStatusForSentRows()
protected  voidresetUpdateRowCounters()
public  voidrestoreOriginalValues()
     Restore the original values as retrieved from the database.
public  voidsetAllowUpdates(boolean aFlag)
public  voidsetColumnSizes(int[] sizes)
public  voidsetGeneratingSql(String aSql)
     Define the (SELECT) statement that was used to produce this DataStore's result set.
public  voidsetInputValue(int row, int col, Object value)
     Set a value received from a user input.
public  voidsetOriginalConnection(WbConnection aConn)
public  voidsetPKColumns(ColumnIdentifier[] pkColumns)
public  voidsetProgressMonitor(RowActionMonitor aMonitor)
     Setter for property progressMonitor.
public  voidsetRowNull(int aRow)
public  voidsetUpdateTable(String aTablename, WbConnection aConn)
public  voidsetUpdateTable(TableIdentifier tbl)
public  voidsetUpdateTable(TableIdentifier tbl, WbConnection conn)
     Sets the table to be updated for this DataStore.
public  voidsetUpdateTableToBeUsed(TableIdentifier tbl)
     Prepare the information which table should be updated.
public  voidsetValue(int aRow, int aColumn, Object aValue)
     Set the value for the given column.
public  voidsort(SortDefinition sortDef)
public  voidsortByColumn(int col, boolean ascending)
public  booleansqlHasUpdateTable()
     Checks if the underlying SQL statement references only one table.
public synchronized  intupdateDb(WbConnection aConnection, JobErrorHandler errorHandler)
     Save the changes to this DataStore to the database.
public  voidupdatePkInformation()
     Check if the currently defined updateTable has any Primary keys defined in the database.

Field Detail
final public static Integer ROW_MODIFIED(Code)

final public static Integer ROW_NEW(Code)

final public static Integer ROW_ORIGINAL(Code)

Constructor Detail
public DataStore(String[] aColNames, int[] colTypes)(Code)
Create a DataStore which is not based on a result set and contains the columns defined in the given array The column types need to match the values from from java.sql.Types
  aColNames - the column names
  colTypes - data types for each column (matching java.sql.Types.XXXX)

public DataStore(String[] colNames, int[] colTypes, int[] colSizes)(Code)
Create a DataStore which is not based on a result set and contains the columns defined in the given array The column types need to match the values from from java.sql.Types
  colNames - the column names
  colTypes - data types for each column (matching java.sql.Types.XXXX)
  colSizes - display size for each column
See Also:   DataStore.getColumnDisplaySize(int)
See Also:   workbench.gui.components.DataStoreTableModel.getColumnWidth(int)

public DataStore(ResultSet aResultSet, WbConnection aConn) throws SQLException(Code)
Create a DataStore based on the contents of the given ResultSet. The ResultSet has to be closed by the caller.
See Also:   DataStore.initData(ResultSet,int)

DataStore(ResultInfo metaData)(Code)

public DataStore(ResultSet aResult) throws SQLException(Code)
Initialize this DataStore based on the given ResultSet but without reading the data. This is equivalent to calling new DataStore(result, false) The ResultSet has to be closed by the caller.
  aResult - the ResultSet to process
  java.sql.SQLException -
See Also:   DataStore.DataStore(ResultSet,boolean)

public DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData) throws SQLException(Code)
Initialize this DataStore based on the given ResultSet The ResultSet has to be closed by the caller.
  aResult - the ResultSet to process
  readData - if true, the ResultSet will be processed, otherwise only the MetaData will be read
  java.sql.SQLException -
See Also:   DataStore.initData(ResultSet,int)

public DataStore(ResultSet aResult, WbConnection conn, boolean readData) throws SQLException(Code)

public DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData, int maxRows) throws SQLException(Code)
Create a DataStore based on the given ResultSet.
  aResult - the result set to use
  readData - if true the data from the ResultSet should be read into memory, otherwise only MetaData information is read
  maxRows - limit number of rows to maxRows if the JDBC driver does not already limit them

public DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData, RowActionMonitor aMonitor) throws SQLException(Code)
Create a DataStore based on the given ResultSet.
  aResult - the result set to use
  readData - if true the data from the ResultSet should be read into memory, otherwise only MetaData information is read
  aMonitor - if not null, the loading process is displayed through this monitor

public DataStore(ResultSet aResult, boolean readData, RowActionMonitor aMonitor, int maxRows, WbConnection conn) throws SQLException(Code)
Create a DataStore based on the given ResultSet.
  aResult - the result set to use
  readData - if true the data from the ResultSet should be read into memory, otherwise only MetaData information is read
  aMonitor - if not null, the loading process is displayed through this monitor
  maxRows - limit number of rows to maxRows if the JDBC driver does not already limit them
  conn - the connection that was used to retrieve the result set

public DataStore(ResultSetMetaData metaData, WbConnection aConn) throws SQLException(Code)
Create an empty DataStore based on the information given in the MetaData object. The DataStore can be populated with the DataStore.addRow(ResultSet) method.

Method Detail
public int addRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException(Code)
Adds the next row from the result set to the DataStore. No check will be done if the ResultSet matches the current column structure!! int - the new row numberThe new row will be marked as "Not modified".

public int addRow()(Code)
Adds a new empty row to the DataStore. The new row will be marked as Modified int - the new row number

public int addRow(RowData row)(Code)

public void applyFilter(FilterExpression filterExpression)(Code)
Applies a filter based on the given to this datastore. Each row that does not satisfy the criteria is removed from the active data
  filterExpression - the expression identifying the rows to be kept
See Also:
See Also:   DataStore.clearFilter()

public boolean canSaveAsSqlInsert()(Code)
Returns true if the current data can be converted to SQL INSERT statements. The data can be saved as SQL INSERTs if an update table is defined. If no update table is defined, then this method will call DataStore.checkUpdateTable() and try to determine the table from the used SQL statement. true if an update table is defined

public void cancelRetrieve()(Code)
If the DataStore is beeing initialized with a ResultSet, this cancels the processing of the ResultSet.
See Also:   DataStore.DataStore(java.sql.ResultSet)
See Also:   DataStore.initData(ResultSet)

public void cancelUpdate()(Code)
Cancels a currently running update. This has to be called from a different thread than the one from which updatedb() was called
See Also:   DataStore.updateDb(workbench.db.WbConnection,workbench.interfaces.JobErrorHandler)

public boolean checkUpdateTable()(Code)

public boolean checkUpdateTable(WbConnection aConn)(Code)

public void clearFilter()(Code)
Restores all rows that were filtered.

public Object convertCellValue(Object aValue, int aColumn) throws ConverterException(Code)
Convert the value to the approriate class instance for the given column
  aValue - the value as entered by the user
  aColumn - the column for which this value should be converted an Object of the needed class for the column
See Also:   ValueConverter.convertValue(Objectint)

public void deleteRow(int aRow) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Deletes the given row and saves it in the delete buffer in order to be able to generate a DELETE statement if this DataStore needs updating

public void deleteRowWithDependencies(int aRow) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, SQLException(Code)

public int duplicateRow(int aRow)(Code)

public Class getColumnClass(int aColumn)(Code)

public String getColumnClassName(int aColumn)(Code)

public int getColumnCount()(Code)

public int getColumnDisplaySize(int aColumn) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Return the suggested display size of the column. This is delegated to the instance of the class that is used to store the column meta data
  aColumn - the column index the suggested display size
See Also:
See Also:   workbench.gui.components.DataStoreTableModel.getColumnWidth(int)

public int getColumnIndex(String aName)(Code)
Returns the index of the column with the given name.
  aName - The column's name to search for The column's index (first column starts at 0)

public String getColumnName(int aColumn) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Return the name of the given column
  aColumn - The index of the column in this DataStore. The first column index is 0 The name of the column

public int getColumnType(int aColumn) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)

public ColumnIdentifier[] getColumns()(Code)

public String getGeneratingSql()(Code)

public String getInsertTable()(Code)
Return the table that should be used when generating INSERTs ("copy as INSERT") Normally this is the update table. If no update table is defined, the table from the SQL statement will be used but no checking for key columns takes place (which might take long)

public List<ColumnIdentifier> getMissingPkColumns()(Code)

public int getModifiedCount()(Code)
Returns the total number of modified, new or deleted rows

protected RowData getNextDeletedRow()(Code)

public WbConnection getOriginalConnection()(Code)
Return the connection that was used to retrieve the result. Can be null if the DataStore was not populated using a ResultSet

protected Object getOriginalValue(int aRow, int aColumn)(Code)

public List<ColumnData> getPkValues(int aRow)(Code)
Returns a list with the value of all PK columns for the given row. The key to the map is the name of the column.
See Also:
See Also:   DataStore.getValue(int,int)

public List<ColumnData> getPkValues(int aRow, boolean originalValues)(Code)
Returns a list with the value of all PK columns for the given row. The key to the map is the name of the column.
See Also:
See Also:   DataStore.getValue(int,int)

public RowActionMonitor getProgressMonitor()(Code)
Getter for property progressMonitor. Value of property progressMonitor.

public ResultInfo getResultInfo()(Code)

public RowData getRow(int aRow) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)

public int getRowCount()(Code)

public Integer getRowStatus(int aRow) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Return the status object for the given row. The status is one of The status object is used by the workbench.gui.renderer.RowStatusRenderer in the result table to display the approriate icon.
  aRow - the row for which the status should be returned an Integer identifying the status

public List<DmlStatement> getUpdateStatements(WbConnection aConnection) throws SQLException(Code)
Returns a List of s which would be executed in order to store the current content of the DataStore. The returned list will be empty if no changes were made to the datastore a List of to be sent to the database
See Also:
See Also:

public TableIdentifier getUpdateTable()(Code)
Returns the current table to be updated if this DataStore is based on a SELECT query The current update table
See Also:   DataStore.setGeneratingSql(String)

public Object getValue(int aRow, int aColumn) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Returns the current value of the specified column in the specified row.
  aRow - the row to get the data from (starts at 0)
  aColumn - the column to get the data for (starts at 0) the current value of the column might be different to the valueretrieved from the database!
See Also:
See Also:   DataStore.getRow(int)

public Object getValue(int aRow, String columnName) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Returns the current value of the named column in the specified row. This is equivalent to calling getRow(row, findColumn(columnName))
  aRow - the row to get the data from (starts at 0)
  columnName - the column to get the data for the current value of the column might be different to the valueretrieved from the database!
See Also:
See Also:   DataStore.getRow(int)
See Also:   DataStore.getColumnIndex(String)
See Also:   DataStore.getValue(int,int)

public int getValueAsInt(int aRow, int aColumn, int aDefault)(Code)
Return the value of a column as an int value. If the object stored in the DataStore is an instance of Number the intValue() of that object will be returned, otherwise the String value of the column will be converted to an integer. If it cannot be converted to an int, the default value will be returned
  aRow - The row
  aColumn - The column to be returned
  aDefault - The default value that will be returned if the the column's value cannot be converted to an int

public long getValueAsLong(int aRow, int aColumn, long aDefault)(Code)
Return the value of a column as an long value. If the object stored in the DataStore is an instance of Number the longValue() of that object will be returned, otherwise the String value of the column will be converted to a long. If it cannot be converted to an long, the default value will be returned
  aRow - The row
  aColumn - The column to be returned
  aDefault - The default value that will be returned if the the column's value cannot be converted to a long

public String getValueAsString(int aRow, String colName) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Returns the value of the given row/column as a String. The value's toString() method is used to convert the value to a String value. Null if the column is null, or the column's value as a String

public String getValueAsString(int aRow, int aColumn) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Returns the value of the given row/column as a String. The value's toString() method is used to convert the value to a String value. Null if the column is null, or the column's value as a String

public boolean hasDeletedRows()(Code)
Returns true if at least one row has been deleted

public boolean hasPkColumns()(Code)

public boolean hasUpdateableColumns()(Code)

public boolean hasUpdatedRows()(Code)
Returns true if at least one row has been updated.

public void initData(ResultSet aResultSet) throws SQLException(Code)
Read the column definitions from the result set's meta data and store the data from the ResultSet in this DataStore with no maximum The ResultSet must be closed by the caller.
  aResultSet - the ResultSet to read
See Also:   DataStore.initData(ResultSet,int)

public void initData(ResultSet aResultSet, int maxRows) throws SQLException(Code)
Read the column definitions from the result set's meta data and store the data from the ResultSet in this DataStore (up to maxRows) The ResultSet must be closed by the caller.
  aResultSet - the ResultSet to read
  maxRows - max. number of rows to read. Zero or lower to read all rows
See Also:   DataStore.initData(ResultSet)

public int insertRowAfter(int anIndex)(Code)
Inserts a row after the given row number. If the new Index is greater then the current row count or the new index is < 0 the new row will be added at the end. int - the new row number

public boolean isCancelled()(Code)
Checks if the last ResultSet processing was cancelled. This will only be correct if initData() was called previously true if retrieval was cancelled.
See Also:   DataStore.DataStore(java.sql.ResultSet)
See Also:   DataStore.initData(ResultSet)

public boolean isFiltered()(Code)

public boolean isModified()(Code)

public boolean isRowModified(int aRow)(Code)
Returns true if the given row has been modified. A new row is considered modified only if setValue() has been called at least once.
  aRow - The row to check

public boolean isUpdateable()(Code)

public boolean lastUpdateHadErrors()(Code)

public boolean needPkForUpdate()(Code)
Returns true if key columns are needed to save the changes to the database. If only inserted rows are present, then no key is needed. For updated or deleted rows a key is needed

public boolean pkColumnsComplete()(Code)

public void reset()(Code)
Remove all data from the DataStore

public void resetCancelStatus()(Code)

public void resetDmlSentStatus()(Code)
Clears the flag for all modified rows that indicates any pending update has already been sent to the database. This is necessary if an error occurs during update, to ensure the rows are re-send the next time.

public void resetStatus()(Code)
Reset all rows to not modified. After this a call to #isModified() will return false.

public void resetStatusForSentRows()(Code)
Clears the modified status for those rows where the update has been sent to the database

protected void resetUpdateRowCounters()(Code)

public void restoreOriginalValues()(Code)
Restore the original values as retrieved from the database. This will have no effect if DataStore.isModified() returns false
See Also:   DataStore.setValue(int,int,Object)

public void setAllowUpdates(boolean aFlag)(Code)

public void setColumnSizes(int[] sizes)(Code)

public void setGeneratingSql(String aSql)(Code)
Define the (SELECT) statement that was used to produce this DataStore's result set. This is used to find the update table later

public void setInputValue(int row, int col, Object value) throws ConverterException(Code)
Set a value received from a user input. This will convert the given value to an object of the correct class

public void setOriginalConnection(WbConnection aConn)(Code)

public void setPKColumns(ColumnIdentifier[] pkColumns)(Code)

public void setProgressMonitor(RowActionMonitor aMonitor)(Code)
Setter for property progressMonitor.
  aMonitor - New value of property progressMonitor.

public void setRowNull(int aRow)(Code)
Set all values in the given row to NULL

public void setUpdateTable(String aTablename, WbConnection aConn)(Code)

public void setUpdateTable(TableIdentifier tbl)(Code)

public void setUpdateTable(TableIdentifier tbl, WbConnection conn)(Code)
Sets the table to be updated for this DataStore. Upon setting the table, the column definition for the table will be retrieved using workbench.db.DbMetadata To define the table that should be used for updates, but without retrieving its definition (for performance reasons) use DataStore.setUpdateTableToBeUsed(TableIdentifier) any PK column that is not found in the current ResultInfo will be stored and can be retrieved using getMissingPkColumns()
  tbl - the table to be used as the update table
  conn - the connection where this table exists
See Also:   DataStore.setUpdateTableToBeUsed(TableIdentifier)
See Also:   DataStore.getMissingPkColumns()

public void setUpdateTableToBeUsed(TableIdentifier tbl)(Code)
Prepare the information which table should be updated. This will not trigger the retrieval of the columns. This table will be used the next time checkUpdateTable() will be called. checkUpdateTable() will not retrieve the table name from the original SQL then.
See Also:   DataStore.setUpdateTable(TableIdentifier)

public void setValue(int aRow, int aColumn, Object aValue) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)
Set the value for the given column. This will change the internal state of the DataStore to modified.
  aRow -
  aColumn -
  aValue - The value to be set

public void sort(SortDefinition sortDef)(Code)

public void sortByColumn(int col, boolean ascending)(Code)

public boolean sqlHasUpdateTable()(Code)
Checks if the underlying SQL statement references only one table. true if only one table is found in the SELECT statement
See Also:   workbench.util.SqlUtil.getTables(String)

public synchronized int updateDb(WbConnection aConnection, JobErrorHandler errorHandler) throws SQLException(Code)
Save the changes to this DataStore to the database. The changes are applied in the following order
  • Delete statements
  • Insert statements
  • Update statements
If everything was successful, the changes will be committed automatically If an error occurs a rollback will be sent to the database
  aConnection - the connection where the database should be updated
  errorHandler - callback for error handling the number of rows affected
See Also:
See Also:

public void updatePkInformation() throws SQLException(Code)
Check if the currently defined updateTable has any Primary keys defined in the database. If it has, a subsequent call to hasPkColumns() returns true

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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