001: package util;
003: import java.text.*;
004: import java.util.*;
005: import java.sql.*;
007: /**
008: * utility class for some frontend checks and conversions.
009: * @author Rahul Kumar
010: *
011: * RK modified on 20021217 04:48:42
012: * Added methods for next month,date,year etc
013: */
014: public class RKUtil {
016: /** converts a string that contains a date to a Date.
017: * The entry string should not be null else a Nullpointer will be thrown
018: * @param String in date format
019: * @return java.util.Date
020: * @throws ParseException if date is invalid or wrong format
021: * @throws NullPointer if input is blank We can probably formally throw a BlankString
022: * exception in a future version so that the callers dont suffer NPE's.
023: */
024: public static java.util.Date DateStringToDate(String d)
025: throws ParseException {
026: // added on 22/09
027: d.replace('-', '/');
028: d.replace('.', '/');
030: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
031: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
032: java.util.Date dt = sdf.parse(d);
033: return dt;
034: }
036: /** Converts a given date string to a date. A user may enter only a year,
037: * this would get converted to the first day of the year.
038: * User may enter only date, and the current month and year would be added.
039: * User may enter only date and month, and year would be added.
040: */
041: public static java.util.Date FriendlyDateStringToDate(String d)
042: throws ParseException {
043: if (d == null)
044: return new java.util.Date();
046: d.replace('-', '/');
047: d.replace('.', '/');
048: int len = d.length();
049: if (d.indexOf('/') != -1) {
050: if (len == 4) // 4 numbers could be a year
051: d = "01/01/" + d;
052: else {
053: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
054: cal.setTime((new java.util.Date()));
055: String month = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH));
056: String year = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
057: if (len < 3) // 1 or 2 numbers could be a day
058: d += '/' + month + '/' + year;
059: }
060: } else if (len < 6) {
061: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
062: cal.setTime((new java.util.Date()));
063: //String month = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH));
064: String year = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
065: d += '/' + year;
066: }
067: return DateStringToDate(d);
068: }
070: /**
071: * Takes a date string (that a user has entered) and returns a java.sql.Date.
072: * The return date can be carried all the way through to the backend.
073: * Please start using this and avoid util dates !!!
074: * @param String date string from HTML form
075: * @return java.sql.Date date for the given string
076: * @throws ParseException if string contains invalid date
077: *
078: */
079: public static java.sql.Date DateStringToSQLDate(String d)
080: throws ParseException {
082: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
083: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
084: java.util.Date dt = sdf.parse(d);
085: java.sql.Date sqldt = new java.sql.Date(dt.getTime());
086: return sqldt;
087: }
089: /** converts date to a string in indian format
090: * @param Date to be converted
091: * @return String in Indian Format
092: *
093: *
094: */
095: public static String DateToDateString(java.util.Date d) {
096: if (d == null)
097: return ""; // HACK for webapps
099: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
100: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
101: String dateString = sdf.format(d);
102: return dateString;
103: }
105: /** converts date to a string in indian format
106: * @param Date to be converted
107: * @return String in Indian Format
108: * differs from the above in that it does not throw an exception
109: * the date is considered to be valid since it is a util date
110: *
111: */
112: public static String DateToString(java.util.Date d) {
114: String dateString = null;
115: try {
116: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
117: "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
118: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
119: dateString = sdf.format(d);
120: } catch (Exception pe) {
121: }
122: return dateString;
123: }
125: /** Validates whether the input string is blank.
126: * @param text String to be checked
127: * @return boolean is null true, is not null false
128: * The caller should use this method prior to validating a date or doing a
129: * parseInt
130: */
131: public static boolean isNullString(String text) {
132: //System.err.println("isnull got :" + text +".");
133: if (text == null)
134: return true;
135: if (text.trim().length() == 0)
136: return true;
137: return false;
138: }
140: /** returns current date in Indian format - UGH it returns date
141: * only, not time.
142: *
143: */
144: public static String CurrentDateString() {
145: java.util.Date mydate = new java.util.Date();
146: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
147: String dateString = sdf.format(mydate);
148: return dateString;
149: }
151: /**
152: * Returns a JDBC compliant date string for the current date
153: * Time is blanked out in the result.
154: * Use this to update tables with system date.
155: */
156: public static String CurrentSQLDateString() {
157: return (new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
158: .toString();
159: }
161: /**
162: * Returns a JDBC compliant datetime string for the current date
163: * This includes the current time.
164: * Use this to update tables with system timestamp.
165: */
166: public static String CurrentSQLTimeString() {
167: return (new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()))
168: .toString();
169: /**
170: * Converts a java.util Date to a JDBC compliant SQL Date
171: * You may use this to convert frontend dates to SQL dates before storing
172: * in database.
173: * Please use a java.sql.Date henceforth and avoid using this.
174: */
175: }
177: public static String UtilDateToSQLDate(java.util.Date UtilDate) {
178: return (new java.sql.Date(UtilDate.getTime())).toString();
179: }
181: /**
182: * Converts a java.sql Date to a date string in Indian format
183: */
185: public static String SQLDateToDateString(java.sql.Date d) {
186: // System.out.println(d);
187: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
188: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
189: String dateString = sdf.format(d);
190: // System.out.println(dateString);
191: return dateString;
192: }
194: /**
195: * @deprecated
196: */
197: public static Connection OLDgetConnection() {
198: String username = "root";
199: String password = "root";
200: String url;
201: Connection dbConnection = null;
203: // The URL that will connect to TECFA's MySQL server
204: // Syntax: jdbc:TYPE:machine:port/DB_NAME
205: url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
206: // ---- configure END
208: // INSTALL/load the Driver (Vendor specific Code)
209: try {
210: Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver");
211: } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
212: System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
213: System.err.println(e.getMessage());
214: }
216: try {
217: //Connection con;
219: // Establish Connection to the database at URL with usename and password
220: dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username,
221: password);
222: //Statement stmt;
223: }
224: // print out decent erreur messages
225: // this exception should go to caller program so that he doesnt go ahead
226: catch (SQLException ex) {
227: System.err.println("==> SQLException: ");
228: while (ex != null) {
229: System.out.println("Message: " + ex.getMessage());
230: System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
231: System.out.println("ErrorCode: " + ex.getErrorCode());
232: ex = ex.getNextException();
233: } // ex
235: } //catch
236: return dbConnection;
237: } // getConnection
239: /**
240: * checks for existence of "at" and "dot" in email in that order.
241: * @param String email
242: * @return true if valid, false if invalid
243: */
244: public static boolean isEmailValid(String text) {
245: if (RKUtil.isNullString(text))
246: return false;
247: int at = 0;
248: int dot = 0;
249: at = text.indexOf("@");
250: dot = text.indexOf(".");
251: if (at != -1 && dot != -1 && (dot - at) > 1)
252: return true;
253: return false;
254: }
256: public static String printErrors(List errstr) {
257: int size = errstr.size();
258: String out = new String("");
259: if (size > 0) {
260: out = out
261: + "<table width='80%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"
262: + "<tr>"
263: + "<td>"
264: + "<table width='100%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' align='center' border='0' >"
265: + "<tr bgcolor='#98BDEB'><td>You have " + size
266: + " errors.</td></tr>";
267: } else
268: return "<h3>No errors.</h3>";
269: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
270: String s = (String) errstr.get(i);
271: out = out + "<tr bgcolor='#cccccc'><td>" + (i + 1) + ". "
272: + s + "</td></tr>";
273: }
274: out = out + "</table></td></tr></table><BR>Please Enter Again";
275: return out;
276: }
278: //This method generates a random password
279: public static String GenerateNewPassword() {
280: String Password = new String();
281: for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
282: double number = java.lang.Math.random() * 100;
283: int num = (int) number;
284: if (num < 65 || num > 90) {
285: Password = Password + num;
286: } else {
287: Password = Password + (char) num;
288: }
289: }
290: return Password;
291: }
293: /** if a string is null returns a blank else the string itself
294: * more for use in JSPs to cut down code.
295: */
296: public static String NullToString(String astring) {
297: return (astring == null) ? "" : astring;
298: }
300: //Added By Puneet.
301: /** converts a string that contains a date and time to a Date.
302: * The entry string should not be null else a Nullpointer will be thrown
303: * @param String in date format
304: * @return java.util.Date
305: * @throws ParseException if date is invalid or wrong format
306: * @throws NullPointer if input is blank We can probably formally throw a BlankString
307: * exception in a future version so that the callers dont suffer NPE's.
308: */
309: public static java.sql.Date DateStringToSQLDateTime(String d)
310: throws ParseException {
311: if (d == null)
312: return null;
313: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
314: "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy HH:mm:ss");
315: sdf.setLenient(false);
316: java.sql.Date date = new java.sql.Date(sdf.parse(d).getTime());
317: return date;
318: }
320: public static java.sql.Timestamp DateStringToSQLTimestamp(String d)
321: throws ParseException {
322: if (d == null)
323: return null;
324: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
325: "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy HH:mm:ss");
326: sdf.setLenient(false);
327: java.sql.Timestamp date = new java.sql.Timestamp(sdf.parse(d)
328: .getTime());
329: return date;
330: }
332: /** converts date to a string in indian format
333: * @param Date to be converted - can be sql date or timestamp
334: * @return String in Indian Format
335: *
336: *
337: */
338: public static String DateTimeToDateString(java.util.Date d) {
340: // hack for web XXX
341: if (d == null)
342: return "";
343: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
344: "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");
345: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
346: String dateString = sdf.format(d);
347: return dateString;
348: }
350: public static String DateTimeToDateString(java.sql.Timestamp d) {
352: // hack for web XXX
353: return DateTimeToDateString((java.util.Date) d);
354: }
356: public static String DateToTimeString(java.util.Date d) {
358: // hack for web XXX
359: if (d == null)
360: return "";
361: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
362: sdf.setLenient(false); // this is required else it will convert
363: String dateString = sdf.format(d);
364: return dateString;
365: }
367: //public String[] split (String st) {}
369: /** splits a given string on given character separator returning
370: * an array of strings.
371: * @author Rahul Kumar June 17, 2001
372: * How to deal with consecutive delimiters - i am returning blank
373: * strings.
374: */
375: public static String[] split(String st, char sep) {
377: ArrayList alist = new ArrayList();
379: int len = st.length();
380: int pos = 0;
381: int fin = 0;
383: // while not end of string, and you can find a match
384: while (pos < len && (fin = st.indexOf(sep, pos)) != -1) {
385: alist.add(st.substring(pos, fin));
386: pos = fin + 1;
387: }
388: // Push remainder if it's not empty
389: String remainder = st.substring(pos);
390: if (remainder.length() != 0) {
391: alist.add(remainder);
392: }
394: // Return list as an array of strings
395: String[] ret = new String[alist.size()];
396: alist.toArray(ret);
397: return ret;
398: }
400: /** returns (full date for) months after or before given date, if no date passed
401: * then current date used.
402: * int month can be negative or positive
403: * This can be used along with CurrentTimeString to give default
404: * dates in textboxes to user.
405: */
406: public static String NextMonthString(java.util.Date base, int month) {
407: return NextDateString(base, Calendar.MONTH, month);
408: }
410: /** returns full date for years from the given date.
411: * @param year int how man years from current +-.
412: */
413: public static String NextYearString(java.util.Date base, int year) {
414: return NextDateString(base, Calendar.YEAR, year);
415: }
417: /** int unit is Calendar.MONTH, YEAR or DATE
418: * int period is plus or minus months, days etc.
419: */
420: public static String NextDateString(java.util.Date base, int unit,
421: int period) {
422: java.util.Date mydate = null;
423: if (base == null)
424: mydate = new java.util.Date();
425: else
426: mydate = base;
427: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
428: cal.setTime(mydate);
429: cal.add(unit, period);
430: mydate = cal.getTime();
431: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy");
432: String dateString = sdf.format(mydate);
433: return dateString;
434: }
436: public static int NextPeriod(java.util.Date base, int unit,
437: int period) {
438: java.util.Date mydate = null;
439: if (base == null)
440: mydate = new java.util.Date();
441: else
442: mydate = base;
443: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
444: cal.setTime(mydate);
445: cal.add(unit, period);
446: return cal.get(unit);
447: }
449: /** returns the year part as int given a base date and how many
450: * years from base.
451: */
452: public static int NextYear(java.util.Date base, int period) {
453: return NextPeriod(base, Calendar.YEAR, period);
454: }
456: /** returns the month part as int given a base date and how many
457: * month from base.
458: */
459: public static int NextMonth(java.util.Date base, int period) {
460: return NextPeriod(base, Calendar.MONTH, period) + 1;
461: }
463: /** returns the day part as int given a base date and how many
464: * day from base.
465: */
466: public static int NextDay(java.util.Date base, int period) {
467: return NextPeriod(base, Calendar.DATE, period);
468: }
470: public static String findFileInClassPath(String name) {
472: String path = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
473: String[] dirs = split(path, (System
474: .getProperty("path.separator")).charAt(0));
475: String fullname = null;
476: java.io.File f, g;
477: for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
478: f = new java.io.File(dirs[i]);
479: if (f.isDirectory()) {
480: fullname = dirs[i]
481: + System.getProperty("file.separator") + name;
482: g = new java.io.File(fullname);
483: if (g.exists())
484: return fullname;
485: g = null;
486: } // if directory
487: f = null;
488: } // for i
489: return null;
490: } // findFileInClassPath
492: public static void main(String args[]) {
494: System.out.println(findFileInClassPath("ini.xml"));
495: System.out.println(findFileInClassPath("labels.props"));
496: System.out.println(findFileInClassPath("log4j.properties"));
497: System.out.println("CurrentDateString:" + CurrentDateString());
498: System.out.println("CurrentSQLDateString:"
499: + CurrentSQLDateString());
500: System.out.println("CurrentSQLTimeString:"
501: + CurrentSQLTimeString());
502: }
504: }