Method Summary |
public static String | CurrentDateString() returns current date in Indian format - UGH it returns date
only, not time. |
public static String | CurrentSQLDateString() Returns a JDBC compliant date string for the current date
Time is blanked out in the result. |
public static String | CurrentSQLTimeString() Returns a JDBC compliant datetime string for the current date
This includes the current time. |
public static java.util.Date | DateStringToDate(String d) converts a string that contains a date to a Date. |
public static java.sql.Date | DateStringToSQLDate(String d) Takes a date string (that a user has entered) and returns a java.sql.Date. |
public static java.sql.Date | DateStringToSQLDateTime(String d) converts a string that contains a date and time to a Date. |
public static java.sql.Timestamp | DateStringToSQLTimestamp(String d) |
public static String | DateTimeToDateString(java.util.Date d) |
public static String | DateTimeToDateString(java.sql.Timestamp d) |
public static String | DateToDateString(java.util.Date d) |
public static String | DateToString(java.util.Date d) |
public static String | DateToTimeString(java.util.Date d) |
public static java.util.Date | FriendlyDateStringToDate(String d) Converts a given date string to a date. |
public static String | GenerateNewPassword() |
public static String | NextDateString(java.util.Date base, int unit, int period) int unit is Calendar.MONTH, YEAR or DATE
int period is plus or minus months, days etc. |
public static int | NextDay(java.util.Date base, int period) returns the day part as int given a base date and how many
day from base. |
public static int | NextMonth(java.util.Date base, int period) returns the month part as int given a base date and how many
month from base. |
public static String | NextMonthString(java.util.Date base, int month) returns (full date for) months after or before given date, if no date passed
then current date used. |
public static int | NextPeriod(java.util.Date base, int unit, int period) |
public static int | NextYear(java.util.Date base, int period) returns the year part as int given a base date and how many
years from base. |
public static String | NextYearString(java.util.Date base, int year) returns full date for years from the given date. |
public static String | NullToString(String astring) if a string is null returns a blank else the string itself
more for use in JSPs to cut down code. |
public static Connection | OLDgetConnection() |
public static String | SQLDateToDateString(java.sql.Date d) |
public static String | UtilDateToSQLDate(java.util.Date UtilDate) |
public static String | findFileInClassPath(String name) |
public static boolean | isEmailValid(String text) checks for existence of "at" and "dot" in email in that order. |
public static boolean | isNullString(String text) Validates whether the input string is blank. |
public static void | main(String args) |
public static String | printErrors(List errstr) |
public static String[] | split(String st, char sep) splits a given string on given character separator returning
an array of strings. |