| java.lang.Object util.Util
Util | public class Util (Code) | | utility class for sending emails and other things
parseInt | public static int parseInt(String snum, int ndefault)(Code) | | |
replace | public static String replace(String patt, String str, String line)(Code) | | Replaces all occurrences of patt with str in line and returns
line. "replace"
split | public static String[] split(String st, char sep)(Code) | | splits a given string on given character separator returning
an array of strings.
THis would be more efficient than using string tokenizer which
takes a String not char as argument.
author: Rahul Kumar June 17, 2001 author: Dealing with consecutive delimiters - I am returning blank author: strings. author: Thats okay for non-WS delims, but not so for whites. author: Pls use jdk 1.4's split if you want consec spaces to be treated as author: one. author: Better still use PerlWrapper.perlSplit ! |