Field Summary |
final public static String | DEF_CONSOLE_BG_COLOR Default color for the console background. |
final public static String | DEF_CONSOLE_ERR_COLOR Default HTML color for displaying errors in the iSQL-Viewer console. |
final public static String | DEF_CONSOLE_FG_COLOR Default color for the console foreground. |
final public static String | DEF_CONSOLE_FONT Default font property to use if none is previously set. |
final public static String | DEF_CONSOLE_SQL_COLOR |
final public static String | DEF_CONSOLE_TIME_FMT Default time format if no preference is previously set. |
final public static String | EDITOR_CONTEXT_HELP Boolean for enabling/disabling context-sensitive help in the main editor. |
final public static String | EDITOR_DEFAULT_COLOR Color property for the SQL editor's background. |
final public static String | EDITOR_SYNTAX_HELP Boolean for enabling/disabling syntax highlighting in the main editor. |
final public static String | KEEP_UPDATE_RESULTS Boolean property to show statement that return an update count as a tab.
When a query is executed in the main SQLWOrkbench, this is true a tab will be created showing the updated count,
and will have to be removed manually. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_COMMENT String property that is used to ignore data based on this value. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_COMMENT_STYLE Integer property for the kind of comments to support when parsing batch files. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_FORCE_LC Boolean property that will force all text into lower case form when parsing batch files. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_LITERAL String property used to identify string literals when parsing batch files. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_LITERAL_STYLE Integer property for the kind of literal style to used for parsing batch files. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_SEPERATOR String property that is used to seperate SQL statements when parsing batch files. |
final public static String | KEY_BATCH_SEPERATOR_STYLE Integer property that indicates how statements are seperated in batch files. |
final public static String | KEY_BOOKMARK_ACTIVATE_STYLE Boolean property to allow the double-click execution of SQL bookmarks. |
final public static String | KEY_BOOKMARK_DELETE_WARNING Boolean property that determines wether to warn the user before deleting bookmarks, and folders. |
final public static String | KEY_BOOKMARK_LOCATION String property that is the preferred location of the bookmark drawer, ie Right, Left. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_BG_COLOR Color property for the System console background color. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_ERR_COLOR Color property of text that is printed using the System.err PrintStream. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_FG_COLOR Color property for the Syste console foreground color. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_FONT Font property for the iSQL console component. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_SQL_COLOR Color property for displaying text printed using the JDBC tracing streams. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_SYS_COLOR Color property of text that is printed using the System.out PrintStream. |
final public static String | KEY_CONSOLE_TIME_FMT String property that is the format of time in which to prepend to text being displayed. |
final public static String | KEY_DRIVERS_AUTOSORT Boolean property to ensure that the JDBC driver listing is always sorted or not. |
final public static String | KEY_DRIVERS_AUTOUPDATE Boolean property that allows the current file to overwritten when a new version is installed. |
final public static String | KEY_EDITOR_AUTO_CLEAR Boolean property that will clear the SQL Editor upon execution of an SQL statement. |
final public static String | KEY_EDITOR_CARET_STYLE Boolean property to determine if the caret style is row:column or :location. |
final public static String | KEY_EDITOR_FONT Font property for the SQL editor. |
final public static String | KEY_ENABLE_METRICS Boolean property for saving session oriented information such as last selection, and window locations. |
final public static String | KEY_ENABLE_SECURITY Boolean property that indicates the global preference of keeping iSQL service passwords secure. |
final public static String | KEY_EXTRA_CLASSPATH String property that is a localized path of directories and files to load classes from. |
final public static String | KEY_FORMAT_DATE String property for the preferred input/output format of Date values. |
final public static String | KEY_FORMAT_TIME String property for the preferred input/output format of Time values. |
final public static String | KEY_FORMAT_TIMESTAMP |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_CLEAR_SESSION Boolean property to determine if the history items of the current session are kept when manually cleared. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_CONTINUOUS Boolean property for browsing history items to be circular or not. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_DISCARD_DUPES Boolean property that will discard duplicate history items. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_MAX_COUNT Integer property for the maximum number of history items to manage at a time. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_MAX_DAYS Integer property for the maximum number of days to keep a history item. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_SESSION_ONLY Boolean property that enables a history that is not persisted to disk. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_STYLE Integer property that determines which kind of history set to use. |
final public static String | KEY_HISTORY_USECRC32 Boolean property for enabling/disabling the use of CRC32 when detecting duplicate history items. |
final public static String | KEY_HTTP_PROXY_HOST String property for the preferred HTTP proxy host. |
final public static String | KEY_HTTP_PROXY_PASSW String property for the HTTP proxy password to use. |
final public static String | KEY_HTTP_PROXY_PORT Integer property for the HTTP proxy port of use on the proxy host. |
final public static String | KEY_HTTP_PROXY_USER String property of the HTTP proxy user name to use. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE Boolean property that ensures a final commit is called to a service if nessecary, upon disconnection. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_DEBUG Boolean property to debug JDBC activity. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_ESCAPE Boolean property to turn on/off escaping processing in the JDBC driver. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_GENERATE_KEYS Boolean property to tell database connection that you want genereated keys if available from ResultSets. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_HOLDABILITY Integer property for configuring resultset holdability. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_KEEPALIVE Boolean property to ensure that when queries are executed that the connection is available. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_MAX_FIELD_SZ Integer property to configure the maximum field size a Statement object should return. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_MAX_ROWS Integer property to configure the maximum number of rows a Statement object should return. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_RFETCH Boolean property for enabling reverse fetching of ResultSet data. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_TRACE_ENABLED Boolean property for configuring JDBC tracing when connected to an iSQL service. |
final public static String | KEY_JDBC_VERBOSE Boolean property to determine if JDBC activity is verbose or not. |
final public static String | KEY_LOGIN_TIMEOUT Integer property for the number of seconds that should pass before a connection timesout. |
final public static String | KEY_LOOK_N_FEEL String property of the fully qualified class name of the desired LookAndFeel to use. |
final public static String | KEY_NULL_HIGHLIGHT Color property to that is used to highlight null values returned from ResultSet objects. |
final public static String | KEY_PRINT_FOOTER Boolean property to include footer information on each page when printing. |
final public static String | KEY_PRINT_GRID Boolean property to include the table gridlines when printing. |
final public static String | KEY_PRINT_GRID_STYLE Integer property of how tables are spread out across mutliple pages. |
final public static String | KEY_PRINT_HEADER Boolean property to include header information on each page when printing. |
final public static String | KEY_PRINT_USE_COLOR Boolean property to use color over monochrome when printing. |
final public static String | KEY_QUERY_ECHO Boolean property to echo or not echo queries as they are executed. |
final public static String | KEY_QUERY_TIMEOUT Integer property for the number of seconds that should pass before a statement execution timesout. |
final public static String | KEY_RESSET_TAB_FMT String property that is the format for the tabs of ResultSets so that they can be easily identified. |
final public static String | KEY_ROW_CNT_ECHO Boolean property to echo the number of rows recieved from a ResultSet object. |
final public static String | KEY_SCRIPT_DEBUG Boolean property to enable debugging withing the ScriptManager. |
final public static String | KEY_SCRIPT_FILTER_FILES Boolean property to filter out files that are not known to the script manager. |
final public static String | KEY_SCRIPT_PATHS String property of a localized path of directories to load scripts from. |
final public static String | KEY_SERVICES_PATH String property that is a localized path of directories to load iSQL services. |
final public static String | KEY_SERVICE_AUTODETECT Boolean property to scan service paths for service files when iSQL-Viewer is started. |
final public static String | KEY_SERVICE_DRIVERS_VISIBLE Boolean property for wether all classes are shown in the service manager or only those in the classpath. |
final public static String | KEY_SERVICE_SWITCH_ON_CHANGE Boolean property for switching tabs when a new service is selected in the service manager. |
final public static String | KEY_SESSION_PREFIX This value will indicate the prefix of session proeprties so it is easy to filter them out when preferences are
saved to disk. |
final public static String | KEY_SES_LAST_FILE String value that is that last accessed file used. |
final public static String | KEY_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES Boolean property that enabled the showing of hidden files when selecting a file or directory. |
final public static String | KEY_STYLE_BOLDED |
final public static String | KEY_STYLE_COLOR |
final public static String | KEY_STYLE_ITALICS |
final public static String | KEY_TB_FILE_DOCK String property that determines the location of the main toolbar e.g. |
final public static String | KEY_TB_FILE_VISIBLE Boolean property that determines if the main toolbar is enabled or not. |
final public static String | KEY_TB_HISTORY_DOCK String property that determines the location of the SQL Editor toolbar e.g. |
final public static String | KEY_TB_HISTORY_VISIBLE Boolean property that determines if the SQL editor toolbar is enabled or not. |
final public static String | KEY_TB_RESSET_DOCK String property that determines the location of the resultset toolbar e.g. |
final public static String | KEY_TB_RESSET_VISIBLE Boolean property that determines if the resultset toolbar is enabled or not. |
final public static String | KEY_USE_ASCII_COMPATIBILITY Boolean property to enable ASCII compatibility for UNICODE characters whenever nessecary. |
final public static String | KEY_USE_LARGE_ICONS Boolean property for using large 24x24 or smaller 16x16 icons. |
final public static String | KEY_USE_WEB_CHK Boolean property to determine if it should automatically check for a new version of iSQL-Viewer on startup. |
final public static String | KEY_WARNING_CHAIN_LENGTH Integer property to determine how deep to process chained SQLExceptions & SQLWarnings. |
final public static String | KEY_WEB_CHK_TYPE Integer property that determine if Beta & Stable version are acceptable or just Stable versions. |
final public static String | MAX_QUERY_VIEWS Integer property that sets the maximum number of ResultSets before unlocked tabs are reused. |
final public static String | REUSE_TAB_ON_REFRESH Boolean property that will reuse that same tab when refreshing a previously executed statement. |
final public static String | SINGLE_CLICK_SORTING Boolean property that enables a single click sort of tables otherwise a double-click is required. |
final public static String | STARTUP_SERVICE String property that is the name of a iSQL service to automatically connect on startup. |
final public static String | STYLE_BASE_COLOR Color property for the SQL editor's foreground. |
final public static String | STYLE_FOREIGN_OBJ |
final public static String | STYLE_FUNCTIONS Color property for syntax highlighting of sql functions. |
final public static String | STYLE_LITERALS Color property for syntax highlighting of string literals. |
final public static String | STYLE_LOCAL_OBJ Color property for syntax highlighting of table,views, and procedure names along other JDBC objects. |
final public static String | STYLE_MLINE_CMNTS |
final public static String | STYLE_PARAMETERS Color property for syntax highlighting of sql & parameters. |
final public static String | STYLE_PROCEDURES |
final public static String | STYLE_SLINE_CMNTS Color property for syntax highlighting single line comments. |
final public static String | STYLE_SQL_KEWORDS Color property for syntax highlighting of SQL keywords. |
final public static String | STYLE_TABLESPACE Style preference for tablespace words like catalogs, and schema names. |
final public static String | TABLE_PAGING_SIZE Integer property to determine the page size of larger tables so that they can render faster. |