Method Summary |
public void | clearCache() |
public boolean | correctlySupportsSetMaxRows() |
public synchronized BestRowIdentifier[] | getBestRowIdentifier(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized String | getCascadeClause() |
public synchronized String | getCatalogSeparator() |
public synchronized String | getCatalogTerm() |
public synchronized String[] | getCatalogs() |
public synchronized TableColumnInfo[] | getColumnInfo(String catalog, String schema, String table) |
public synchronized TableColumnInfo[] | getColumnInfo(ITableInfo ti) |
public ResultSet | getColumnPrivileges(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getColumnPrivilegesDataSet(ITableInfo ti, int[] columnIndices, boolean computeWidths) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getColumns(ITableInfo ti, int[] columnIndices, boolean computeWidths) |
public synchronized DataTypeInfo[] | getDataTypes() |
public synchronized int | getDatabaseMajorVersion() |
public synchronized String | getDatabaseProductName() |
public synchronized String | getDatabaseProductVersion() |
public synchronized String | getDriverName() |
public ResultSet | getExportedKeys(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getExportedKeysDataSet(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized ForeignKeyInfo[] | getExportedKeysInfo(String catalog, String schema, String tableName) |
public synchronized ForeignKeyInfo[] | getExportedKeysInfo(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized String | getIdentifierQuoteString() |
public ResultSet | getImportedKeys(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getImportedKeysDataSet(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized ForeignKeyInfo[] | getImportedKeysInfo(String catalog, String schema, String tableName) |
public synchronized ForeignKeyInfo[] | getImportedKeysInfo(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized ResultSetDataSet | getIndexInfo(ITableInfo ti, int[] columnIndices, boolean computeWidths) |
public List<IndexInfo> | getIndexInfo(ITableInfo ti) Returns a list of IndexInfos describing indexes for the specified table.
Parameters: ti - the table to find all index information for. |
public synchronized DatabaseMetaData | getJDBCMetaData() |
public int | getJDBCVersion() |
public synchronized IDataSet | getMetaDataSet() |
public synchronized String[] | getNumericFunctions() |
public synchronized IDataSet | getPrimaryKey(ITableInfo ti, int[] columnIndices, boolean computeWidths) |
public synchronized PrimaryKeyInfo[] | getPrimaryKey(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized PrimaryKeyInfo[] | getPrimaryKey(String catalog, String schema, String table) |
public ResultSet | getPrimaryKeys(ITableInfo ti) |
public ResultSet | getProcedureColumns(IProcedureInfo ti) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getProcedureColumnsDataSet(IProcedureInfo ti) |
public synchronized String | getProcedureTerm() |
public synchronized IProcedureInfo[] | getProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, ProgressCallBack progressCallBack) |
public synchronized String[] | getSQLKeywords() |
public synchronized String | getSchemaTerm() |
public synchronized String[] | getSchemas() |
public synchronized String[] | getStringFunctions() |
public synchronized String[] | getSystemFunctions() |
public ResultSet | getTablePrivileges(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getTablePrivilegesDataSet(ITableInfo ti, int[] columnIndices, boolean computeWidths) |
public synchronized String[] | getTableTypes() |
public synchronized ITableInfo[] | getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types, ProgressCallBack progressCallBack) |
public synchronized String[] | getTimeDateFunctions() |
public ResultSet | getTypeInfo() |
public synchronized IDataSet | getTypesDataSet() |
public synchronized IUDTInfo[] | getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, int[] types) |
public synchronized String | getURL() |
public synchronized String | getUserName() |
public ResultSet | getVersionColumns(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized IDataSet | getVersionColumnsDataSet(ITableInfo ti) |
public synchronized boolean | storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() |
public boolean | supportsCatalogs() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsMultipleResultSets() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsResultSetType(int type) |
public synchronized boolean | supportsSavepoints() |
public boolean | supportsSchemas() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() |
public synchronized boolean | supportsStoredProcedures() |