An interface that will allow plugin writers to customize the MessageHandler
in SQuirreL to handle sometimes cryptic messages embedded in SQLExceptions
from JDBC drivers.(FR#1731251)
author: manningr
Returns a custom-formatted message based on the contents of the specified
Throwable. An exception can be thrown to indicate that custom formatting
couldn't be done and that the default formatting should be applied.
Parameters: t - the Throwable to be formatted A formatted version of the message encapsulated by the specifiedthrowable. throws: Exception - in the event that the specified Throwable for whateverreason could not be formatted, an exception can be thrown to indicate that custom formatting wasn't done and that the default formatting should be applied.
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this formatter can format the
specified exception.
Parameters: t - the exception to determine formatting compatibility a boolean value to indicate whether format should be called on the given throwable