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public class Bnode (Code)
This class represents a node in the btree.

Things to think about:

  • Key Compression using dictionary? With a large enough node, say 4 or 8 k, you could perform a block compression
  • Key Endianness (X.500 keys are LSB, most others are MSB)
  • Large data stored in overflow areas (blockstream)
  • Thread-safeness
  • Improve block garbage collection (it appears that some deleted keys aren't properly counted as garbage!)

   Stan Bailes

Field Summary
final static  intBNODE_MAGICF
final static  intBNODE_MAGICV
final static  intIS_LEAF
final public static  intREF_SIZE
     The number of octets in the representation of a reference to a byte offset in the data area of this block.
final static  intfCount
     Number of key/data pairs in this node.
final static  intfDataBOS
     Bottom of data area -- grows downward.
final static  intfFlags
final static  intfGarbage
     Amount of space that could be reclaimed by repacking the node.
final static  intfIndices
     Start of key indices.
final static  intfParent
final static  booleanparanoid

Constructor Summary
public  Bnode(Btree tree, long blockRef)
     Construct a node from a buffer.

Method Summary
final static  longblockRef(Block b, int index)
final static  intbsearch(Block b, Comparator c, byte[] key, int klen, int lo, int hi)
     Perform a binary search of the keys in the specified block, searching for the given key.
final  intbsearch(Block b, byte[] key, int klen)
     Perform a binary search of the keys in the specified block, searching for the given key.
final static  intcapacity(Block b)
     Return the number of available bytes in the buffer, not including space that could be made available by performing a garbage collection.
final  voidcheckBlock(Block b)
final  voidcheckMagic()
final  intcheckSpace(Block b, int index, int klen, int dlen, boolean replace)
     Determine if there is room in the block for a new key/data pair.
  b - the block to operate on
  index - the index of the key that is being replaced,if replace is true.
  klen - the search key length
  dlen - the length of the data associated with the key
  replace - true if an existing key/data pair is tobe replaced by the new key, false otherwise.
final static  byte[]dataAtPos(Block b, int index)
     Given a block and a key index, return the data for that index as a new byte array.
final static  intdataAtPos(Block b, int index, int koff, byte[] data, int off, int len)
final public static  Stringdatabytes(byte[] b)
     Represent strings as having a length other than 4, while representing integers as only of length 4 bytes.
final  intdebugcheckSpace(Block b, int index, int klen, int dlen, boolean replace)
final public  booleandelete(byte[] key)
     Implement the delete operation.
final  booleandelete(Block b, byte[] key)
     Recursive implementation of delete(key).
final  booleandeleteKeyAtPos(Block b, int index, boolean skipNewLow)
     Delete the specified key.
final  voiddisplay(PrintStream os, boolean recursive)
     For debugging purposes, write a human readable version of this Bnode to the specified stream.
final  voiddisplay(PrintStream os, PrintStream er, boolean recursive)
final  voiddisplay(Block b, PrintStream os, boolean recursive)
final  voiddisplay(Block b, PrintStream os, PrintStream er, boolean recursive)
final static  intexistingKeyLength(Block b, int index)
     Compute the total length of an existing key data pair, including both key and data length fields.
final  voidforgetKeyAtPos(Block b, int index)
     This function is scary.
final public  voidfree()
     Free the resources associated with this block.
final  voidgc(Block b)
     Reclaim the data space occupied by deleted keys.
final public  byte[]get(byte[] key, int klen)
     Implement the get operation.
final  byte[]get(Block b, byte[] key, int klen)
     A helper function to perform a single-level of the recursive search.
final  BlockgetBlock(long blockNum)
final  BlockgetBlock()
final static  intgetBos(Block b)
     Return the value of the count field.
final static  intgetBytes(Block b, int pos, byte[] buf, int[] lenret)
final public static  intgetCount(Block b)
     Return the value of the bos field.
final public static  booleangetFlag(Block b, int mask)
     Return the boolean value of a specified flag.
final public static  intgetFlags(Block b)
     Return the value of the flags field.
final public static  intgetGarbage(Block b)
     Return the value of the garbage field.
final public static  booleangetKeyAndData(Block b, int index, byte[] k, byte[] d, int[] lengths)
     Given a block and a key index, return the key for that index as a new byte array.
  b - the block on which to operate.
  index - the index of the item for which the key is to be retrieved
  buf - the buffer into which the key bytes should be places
  off - the offset into the buffer
  len - the maximum number of bytes to write to the buffer the number of bytes returned, if sucessful.
final static  intgetKeyEnd(Block b, int keypos)
     Find the length of the specified key, as well as the byte offset to the start of the key.
  b - the B-node
  keypos - the buffer offset where the key/data pair starts.
final static  intgetKeyIndex(Block b, int index)
     Return the byte offset of the specified key/data pair.
final static  intgetKeyLen(Block b, int keypos, int[] keystart)
     Find the length of the specified key, as well as the byte offset to the start of the key.
final static  intgetKeyLen(Block b, int keypos)
     Find the length of the specified key, as well as the byte offset to the start of the key.
  b - the B-node
  keypos - the buffer offset where the key/data pair starts.
final public static  longgetParent(Block b)
     Return the value of the parent field.
final  BlockgetSearchBlock(Block b, int bs)
final static  intindex(int pos)
final  voidinit(Block b, boolean isLeaf)
     Initialize an empty BNode.
final  voidinit(boolean f)
final static  intinsertKeyData(Block b, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen)
     Insert a key/data pair at the bottom of the data area and return its offset.
final public static  booleanisLeaf(Block b)
     Return the value of the IS_LEAF flag.
final static  byte[]keyAtPos(Block b, int index)
     Given a block and a key index, return the key for that index as a new byte array.
final static  intkeyCompareAtPos(Comparator c, byte[] key, int klen, Block b, int index)
     Perform a key comparison with the specified key in the block.
final static  Stringkeybytes(byte[] key)
     Since this is used for displaying the key, we attempt to return the string itself, as long as it is composed only of printable characters.
final static  Stringkeybytes(byte[] key, int off, int len)
final static  longlongDataAtPos(Block b, int index)
     Given a block and a key index, return the data for that index as a long.
final static  voidmoveKeys(Block b, int from, int to, int length)
     Helper function to move key indices around when adding or deleting keys.
final  booleannewLow(Block b, byte[] prevLow)
     When an operation results in a change in the smallest key in a block, it is necessary to inform the parent block of the change, since the parent block key for this block is required to be the key of the smallest item in this block.
  b - the block containing the new lowest key
  prevLow - the key which was previously the lowest key.
final  voidpropogateSplit(Block[] ba)
     After the split operation, propagate information up the tree to the parent block about the newly created block and the new key distribution.
final public  booleanset(byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean insOk, boolean updOk)
     Implement the set operation.
final  booleanset(Block b, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean insOk, boolean updOk)
     Recursive implementation of set(key, data).

Precondition: The caller must already have a write-lock on b.

final public static  voidsetBos(Block b, int bos)
     Set the value of the bos field.
final public static  voidsetCount(Block b, int count)
     Set the value of the count field.
final public static  voidsetFlag(Block b, int mask, boolean val)
     Set a specified boolean flag.
final public static  voidsetFlags(Block b, int flags)
     Set the value of the flags field.
final public static  voidsetGarbage(Block b, int g)
     Set the value of the garbage field.
final  BlocksetKey(Block b, int index, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean replace)
     Insert or replace a key in the specified block, which may or may not be a leaf block.
final  booleansetKeyAtPos(Block b, int index, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean replace)
     Given a block and a key position, insert a new key/data pair immediately at the specified position, returning true if the key/data fit in the block.
final static  voidsetKeyIndex(Block b, int index, int val)
     Set the byte offset for the specified key/data pair.
final public static  voidsetLeaf(Block b, boolean v)
     Set the value of the IS_LEAF flag.
final public static  voidsetParent(Block b, long g)
     Set the value of the parent field.
public  intsize()
     Return the number of keys in this subtree.
public  intsize(Block b)
final  voidsplit(Block[] ba)
     Split this block, by creaing a new block and moving half of this block's keys into the new block.
final  voidsplitHelp(Block[] ba, long nbno)
final static  inttotalLength(int len)
     Compute the total number of bytes that will be required to store the byte array 'b' plus its length code.
final static  intwriteLenLen(Block b, int bos, int len)
     Write a length code for the specified length, working backwards in the data area, and returning the new bottom of the data area.

Field Detail
final static int BNODE_MAGICF(Code)

final static int BNODE_MAGICV(Code)

final static int IS_LEAF(Code)

final public static int REF_SIZE(Code)
The number of octets in the representation of a reference to a byte offset in the data area of this block. Currently, bnode blocks can't be larger than 65536 because of the two byte ref size.

long blockRef(Code)

final static int fCount(Code)
Number of key/data pairs in this node.

final static int fDataBOS(Code)
Bottom of data area -- grows downward.

final static int fFlags(Code)

final static int fGarbage(Code)
Amount of space that could be reclaimed by repacking the node. When keys are deleted, we don't immediately remove the key/data pair in the data area. Instead, we remove the pointer the pair from the key index list, and record (here) the size of the key/data pair. Later, when the block becomes full, we reclaim this space by repacking the data area to eliminate the holes.

final static int fIndices(Code)
Start of key indices.

final static int fParent(Code)

BlockFile file(Code)

final static boolean paranoid(Code)

Btree tree(Code)

Constructor Detail
public Bnode(Btree tree, long blockRef)(Code)
Construct a node from a buffer.
  tree - the Btree containing this node
  blockRef - the block number in file of this node.

Method Detail
final static long blockRef(Block b, int index) throws IOException(Code)
Return the data for a specified key as an integer

final static int bsearch(Block b, Comparator c, byte[] key, int klen, int lo, int hi) throws IOException(Code)
Perform a binary search of the keys in the specified block, searching for the given key. If the key is found in the block, return the index of the matching key. If the key isn't found, return < 0, and for the key index which is the smallest existing key greater than the given key, return 0 - (index+1).
  b - the block to be searched.
  key - the search key
  lo - index of smallest element in search region
  hi - index of largest element in search region if found, the index of the matching key/data pair. If notfound, return the index where the data would be foundas an expression of the form:

0 - (index + 1)

final int bsearch(Block b, byte[] key, int klen) throws IOException(Code)
Perform a binary search of the keys in the specified block, searching for the given key. If the key is found in the block, return the index of the matching key. If the key isn't found, return < 0, and for the key index which is the smallest existing key greater than the given key, return 0 - (index+1).
  b - the block to be searched.
  key - the search key if found, the index of the matching key/data pair. If notfound, return the index where the data would be foundas an expression of the form:

0 - (index + 1)

final static int capacity(Block b)(Code)
Return the number of available bytes in the buffer, not including space that could be made available by performing a garbage collection.

final void checkBlock(Block b) throws IOException(Code)

final void checkMagic() throws IOException(Code)

final int checkSpace(Block b, int index, int klen, int dlen, boolean replace)(Code)
Determine if there is room in the block for a new key/data pair.
  b - the block to operate on
  index - the index of the key that is being replaced,if replace is true.
  klen - the search key length
  dlen - the length of the data associated with the key
  replace - true if an existing key/data pair is tobe replaced by the new key, false otherwise. negative number if there is no room for the new data.

zero if there is room for the new data.

positive number if there would be room after a garbagecollection. Included in this calculation is the deletionof the key being replaced, if replace is true.

final static byte[] dataAtPos(Block b, int index)(Code)
Given a block and a key index, return the data for that index as a new byte array.
  b - the block on which to operate.
  index - the index of the item for which the data is to be retrieved the data for the key at the specified position in the node.

final static int dataAtPos(Block b, int index, int koff, byte[] data, int off, int len)(Code)

final public static String databytes(byte[] b)(Code)
Represent strings as having a length other than 4, while representing integers as only of length 4 bytes.
  b - the string of bytes to convert A string containing either a 4-byte integer conversion or astring 'keybytes' filter.

final int debugcheckSpace(Block b, int index, int klen, int dlen, boolean replace)(Code)

final public boolean delete(byte[] key) throws IOException(Code)
Implement the delete operation.
  key - the key

final boolean delete(Block b, byte[] key) throws IOException(Code)
Recursive implementation of delete(key).
  b - the block to be searched
  key - the search key true if the key already existed before the delete,false otherwise.

final boolean deleteKeyAtPos(Block b, int index, boolean skipNewLow) throws IOException(Code)
Delete the specified key. true if the block is now empty, has been freed, and weshould avoid touching it...

final void display(PrintStream os, boolean recursive) throws IOException(Code)
For debugging purposes, write a human readable version of this Bnode to the specified stream.

final void display(PrintStream os, PrintStream er, boolean recursive) throws IOException(Code)

final void display(Block b, PrintStream os, boolean recursive) throws IOException(Code)

final void display(Block b, PrintStream os, PrintStream er, boolean recursive) throws IOException(Code)

final static int existingKeyLength(Block b, int index)(Code)
Compute the total length of an existing key data pair, including both key and data length fields.
  b - the block on which to operate.
  index - the index of the item for which the data is to be retrieved the total number of data area bytes consumed by this item.

final void forgetKeyAtPos(Block b, int index)(Code)
This function is scary. It accounts for the fact that we're about to delete a key, by including the size of the key/data in the node's garbage field, but it doesn't actually delete the key. Be careful.

final public void free() throws IOException(Code)
Free the resources associated with this block. If the block is a non-leaf node, free the entire subtree.

final void gc(Block b) throws IOException(Code)
Reclaim the data space occupied by deleted keys.

final public byte[] get(byte[] key, int klen) throws IOException(Code)
Implement the get operation.
  key - the search key if the get succeeds, the data is returned as a byte array;if the get fails, null is returned.

final byte[] get(Block b, byte[] key, int klen) throws IOException(Code)
A helper function to perform a single-level of the recursive search.
  b - the block to be searched.
  key - the search key if found, the data, else null

final Block getBlock(long blockNum) throws IOException(Code)

final Block getBlock() throws IOException(Code)

final static int getBos(Block b)(Code)
Return the value of the count field.

final static int getBytes(Block b, int pos, byte[] buf, int[] lenret)(Code)

final public static int getCount(Block b)(Code)
Return the value of the bos field.

final public static boolean getFlag(Block b, int mask)(Code)
Return the boolean value of a specified flag.

final public static int getFlags(Block b)(Code)
Return the value of the flags field.

final public static int getGarbage(Block b)(Code)
Return the value of the garbage field.

final public static boolean getKeyAndData(Block b, int index, byte[] k, byte[] d, int[] lengths)(Code)
Given a block and a key index, return the key for that index as a new byte array.
  b - the block on which to operate.
  index - the index of the item for which the key is to be retrieved
  buf - the buffer into which the key bytes should be places
  off - the offset into the buffer
  len - the maximum number of bytes to write to the buffer the number of bytes returned, if sucessful. If the bufferisn't big enough, we return a negative number '0 - k', where'k' is the actual key length.

final static int getKeyEnd(Block b, int keypos)(Code)
Find the length of the specified key, as well as the byte offset to the start of the key.
  b - the B-node
  keypos - the buffer offset where the key/data pair starts. two 16-bit integers {start, len} encoded in a 32 bit int.

final static int getKeyIndex(Block b, int index)(Code)
Return the byte offset of the specified key/data pair.
  b - the Bnode containing the key
  index - the index of the specified key/data pair.

final static int getKeyLen(Block b, int keypos, int[] keystart)(Code)
Find the length of the specified key, as well as the byte offset to the start of the key.
  b - the B-node
  keypos - the buffer offset where the key/data pair starts.
  keystart - an out parameter, used to return the bufferoffset where the actual key begins.

final static int getKeyLen(Block b, int keypos)(Code)
Find the length of the specified key, as well as the byte offset to the start of the key.
  b - the B-node
  keypos - the buffer offset where the key/data pair starts. the key length

final public static long getParent(Block b)(Code)
Return the value of the parent field.

final Block getSearchBlock(Block b, int bs) throws IOException(Code)

final static int index(int pos)(Code)

final void init(Block b, boolean isLeaf) throws IOException(Code)
Initialize an empty BNode.

PRECONDITION:Hold lock on b.
  b - the block to be initialized.

final void init(boolean f) throws IOException(Code)

final static int insertKeyData(Block b, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen)(Code)
Insert a key/data pair at the bottom of the data area and return its offset. This method does NOT check the capacity of the buffer -- it is assumed that the caller has already ensured that enough space is available.
  b - the block to operate on
  key - the search key
  data - the data associated with the key

final public static boolean isLeaf(Block b)(Code)
Return the value of the IS_LEAF flag.

final static byte[] keyAtPos(Block b, int index)(Code)
Given a block and a key index, return the key for that index as a new byte array.
  b - the block on which to operate.
  index - the index of the item for which the key is to be retrieved

final static int keyCompareAtPos(Comparator c, byte[] key, int klen, Block b, int index) throws IOException(Code)
Perform a key comparison with the specified key in the block.
  c - the compare function
  key - the compare key
  b - the block to be compared
  index - the position of the key to be compared to the compare key the integer compare value (usu: -1, 0, 1)

final static String keybytes(byte[] key)(Code)
Since this is used for displaying the key, we attempt to return the string itself, as long as it is composed only of printable characters. If it contains any "non-printable" characters, it is instead formatted in hex/ascii dump form.
  b - the bytes form of the key a displayable representation of the key.

final static String keybytes(byte[] key, int off, int len)(Code)

final static long longDataAtPos(Block b, int index)(Code)
Given a block and a key index, return the data for that index as a long.
  b - the block on which to operate.
  index - the index of the item for which the data is to be retrieved the data for the key at the specified position in the node.

final static void moveKeys(Block b, int from, int to, int length)(Code)
Helper function to move key indices around when adding or deleting keys.

final boolean newLow(Block b, byte[] prevLow) throws IOException(Code)
When an operation results in a change in the smallest key in a block, it is necessary to inform the parent block of the change, since the parent block key for this block is required to be the key of the smallest item in this block.
  b - the block containing the new lowest key
  prevLow - the key which was previously the lowest key. true if block b is now empty, and has beenfreed and unlinked from the tree. Don't touch this blockany more!

final void propogateSplit(Block[] ba) throws IOException(Code)
After the split operation, propagate information up the tree to the parent block about the newly created block and the new key distribution.
  ba - a two-element array, with ba[0] beingthe pre-split block, and ba[1] the new block

final public boolean set(byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean insOk, boolean updOk) throws IOException(Code)
Implement the set operation.
  key - the key
  data - the data

final boolean set(Block b, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean insOk, boolean updOk) throws IOException(Code)
Recursive implementation of set(key, data).

Precondition: The caller must already have a write-lock on b.
  b - the block to be searched
  key - the search key
  data - the data associated with the key true if the key already existed before the set, false otherwise.

final public static void setBos(Block b, int bos)(Code)
Set the value of the bos field.

final public static void setCount(Block b, int count)(Code)
Set the value of the count field.

final public static void setFlag(Block b, int mask, boolean val)(Code)
Set a specified boolean flag.

final public static void setFlags(Block b, int flags)(Code)
Set the value of the flags field.

final public static void setGarbage(Block b, int g)(Code)
Set the value of the garbage field.

final Block setKey(Block b, int index, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean replace) throws IOException(Code)
Insert or replace a key in the specified block, which may or may not be a leaf block. Handle split operations: if a split is required, determine which post-split block this key should be added to. Also, if the new key happens to be key zero (i.e., the lowest valued key in this block), then adjust the parent's reference to this block accordingly. Although, maybe that can't happen?

PRECONDITION: Lock/ref on block b

POSTCONDITION: Lock/ref on block b the block into which the key was actually stored. Thiswill be different from b if a split wasnecessary.

final boolean setKeyAtPos(Block b, int index, byte[] key, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen, boolean replace) throws IOException(Code)
Given a block and a key position, insert a new key/data pair immediately at the specified position, returning true if the key/data fit in the block. If the incoming data won't fit, don't modify the block and return false.
  b - the block to be modified.
  index - the position in the key array
  key - the key
  data - the data true if the insert was performed successfully, falseif not because of, e.g., "wont fit".

final static void setKeyIndex(Block b, int index, int val)(Code)
Set the byte offset for the specified key/data pair.
  b - the Bnode containing the key
  index - the index of the specified key/data pair.
  val - the byte offset of the specified key/data pair.

final public static void setLeaf(Block b, boolean v)(Code)
Set the value of the IS_LEAF flag.

final public static void setParent(Block b, long g)(Code)
Set the value of the parent field.

public int size() throws IOException(Code)
Return the number of keys in this subtree. This implicitly only counts entries in the leaf nodes.

public int size(Block b) throws IOException(Code)

final void split(Block[] ba) throws IOException(Code)
Split this block, by creaing a new block and moving half of this block's keys into the new block. Then, add a new key to the parent block to reflect the new block, and adjust the parent's old reference to this block to reflect the new key distribution.

PRECONDITION: We have a ref/lock on ba[0]

POSTCONDITION: We have a ref on ba[1]
  ba - a two-element array, with ba[0] beingthe pre-split block, and ba[1] the new block

final void splitHelp(Block[] ba, long nbno) throws IOException(Code)
Split helper:

PRECONDITION: Ref/lock on both ba[0], ba[1]

final static int totalLength(int len)(Code)
Compute the total number of bytes that will be required to store the byte array 'b' plus its length code.
  b - the byte array the length of the byte array plus the length of the lengthcode.

final static int writeLenLen(Block b, int bos, int len)(Code)
Write a length code for the specified length, working backwards in the data area, and returning the new bottom of the data area.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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