| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSet org.apache.derby.client.net.NetResultSet org.apache.derby.client.net.NetResultSet40
Constructor Summary | |
| NetResultSet40(NetAgent netAgent, NetStatement netStatement, Cursor cursor, int qryprctyp, int sqlcsrhld, int qryattscr, int qryattsns, int qryattset, long qryinsid, int actualResultSetType, int actualResultSetConcurrency, int actualResultSetHoldability) |
Method Summary | |
public Reader | getNCharacterStream(int columnIndex) | public Reader | getNCharacterStream(String columnName) | public NClob | getNClob(int i) | public NClob | getNClob(String colName) | public String | getNString(int columnIndex) | public String | getNString(String columnName) | public RowId | getRowId(int columnIndex) | public RowId | getRowId(String columnName) | public SQLXML | getSQLXML(int columnIndex) | public SQLXML | getSQLXML(String colName) | public boolean | isWrapperFor(Class> interfaces) Returns false unless interfaces is implemented
Parameters: interfaces - a Class defining an interface. | public T | unwrap(java.lang.Class<T> interfaces) | public void | updateBlob(int columnIndex, InputStream x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value. | public void | updateBlob(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value. | public void | updateClob(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. | public void | updateClob(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. | public void | updateClob(String columnName, Reader x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. | public void | updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) | public void | updateNCharacterStream(String columnName, Reader x, long length) | public void | updateNClob(int columnIndex, NClob nClob) | public void | updateNClob(String columnName, NClob nClob) | public void | updateNClob(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. | public void | updateNClob(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. | public void | updateNClob(String columnName, Reader x, long length) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. | public void | updateNString(int columnIndex, String nString) | public void | updateNString(String columnName, String nString) | public void | updateRowId(int columnIndex, RowId x) | public void | updateRowId(String columnName, RowId x) | public void | updateSQLXML(int columnIndex, SQLXML xmlObject) | public void | updateSQLXML(String columnName, SQLXML xmlObject) |
NetResultSet40 | NetResultSet40(NetAgent netAgent, NetStatement netStatement, Cursor cursor, int qryprctyp, int sqlcsrhld, int qryattscr, int qryattsns, int qryattset, long qryinsid, int actualResultSetType, int actualResultSetConcurrency, int actualResultSetHoldability)(Code) | | |
isWrapperFor | public boolean isWrapperFor(Class> interfaces) throws SQLException(Code) | | Returns false unless interfaces is implemented
Parameters: interfaces - a Class defining an interface. true if this implements the interface or directly or indirectly wraps an object that does. throws: java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs while determining whether this is a wrapper for an object with the given interface. |
unwrap | public T unwrap(java.lang.Class<T> interfaces) throws SQLException(Code) | | Returns this if this class implements the interface
Parameters: interfaces - a Class defining an interface an object that implements the interface throws: java.sql.SQLExption - if no object if found that implements the interface |
updateBlob | public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnIndex - -the first column is 1, the second is 2 Parameters: x - -the new column value Parameters: length - -the length of the Blob datatype exception: SQLException - |
updateBlob | public void updateBlob(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnName - -the name of the column to be updated Parameters: x - -the new column value Parameters: length - -the length of the Blob datatype exception: SQLException - |
updateClob | public void updateClob(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnIndex - -the first column is 1, the second is 2 Parameters: x - -the new column value exception: SQLException - Feature not implemented for now. |
updateClob | public void updateClob(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnName - -the name of the Clob column Parameters: x - -the new column value exception: SQLException - Feature not implemented for now. |
updateClob | public void updateClob(String columnName, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnName - -the name of the Clob column Parameters: x - -the new column value exception: SQLException - Feature not implemented for now. |
updateNCharacterStream | public void updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | |
updateNClob | public void updateNClob(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnIndex - -the first column is 1, the second is 2 Parameters: x - -the new column value exception: SQLException - Feature not implemented for now. |
updateNClob | public void updateNClob(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnName - -the name of the Clob column Parameters: x - -the new column value exception: SQLException - Feature not implemented for now. |
updateNClob | public void updateNClob(String columnName, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException(Code) | | Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. The updater
methods are used to update column values in the current row or the insert
row. The updater methods do not update the underlying database; instead
the updateRow or insertRow methods are called to update the database.
Parameters: columnName - -the name of the Clob column Parameters: x - -the new column value exception: SQLException - Feature not implemented for now. |
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSet | public boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean absoluteX(int row) throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void accumulateWarning(SqlWarning e)(Code)(Java Doc) public void afterLast() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void beforeFirst() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void checkAndThrowReceivedQueryTerminatingException() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void checkForClosedResultSet() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void clearWarningsX()(Code)(Java Doc) public void close() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void closeX() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void completeLocalCommit(java.util.Iterator listenerIterator)(Code)(Java Doc) public void completeLocalRollback(java.util.Iterator listenerIterator)(Code)(Java Doc) public int completeSqlca(Sqlca sqlca)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void delete() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void deleteRow() throws java.sql.SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void earlyCloseComplete(Sqlca sqlca)(Code)(Java Doc) public void expandRowsetSqlca()(Code)(Java Doc) final public int findColumn(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean first() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void flowFetch() throws DisconnectException, SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void flowPositioningFetch(int scrollOrientation, int rowToFetch) throws DisconnectException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Array getArray(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Array getArray(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int column, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnName, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Blob getBlob(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Blob getBlob(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getBoolean(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean getBoolean(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte getByte(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public byte getByte(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] getBytes(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public byte[] getBytes(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Clob getClob(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Clob getClob(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getConcurrency() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public ConnectionCallbackInterface getConnectionCallbackInterface()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getCursorName() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Date getDate(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Date getDate(int column, java.util.Calendar calendar) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Date getDate(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Date getDate(String columnName, java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public double getDouble(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public double getDouble(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public float getFloat(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public float getFloat(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getHoldability() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getInt(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getInt(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public long getLong(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public long getLong(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject(int column, java.util.Map map) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public Object getObject(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public Object getObject(String columnName, java.util.Map map) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte getRSReturnability()(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Ref getRef(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Ref getRef(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void getRowCount() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public short getShort(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public short getShort(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Statement getStatement() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public StatementCallbackInterface getStatementCallbackInterface()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getString(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getString(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Time getTime(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Time getTime(int column, java.util.Calendar calendar) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Time getTime(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Time getTime(String columnName, java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int column, java.util.Calendar calendar) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String columnName, java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getType() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.net.URL getURL(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.net.URL getURL(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void insert() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void insertRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFirst() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isLast() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean last() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void listenToUnitOfWork()(Code)(Java Doc) public void markClosedOnServer()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void moveToAfterLast() throws DisconnectException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void moveToBeforeFirst() throws DisconnectException(Code)(Java Doc) public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean next() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void nullDataForGC()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void parseRowset_() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void parseScrollableRowset() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void positionToCurrentRowAndDelete() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void positionToCurrentRowAndUpdate() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void preClose_() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean previous() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void readCursorClose_() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void readDeleteRow() throws DisconnectException, SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void readFetch_() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void readInsertRow() throws DisconnectException, SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void readPositioningFetch_() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void readScrollableFetch_() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void readUpdateRow() throws DisconnectException, SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void refreshRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean relative(int rows) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean repositionScrollableResultSetBeforeJDBC1PositionedUpdateDelete() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean rowCountIsKnown()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean rowCountIsUnknown()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void setFetchSize_(int rows)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRSReturnability(byte rsReturnability)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRowCountEvent(long rowCount) throws DisconnectException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRowsetAfterLastEvent() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRowsetBeforeFirstEvent() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRowsetNoRowsEvent()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setValidCursorPosition(boolean isValidCursorPosition)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void update() throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateArray(int columnIndex, java.sql.Array x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateArray(String columnName, java.sql.Array x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(int column, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(String columnName, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(String columnName, InputStream x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBigDecimal(int column, java.math.BigDecimal x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBigDecimal(String columnName, java.math.BigDecimal x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(int column, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(String columnName, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(String columnName, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, java.sql.Blob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBlob(String columnName, java.sql.Blob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBlob(String columnLabel, InputStream x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBoolean(int column, boolean x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBoolean(String columnName, boolean x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateByte(int column, byte x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateByte(String columnName, byte x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBytes(int column, byte x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBytes(String columnName, byte x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(int column, java.io.Reader x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(String columnName, java.io.Reader x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel, Reader reader) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(String columnName, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateClob(int columnIndex, java.sql.Clob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateClob(String columnName, java.sql.Clob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateClob(int columnIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateClob(String columnLabel, Reader reader) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void updateColumnInfoFromCache()(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDate(int column, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDate(String columnName, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDouble(int column, double x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDouble(String columnName, double x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateFloat(int column, float x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateFloat(String columnName, float x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateInt(int column, int x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateInt(String columnName, int x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateLong(int column, long x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateLong(String columnName, long x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNCharacterStream(String columnName, Reader x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNClob(int columnIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNClob(String columnName, Reader reader) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNull(int column) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNull(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(int column, Object x, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(int column, Object x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(String columnName, Object x, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(String columnName, Object x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateRef(int columnIndex, java.sql.Ref x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateRef(String columnName, java.sql.Ref x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateRow() throws java.sql.SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateShort(int column, short x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateShort(String columnName, short x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateString(int column, String x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateString(String columnName, String x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTime(int column, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTime(String columnName, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTimestamp(int column, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTimestamp(String columnName, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void writeCursorClose_(Section section) throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeDeleteRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void writeFetch_(Section section) throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeInsertRow(boolean chainedWritesFollowingSetLob) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void writePositioningFetch_(Section section, int orientation, long rowToFetch) throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void writeScrollableFetch_(Section section, int fetchSize, int orientation, long rowToFetch, boolean resetQueryBlocks) throws SqlException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeUpdateRow(boolean chainedWritesFollowingSetLob) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc)