| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.vti.VTITemplate org.apache.derby.diag.StatementDuration
StatementDuration | public class StatementDuration extends VTITemplate (Code) | | StatementDuration is a virtual table which
can be used to analyze the execution duration of the statements
of "interest" in db2j.log or a specified file when
A limitation is that, for each transaction ID,
a row will not be returned for the last statement with that
transaction id. (Transaction IDs change within a connection after
a commit or rollback, if the transaction that just ended modified data.)
The execution duration is the time between the beginning of
execution of two successive statements. There are a number of reasons
why this time may not be accurate. The duration could include time
spent in the application waiting for user input, doing other work, etc.
It may also only include a portion of the actual execution time, if
the application executes a new statement before draining the previous
open ResultSet. StatementDuration can be used to get a rough sense of
where the bottlenecks in an application's JDBC code are.
The StatementDuration virtual table has the following columns:
- TS varchar(26) - not nullable. The timestamp of the statement.
- THREADID varchar(80) - not nullable. The thread name.
- XID varchar(15) - not nullable. The transaction ID.
- LOGTEXT long varchar - nullable. Text of the statement or commit or rollback.
- DURATION varchar(10) - not nullable. Duration, in milliseconds, of the statement.
Constructor Summary | |
public | StatementDuration() StatementDuration() accesses the error log in
derby.system.home, if set, otherwise it looks in the current directory. | public | StatementDuration(String inputFileName) |
StatementDuration | public StatementDuration()(Code) | | StatementDuration() accesses the error log in
derby.system.home, if set, otherwise it looks in the current directory.
StatementDuration('filename') will access the specified
file name.
StatementDuration | public StatementDuration(String inputFileName)(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.vti.VTITemplate | public boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void afterLast() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void beforeFirst() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void deleteRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int findColumn(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean first() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Array getArray(int i) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Array getArray(String colName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnName, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Blob getBlob(int i) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Blob getBlob(String colName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getBoolean(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte getByte(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte getByte(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] getBytes(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Clob getClob(int i) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Clob getClob(String colName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getConcurrency() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getCursorName() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Date getDate(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Date getDate(String columnName, Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public double getDouble(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public double getDouble(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public float getFloat(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public float getFloat(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getInt(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getInt(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public long getLong(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public long getLong(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject(int i, java.util.Map map) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject(String colName, java.util.Map map) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Ref getRef(int i) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Ref getRef(String colName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public short getShort(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public short getShort(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public Statement getStatement() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getString(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Time getTime(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Time getTime(String columnName, Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String columnName, Calendar cal) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getType() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public URL getURL(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public URL getURL(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void insertRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFirst() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isLast() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean last() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean previous() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void refreshRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean relative(int rows) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateArray(int columnIndex, Array x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateArray(String columnName, Array x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateAsciiStream(String columnName, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBigDecimal(int columnIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBigDecimal(String columnName, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBinaryStream(String columnName, java.io.InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, Blob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBlob(String columnName, Blob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBoolean(int columnIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBoolean(String columnName, boolean x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateByte(int columnIndex, byte x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateByte(String columnName, byte x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBytes(int columnIndex, byte[] x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBytes(String columnName, byte[] x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, java.io.Reader x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateCharacterStream(String columnName, java.io.Reader x, int length) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateClob(int columnIndex, Clob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateClob(String columnName, Clob x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDate(int columnIndex, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDate(String columnName, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDouble(int columnIndex, double x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateDouble(String columnName, double x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateFloat(int columnIndex, float x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateFloat(String columnName, float x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateInt(int columnIndex, int x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateInt(String columnName, int x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateLong(int columnIndex, long x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateLong(String columnName, long x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNull(int columnIndex) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateNull(String columnName) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(int columnIndex, Object x, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(int columnIndex, Object x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(String columnName, Object x, int scale) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateObject(String columnName, Object x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateRef(int columnIndex, Ref x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateRef(String columnName, Ref x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateRow() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateShort(int columnIndex, short x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateShort(String columnName, short x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateString(int columnIndex, String x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateString(String columnName, String x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTime(int columnIndex, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTime(String columnName, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTimestamp(int columnIndex, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateTimestamp(String columnName, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc)