Check the named table, ensuring that all of its indexes are consistent
with the base table.
Use this
method only within an SQL-J statement; do not call it directly.
When tables are consistent, the method returns true. Otherwise, the method throws an exception.
To check the consistency of a single table:
VALUES ConsistencyChecker::checkTable(SchemaName, TableName)
For example, to check the consistency of the table APP.Flights:
VALUES ConsistencyChecker::checkTable('APP', 'FLIGHTS')
To check the consistency of all of the tables in the 'APP' schema,
stopping at the first failure:
SELECT tablename, ConsistencyChecker::checkTable(
'APP', tablename)
FROM sys.sysschemas s, sys.systables t
WHERE s.schemaname = 'APP' AND s.schemaid = t.schemaid
To check the consistency of an entire database, stopping at the first failure:
SELECT schemaname, tablename,
ConsistencyChecker::checkTable(schemaname, tablename)
FROM sys.sysschemas s, sys.systables t
WHERE s.schemaid = t.schemaid
Parameters: schemaName - The schema name of the table. Parameters: tableName - The name of the table true, if the table is consistent, exception thrown if inconsistent exception: SQLException - Thrown if some inconsistencyis found, or if some unexpectedexception is thrown..