| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.impl.services.monitor.TopService
TopService | final class TopService (Code) | | A description of an instance of a module.
inShutdown | boolean inShutdown(Code) | | |
key | ProtocolKey key(Code) | | The idenity of this service, note that it may not be active yet.
serviceType | PersistentService serviceType(Code) | | The type of service this was created by. If null then this is a non-persistent service.
bootModule | Object bootModule(boolean create, Object service, ProtocolKey key, Properties properties) throws StandardException(Code) | | Boot a module, performs three steps.
- Look for an existing module in the protocol table
- Look for a module in the implementation table that handles this protocol
- Create an instance that handles this protocol.
findModule | synchronized Object findModule(ProtocolKey key, boolean findOnly, Properties properties)(Code) | | Find an module in the protocol table that supports the required protocol
name combination and can handle the properties.
Returns the instance of the module or null if one does not exist in
the protocol table.
isActiveService | boolean isActiveService()(Code) | | |
shutdown | boolean shutdown()(Code) | | If the service is already beign shutdown we return false.