java.lang .Object org.apache.derby.impl.sql.catalog .IndexInfoImpl IndexInfoImpl class IndexInfoImpl (Code) A poor mans structure used in
Used to save information about system indexes.
author: jerry
IndexInfoImpl IndexInfoImpl(int indexNumber, CatalogRowFactory crf) (Code) Constructor
Parameters: indexNumber - (0-based) number of index within catalog's indexesParameters: crf - CatalogRowFactory for the catalog
getBaseColumnPosition int getBaseColumnPosition(int colNumber) (Code) Get the base column position for a column within a catalog
given the (0-based) column number for the column within the index.
Parameters: colNumber - The column number within the index int The base column position for the column.
getColumnCount int getColumnCount() (Code) Get the column count for the index.
int The column count for the index.
getConglomerateNumber long getConglomerateNumber() (Code) Get the conglomerate number for the index.
long The conglomerate number for the index.
getIndexName String getIndexName() (Code) Get the index name for the index.
String The index name for the index.
getIndexRowGenerator IndexRowGenerator getIndexRowGenerator() (Code) Get the IndexRowGenerator for this index.
IndexRowGenerator The IRG for this index.
isIndexUnique boolean isIndexUnique() (Code) Return whether or not this index is declared unique
boolean Whether or not this index is declared unique
setConglomerateNumber void setConglomerateNumber(long conglomerateNumber) (Code) Set the conglomerate number for the index.
Parameters: conglomerateNumber - The conglomerateNumber for the index.
setIndexRowGenerator void setIndexRowGenerator(IndexRowGenerator irg) (Code) Set the IndexRowGenerator for this index.
Parameters: irg - The IndexRowGenerator for this index.