| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.GenericConstantActionFactory
GenericConstantActionFactory | public class GenericConstantActionFactory (Code) | | Factory for creating ConstantActions.
Implemetation note: For most operations, the ResultSetFactory
determines if the operation is allowed in a readonly/target database.
Because we perform JAR add/drop/replace with a utility rather than
using normal language processing we never get a result set for these
operations. For this reason, the ConstantActionFactory rather than
the ResultSetFactory checks if the these operations are allowed.
author: Rick |
Method Summary | |
public ConstantAction | getAddJarConstantAction(UUID id, String schemaName, String sqlName, String externalPath) Make the ConstantAction to Add a jar file to a database. | public ConstantAction | getAlterTableConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String tableName, UUID tableId, long tableConglomerateId, int tableType, ColumnInfo[] columnInfo, ConstraintConstantAction[] constraintActions, char lockGranularity, boolean compressTable, int behavior, boolean sequential, boolean truncateTable) Make the AlterAction for an ALTER TABLE statement. | protected static Authorizer | getAuthorizer() | public ConstantAction | getCreateAliasConstantAction(String aliasName, String schemaName, String javaClassName, AliasInfo aliasInfo, char aliasType) Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE ALIAS statement.
Parameters: aliasName - Name of alias. Parameters: schemaName - Alias's schema. | public CreateConstraintConstantAction | getCreateConstraintConstantAction(String constraintName, int constraintType, String tableName, UUID tableId, String schemaName, String[] columnNames, IndexConstantAction indexAction, String constraintText, boolean enabled, ConstraintInfo otherConstraint, ProviderInfo[] providerInfo) Make a ConstantAction for a constraint. | public CreateIndexConstantAction | getCreateIndexConstantAction(boolean unique, String indexType, String schemaName, String indexName, String tableName, UUID tableId, long conglomId, String[] columnNames, boolean[] isAscending, boolean isConstraint, UUID conglomerateUUID, Properties properties) Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE INDEX statement. | public ConstantAction | getCreateSchemaConstantAction(String schemaName, String aid) Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE SCHEMA statement. | public ConstantAction | getCreateTableConstantAction(String schemaName, String tableName, int tableType, ColumnInfo[] columnInfo, CreateConstraintConstantAction[] constraintActions, Properties properties, char lockGranularity, boolean onCommitDeleteRows, boolean onRollbackDeleteRows) Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE TABLE statement.
Parameters: schemaName - name for the schema that table lives in. Parameters: tableName - Name of table. Parameters: tableType - Type of table (e.g., BASE, global temporary table). Parameters: columnInfo - Information on all the columns in the table.(REMIND tableDescriptor ignored) Parameters: constraintActions - CreateConstraintConstantAction[] for constraints Parameters: properties - Optional table properties Parameters: lockGranularity - The lock granularity. Parameters: onCommitDeleteRows - If true, on commit delete rows else on commit preserve rows of temporary table. Parameters: onRollbackDeleteRows - If true, on rollback, delete rows from temp tables which were logically modified. | public ConstantAction | getCreateTriggerConstantAction(String triggerSchemaName, String triggerName, int eventMask, boolean isBefore, boolean isRow, boolean isEnabled, TableDescriptor triggerTable, UUID whenSPSId, String whenText, UUID actionSPSId, String actionText, UUID spsCompSchemaId, Timestamp creationTimestamp, int[] referencedCols, String originalActionText, boolean referencingOld, boolean referencingNew, String oldReferencingName, String newReferencingName) Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE TRIGGER statement.
Parameters: triggerSchemaName - Name of the schema that trigger lives in. Parameters: triggerName - Name of trigger Parameters: eventMask - TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_XXXX Parameters: isBefore - is this a before (as opposed to after) trigger Parameters: isRow - is this a row trigger or statement trigger Parameters: isEnabled - is this trigger enabled or disabled Parameters: triggerTable - the table upon which this trigger is defined Parameters: whenSPSId - the sps id for the when clause (may be null) Parameters: whenText - the text of the when clause (may be null) Parameters: actionSPSId - the spsid for the trigger action (may be null) Parameters: actionText - the text of the trigger action (may be null) Parameters: spsCompSchemaId - the compilation schema for the action and whenspses. | public ConstantAction | getCreateViewConstantAction(String schemaName, String tableName, int tableType, String viewText, int checkOption, ColumnInfo[] columnInfo, ProviderInfo[] providerInfo, UUID compSchemaId) Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE VIEW statement. | public ConstantAction | getDeleteConstantAction(long conglomId, int tableType, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo heapSCOCI, IndexRowGenerator[] irgs, long[] indexCIDS, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs, ExecRow emptyHeapRow, boolean deferred, boolean tableIsPublished, UUID tableID, int lockMode, Object deleteToken, Object keySignature, int[] keyPositions, long keyConglomId, String schemaName, String tableName, ResultDescription resultDescription, FKInfo[] fkInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, FormatableBitSet baseRowReadList, int[] baseRowReadMap, int[] streamStorableHeapColIds, int numColumns, UUID dependencyId, boolean singleRowSource, ConstantAction[] dependentConstantActions) Make the ConstantAction for a Replicated DELETE statement.
Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID. Parameters: tableType - type of this table Parameters: heapSCOCI - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo for heap. Parameters: irgs - Index descriptors Parameters: indexCIDS - Conglomerate IDs of indices Parameters: indexSCOCIs - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfos for indexes. Parameters: emptyHeapRow - Template for heap row. Parameters: deferred - True means deferred delete Parameters: tableIsPublished - true if table is published Parameters: tableID - table id Parameters: lockMode - The lock mode to use(row or table, see TransactionController) Parameters: keySignature - signature for the key(null for source) Parameters: keyPositions - positions of primary key columns in base row Parameters: keyConglomId - conglomerate id for the key(-1 for the souce) Parameters: schemaName - schemaName(null for source) Parameters: tableName - tableName(null for source) Parameters: resultDescription - A description of the columns in the rowto be deleted. | public ConstantAction | getDropAliasConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String aliasName, char aliasType) Make the ConstantAction for a DROP ALIAS statement. | public ConstraintConstantAction | getDropConstraintConstantAction(String constraintName, String constraintSchemaName, String tableName, UUID tableId, String tableSchemaName, IndexConstantAction indexAction, int behavior, int verifyType) Make ConstantAction to drop a constraint.
Parameters: constraintName - Constraint name. Parameters: constraintSchemaName - Constraint Schema Name Parameters: tableName - Table name. Parameters: tableId - UUID of table. Parameters: tableSchemaName - the schema that table lives in. Parameters: indexAction - IndexConstantAction for constraint (if necessary) Parameters: behavior - The drop behavior (e.g. | public DropIndexConstantAction | getDropIndexConstantAction(String fullIndexName, String indexName, String tableName, String schemaName, UUID tableId, long tableConglomerateId) Make the ConstantAction for a DROP INDEX statement. | public ConstantAction | getDropJarConstantAction(UUID id, String schemaName, String sqlName) Make the ConstantAction to drop a jar file from a database. | public ConstantAction | getDropSchemaConstantAction(String schemaName) Make the ConstantAction for a DROP TABLE statement. | public ConstantAction | getDropStatisticsConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String fullTableName, String objectName, boolean forTable) Make the constant action for Drop Statistics statement.
Parameters: sd - Schema Descriptor of the schema in which the object resides. | public ConstantAction | getDropTableConstantAction(String fullTableName, String tableName, SchemaDescriptor sd, long conglomerateNumber, UUID tableId, int behavior) Make the ConstantAction for a DROP TABLE statement. | public ConstantAction | getDropTriggerConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String triggerName, UUID tableId) Make the ConstantAction for a DROP TRIGGER statement. | public ConstantAction | getDropViewConstantAction(String fullTableName, String tableName, SchemaDescriptor sd) Make the ConstantAction for a DROP VIEW statement. | public ConstantAction | getGrantConstantAction(PrivilegeInfo privileges, List grantees) | public ConstantAction | getInsertConstantAction(TableDescriptor tableDescriptor, long conglomId, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo heapSCOCI, IndexRowGenerator[] irgs, long[] indexCIDS, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs, String[] indexNames, boolean deferred, boolean tableIsPublished, UUID tableID, int lockMode, Object insertToken, Object rowSignature, Properties targetProperties, FKInfo[] fkInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, int[] streamStorableHeapColIds, boolean[] indexedCols, UUID dependencyId, Object[] stageControl, Object[] ddlList, boolean singleRowSource, RowLocation[] autoincRowLocation) Make the ConstantAction for a Replicated INSERT statement.
Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID. Parameters: heapSCOCI - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo for target heap. Parameters: irgs - Index descriptors Parameters: indexCIDS - Conglomerate IDs of indices Parameters: indexSCOCIs - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfos for indexes. Parameters: indexNames - Names of indices on this table for error reporting. Parameters: deferred - True means deferred insert Parameters: tableIsPublished - true if table is published, false otherwise Parameters: tableID - table id Parameters: targetProperties - Properties on the target table Parameters: fkInfo - Array of structures containing foreign key info, if any (may be null) Parameters: triggerInfo - Array of structures containing trigger info, Parameters: streamStorableHeapColIds - Null for non rep. | public ConstantAction | getLockTableConstantAction(String fullTableName, long conglomerateNumber, boolean exclusiveMode) Make the ConstantAction for a LOCK TABLE statement. | public ConstantAction | getRenameConstantAction(String fullTableName, String tableName, String oldObjectName, String newObjectName, SchemaDescriptor sd, UUID tableId, boolean usedAlterTable, int renamingWhat) Make the ConstantAction for a RENAME TABLE/COLUMN/INDEX statement. | public ConstantAction | getReplaceJarConstantAction(UUID id, String schemaName, String sqlName, String externalPath) Make the ConstantAction to replace a jar file in a database. | public ConstantAction | getRevokeConstantAction(PrivilegeInfo privileges, List grantees) | public ConstantAction | getSavepointConstantAction(String savepointName, int statementType) Make the ConstantAction for a savepoint statement (ROLLBACK savepoint, RELASE savepoint and SAVEPOINT). | public ConstantAction | getSetConstraintsConstantAction(ConstraintDescriptorList cdl, boolean enable, boolean unconditionallyEnforce, Object[] ddlList) Get ConstantAction for SET CONSTRAINTS statement.
Parameters: cdl - the constraints to set, if null,we'll go ahead and set them all Parameters: enable - if true, turn them on, if falsedisable them Parameters: unconditionallyEnforce - Replication sets this to true atthe end of REFRESH. | public ConstantAction | getSetSchemaConstantAction(String schemaName, int type) Make the ConstantAction for a SET SCHEMA statement. | public ConstantAction | getSetTransactionIsolationConstantAction(int isolationLevel) Make the ConstantAction for a SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION statement. | public ConstantAction | getUpdatableVTIConstantAction(int statementType, boolean deferred) Make the ConstantAction for an updatable VTI statement. | public ConstantAction | getUpdatableVTIConstantAction(int statementType, boolean deferred, int[] changedColumnIds) Make the ConstantAction for an updatable VTI statement. | public UpdateConstantAction | getUpdateConstantAction(long conglomId, int tableType, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo heapSCOCI, IndexRowGenerator[] irgs, long[] indexCIDS, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs, String[] indexNames, ExecRow emptyHeapRow, boolean deferred, UUID targetUUID, int lockMode, boolean tableIsPublished, int[] changedColumnIds, int[] keyPositions, Object updateToken, FKInfo[] fkInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, FormatableBitSet baseRowReadList, int[] baseRowReadMap, int[] streamStorableHeapColIds, int numColumns, boolean positionedUpdate, boolean singleRowSource) Make the ConstantAction for a Replicated DELETE statement.
Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID. Parameters: tableType - type of this table Parameters: heapSCOCI - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo for heap. Parameters: irgs - Index descriptors Parameters: indexCIDS - Conglomerate IDs of indices Parameters: indexSCOCIs - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfos for indexes. Parameters: emptyHeapRow - Template for heap row. Parameters: deferred - True means deferred update Parameters: targetUUID - UUID of target table Parameters: lockMode - The lock mode to use(row or table, see TransactionController) Parameters: tableIsPublished - true if table is published, false otherwise Parameters: changedColumnIds - Array of ids of changes columns Parameters: keyPositions - positions of primary key columns in base row Parameters: fkInfo - Array of structures containing foreign key info, if any (may be null) Parameters: triggerInfo - Array of structures containing trigger info, Parameters: baseRowReadList - Map of columns read in. | public ConstantAction | getUpdateStatisticsConstantAction(boolean forTable, String objectName, UUID tableUUID, UUID[] objectUUID, long[] conglomerateNumber, ExecIndexRow[] indexRow) Make the constant action for a UPDATE STATISTICS statement.
Parameters: forTable - whether for an index or table. Parameters: objectName - name of the object (either table or index) for whichthis statistic is being created. Parameters: tableUUID - UUID of the table for which statistics are beingcreated. Parameters: objectUUID - array of UUID's, one for each index conglomerate forwhich statistics are being created. |
GenericConstantActionFactory | public GenericConstantActionFactory()(Code) | | |
getAddJarConstantAction | public ConstantAction getAddJarConstantAction(UUID id, String schemaName, String sqlName, String externalPath) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction to Add a jar file to a database.
Parameters: id - The id for the jar file -(null means create one) Parameters: schemaName - The SchemaName for the jar file. Parameters: sqlName - The sqlName for the jar file. Parameters: externalPath - The name of the file that holds the jar. exception: StandardException - Ooops |
getAlterTableConstantAction | public ConstantAction getAlterTableConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String tableName, UUID tableId, long tableConglomerateId, int tableType, ColumnInfo[] columnInfo, ConstraintConstantAction[] constraintActions, char lockGranularity, boolean compressTable, int behavior, boolean sequential, boolean truncateTable)(Code) | | Make the AlterAction for an ALTER TABLE statement.
Parameters: sd - descriptor for the schema that table lives in. Parameters: tableName - Name of table. Parameters: tableId - UUID of table. Parameters: tableConglomerateId - heap conglomerate id of table Parameters: tableType - Type of table (e.g., BASE). Parameters: columnInfo - Information on all the columns in the table. Parameters: constraintActions - ConstraintConstantAction[] for constraints Parameters: lockGranularity - The lock granularity. Parameters: compressTable - Whether or not this is a compress table Parameters: behavior - drop behavior of dropping column Parameters: sequential - If compress table/drop column, whether or not sequential |
getCreateAliasConstantAction | public ConstantAction getCreateAliasConstantAction(String aliasName, String schemaName, String javaClassName, AliasInfo aliasInfo, char aliasType)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE ALIAS statement.
Parameters: aliasName - Name of alias. Parameters: schemaName - Alias's schema. Parameters: javaClassName - Name of java class. Parameters: aliasType - The alias type |
getCreateConstraintConstantAction | public CreateConstraintConstantAction getCreateConstraintConstantAction(String constraintName, int constraintType, String tableName, UUID tableId, String schemaName, String[] columnNames, IndexConstantAction indexAction, String constraintText, boolean enabled, ConstraintInfo otherConstraint, ProviderInfo[] providerInfo)(Code) | | Make a ConstantAction for a constraint.
Parameters: constraintName - Constraint name. Parameters: constraintType - Constraint type. Parameters: tableName - Table name. Parameters: tableId - UUID of table. Parameters: schemaName - Schema that table lives in. Parameters: columnNames - String[] for column names Parameters: indexAction - IndexConstantAction for constraint (if necessary) Parameters: constraintText - Text for check constraint Parameters: enabled - Should the constraint be created as enabled (enabled == true), or disabled (enabled == false). Parameters: otherConstraint - The referenced constraint, if a foreign key constraint Parameters: providerInfo - Information on all the Providers |
getCreateIndexConstantAction | public CreateIndexConstantAction getCreateIndexConstantAction(boolean unique, String indexType, String schemaName, String indexName, String tableName, UUID tableId, long conglomId, String[] columnNames, boolean[] isAscending, boolean isConstraint, UUID conglomerateUUID, Properties properties)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE INDEX statement.
Parameters: unique - True means it will be a unique index Parameters: indexType - The type of index (BTREE, for example) Parameters: schemaName - the schema that table (and index) lives in. Parameters: indexName - Name of the index Parameters: tableName - Name of table the index will be on Parameters: tableId - UUID of table. Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID of the index, if known in advance Parameters: columnNames - Names of the columns in the index, in order Parameters: isAscending - Array of booleans telling asc/desc on each column Parameters: isConstraint - TRUE if index is backing up a constraint, else FALSE Parameters: conglomerateUUID - ID of conglomerate Parameters: properties - The optional properties list associated with the index. |
getCreateSchemaConstantAction | public ConstantAction getCreateSchemaConstantAction(String schemaName, String aid)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Parameters: schemaName - Name of table. Parameters: aid - Authorizaton id |
getCreateTableConstantAction | public ConstantAction getCreateTableConstantAction(String schemaName, String tableName, int tableType, ColumnInfo[] columnInfo, CreateConstraintConstantAction[] constraintActions, Properties properties, char lockGranularity, boolean onCommitDeleteRows, boolean onRollbackDeleteRows)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE TABLE statement.
Parameters: schemaName - name for the schema that table lives in. Parameters: tableName - Name of table. Parameters: tableType - Type of table (e.g., BASE, global temporary table). Parameters: columnInfo - Information on all the columns in the table.(REMIND tableDescriptor ignored) Parameters: constraintActions - CreateConstraintConstantAction[] for constraints Parameters: properties - Optional table properties Parameters: lockGranularity - The lock granularity. Parameters: onCommitDeleteRows - If true, on commit delete rows else on commit preserve rows of temporary table. Parameters: onRollbackDeleteRows - If true, on rollback, delete rows from temp tables which were logically modified. true is the only supported value |
getCreateTriggerConstantAction | public ConstantAction getCreateTriggerConstantAction(String triggerSchemaName, String triggerName, int eventMask, boolean isBefore, boolean isRow, boolean isEnabled, TableDescriptor triggerTable, UUID whenSPSId, String whenText, UUID actionSPSId, String actionText, UUID spsCompSchemaId, Timestamp creationTimestamp, int[] referencedCols, String originalActionText, boolean referencingOld, boolean referencingNew, String oldReferencingName, String newReferencingName)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE TRIGGER statement.
Parameters: triggerSchemaName - Name of the schema that trigger lives in. Parameters: triggerName - Name of trigger Parameters: eventMask - TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_XXXX Parameters: isBefore - is this a before (as opposed to after) trigger Parameters: isRow - is this a row trigger or statement trigger Parameters: isEnabled - is this trigger enabled or disabled Parameters: triggerTable - the table upon which this trigger is defined Parameters: whenSPSId - the sps id for the when clause (may be null) Parameters: whenText - the text of the when clause (may be null) Parameters: actionSPSId - the spsid for the trigger action (may be null) Parameters: actionText - the text of the trigger action (may be null) Parameters: spsCompSchemaId - the compilation schema for the action and whenspses. If null, will be set to the current defaultschema Parameters: creationTimestamp - when was this trigger created? if null, will beset to the time that executeConstantAction() is invoked Parameters: referencedCols - what columns does this trigger reference (may be null) Parameters: originalActionText - The original user text of the trigger action Parameters: referencingOld - whether or not OLD appears in REFERENCING clause Parameters: referencingNew - whether or not NEW appears in REFERENCING clause Parameters: oldReferencingName - old referencing table name, if any, that appears in REFERCING clause Parameters: newReferencingName - new referencing table name, if any, that appears in REFERCING clause |
getCreateViewConstantAction | public ConstantAction getCreateViewConstantAction(String schemaName, String tableName, int tableType, String viewText, int checkOption, ColumnInfo[] columnInfo, ProviderInfo[] providerInfo, UUID compSchemaId)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a CREATE VIEW statement.
Parameters: schemaName - Name of the schema that table lives in. Parameters: tableName - Name of table. Parameters: tableType - Type of table (e.g., BASE). Parameters: viewText - Text of query expression for view definition Parameters: checkOption - Check option type Parameters: columnInfo - Information on all the columns in the table. Parameters: providerInfo - Information on all the Providers Parameters: compSchemaId - ID of schema in which the view is to be boundwhen accessed in the future.(REMIND tableDescriptor ignored) |
getDeleteConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDeleteConstantAction(long conglomId, int tableType, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo heapSCOCI, IndexRowGenerator[] irgs, long[] indexCIDS, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs, ExecRow emptyHeapRow, boolean deferred, boolean tableIsPublished, UUID tableID, int lockMode, Object deleteToken, Object keySignature, int[] keyPositions, long keyConglomId, String schemaName, String tableName, ResultDescription resultDescription, FKInfo[] fkInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, FormatableBitSet baseRowReadList, int[] baseRowReadMap, int[] streamStorableHeapColIds, int numColumns, UUID dependencyId, boolean singleRowSource, ConstantAction[] dependentConstantActions) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a Replicated DELETE statement.
Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID. Parameters: tableType - type of this table Parameters: heapSCOCI - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo for heap. Parameters: irgs - Index descriptors Parameters: indexCIDS - Conglomerate IDs of indices Parameters: indexSCOCIs - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfos for indexes. Parameters: emptyHeapRow - Template for heap row. Parameters: deferred - True means deferred delete Parameters: tableIsPublished - true if table is published Parameters: tableID - table id Parameters: lockMode - The lock mode to use(row or table, see TransactionController) Parameters: keySignature - signature for the key(null for source) Parameters: keyPositions - positions of primary key columns in base row Parameters: keyConglomId - conglomerate id for the key(-1 for the souce) Parameters: schemaName - schemaName(null for source) Parameters: tableName - tableName(null for source) Parameters: resultDescription - A description of the columns in the rowto be deleted. Only set in replication or during cascade Delete. Parameters: fkInfo - Array of structures containing foreign key info, if any (may be null) Parameters: triggerInfo - Array of structures containing triggerinfo, if any (may be null) Parameters: numColumns - Number of columns to read Parameters: dependencyId - UUID for dependency system Parameters: baseRowReadList - Map of columns read in. 1 based. Parameters: baseRowReadMap - BaseRowReadMap[heapColId]->ReadRowColumnId. Parameters: streamStorableHeapColIds - Null for non rep. (0 based) Parameters: singleRowSource - Whether or not source is a single row source exception: StandardException - Thrown on failure |
getDropAliasConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropAliasConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String aliasName, char aliasType)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a DROP ALIAS statement.
Parameters: aliasName - Alias name. Parameters: aliasType - Alias type. |
getDropConstraintConstantAction | public ConstraintConstantAction getDropConstraintConstantAction(String constraintName, String constraintSchemaName, String tableName, UUID tableId, String tableSchemaName, IndexConstantAction indexAction, int behavior, int verifyType)(Code) | | Make ConstantAction to drop a constraint.
Parameters: constraintName - Constraint name. Parameters: constraintSchemaName - Constraint Schema Name Parameters: tableName - Table name. Parameters: tableId - UUID of table. Parameters: tableSchemaName - the schema that table lives in. Parameters: indexAction - IndexConstantAction for constraint (if necessary) Parameters: behavior - The drop behavior (e.g. StatementType.RESTRICT) Parameters: verifyType - Verify that the constraint is of this type. |
getDropIndexConstantAction | public DropIndexConstantAction getDropIndexConstantAction(String fullIndexName, String indexName, String tableName, String schemaName, UUID tableId, long tableConglomerateId)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a DROP INDEX statement.
Parameters: fullIndexName - Fully qualified index name Parameters: indexName - Index name. Parameters: tableName - The table name Parameters: schemaName - Schema that index lives in. Parameters: tableId - UUID for table Parameters: tableConglomerateId - heap conglomerate ID for table |
getDropJarConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropJarConstantAction(UUID id, String schemaName, String sqlName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction to drop a jar file from a database.
Parameters: id - The id for the jar file -(Ignored if null) Parameters: schemaName - The SchemaName for the jar file. Parameters: sqlName - The sqlName for the jar file. exception: StandardException - Ooops |
getDropSchemaConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropSchemaConstantAction(String schemaName)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a DROP TABLE statement.
Parameters: schemaName - Table name. |
getDropStatisticsConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropStatisticsConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String fullTableName, String objectName, boolean forTable)(Code) | | Make the constant action for Drop Statistics statement.
Parameters: sd - Schema Descriptor of the schema in which the object resides. Parameters: fullTableName - full name of the object for which statistics arebeing dropped. Parameters: objectName - object name for which statistics are being dropped. Parameters: forTable - is it an index or table whose statistics aer beingconsigned to the garbage heap? |
getDropTableConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropTableConstantAction(String fullTableName, String tableName, SchemaDescriptor sd, long conglomerateNumber, UUID tableId, int behavior)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a DROP TABLE statement.
Parameters: fullTableName - Fully qualified table name Parameters: tableName - Table name. Parameters: sd - Schema that table lives in. Parameters: conglomerateNumber - Conglomerate number for heap Parameters: tableId - UUID for table Parameters: behavior - drop behavior, CASCADE, RESTRICT or DEFAULT |
getDropTriggerConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropTriggerConstantAction(SchemaDescriptor sd, String triggerName, UUID tableId)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a DROP TRIGGER statement.
Parameters: sd - Schema that stored prepared statement lives in. Parameters: triggerName - Name of the Trigger Parameters: tableId - The table this trigger is defined upon |
getDropViewConstantAction | public ConstantAction getDropViewConstantAction(String fullTableName, String tableName, SchemaDescriptor sd)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a DROP VIEW statement.
Parameters: fullTableName - Fully qualified table name Parameters: tableName - Table name. Parameters: sd - Schema that view lives in. |
getGrantConstantAction | public ConstantAction getGrantConstantAction(PrivilegeInfo privileges, List grantees)(Code) | | Make the constant action for a Grant statement
Parameters: privileges - The list of privileges to be granted Parameters: grantees - The list of grantees |
getInsertConstantAction | public ConstantAction getInsertConstantAction(TableDescriptor tableDescriptor, long conglomId, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo heapSCOCI, IndexRowGenerator[] irgs, long[] indexCIDS, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs, String[] indexNames, boolean deferred, boolean tableIsPublished, UUID tableID, int lockMode, Object insertToken, Object rowSignature, Properties targetProperties, FKInfo[] fkInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, int[] streamStorableHeapColIds, boolean[] indexedCols, UUID dependencyId, Object[] stageControl, Object[] ddlList, boolean singleRowSource, RowLocation[] autoincRowLocation) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a Replicated INSERT statement.
Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID. Parameters: heapSCOCI - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo for target heap. Parameters: irgs - Index descriptors Parameters: indexCIDS - Conglomerate IDs of indices Parameters: indexSCOCIs - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfos for indexes. Parameters: indexNames - Names of indices on this table for error reporting. Parameters: deferred - True means deferred insert Parameters: tableIsPublished - true if table is published, false otherwise Parameters: tableID - table id Parameters: targetProperties - Properties on the target table Parameters: fkInfo - Array of structures containing foreign key info, if any (may be null) Parameters: triggerInfo - Array of structures containing trigger info, Parameters: streamStorableHeapColIds - Null for non rep. (0 based)if any (may be null) Parameters: indexedCols - boolean[] of which (0-based) columns are indexed. Parameters: dependencyId - UUID for dependency system Parameters: stageControl - Stage Control Tokens Parameters: ddlList - List of DDL to log. This is for BULK INSERT into a published table at the Source. Parameters: singleRowSource - Whether or not source is a single row source Parameters: autoincRowLocation - array of row locations into syscolumns forautoincrement columns exception: StandardException - Thrown on failure |
getLockTableConstantAction | public ConstantAction getLockTableConstantAction(String fullTableName, long conglomerateNumber, boolean exclusiveMode)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a LOCK TABLE statement.
Parameters: fullTableName - Full name of the table. Parameters: conglomerateNumber - Conglomerate number for the heap Parameters: exclusiveMode - Whether or not to get an exclusive lock. |
getRenameConstantAction | public ConstantAction getRenameConstantAction(String fullTableName, String tableName, String oldObjectName, String newObjectName, SchemaDescriptor sd, UUID tableId, boolean usedAlterTable, int renamingWhat)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a RENAME TABLE/COLUMN/INDEX statement.
Parameters: fullTableName - Fully qualified table name Parameters: tableName - Table name. Parameters: oldObjectName - Old object name Parameters: newObjectName - New object name. Parameters: sd - Schema that table lives in. Parameters: tableId - UUID for table Parameters: usedAlterTable - True if used Alter Table command, false if used Rename Parameters: renamingWhat - Value indicates if Rename Column/Index. |
getReplaceJarConstantAction | public ConstantAction getReplaceJarConstantAction(UUID id, String schemaName, String sqlName, String externalPath) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction to replace a jar file in a database.
Parameters: id - The id for the jar file -(Ignored if null) Parameters: schemaName - The SchemaName for the jar file. Parameters: sqlName - The sqlName for the jar file. Parameters: externalPath - The name of the file that holds the new jar. exception: StandardException - Ooops |
getRevokeConstantAction | public ConstantAction getRevokeConstantAction(PrivilegeInfo privileges, List grantees)(Code) | | Make the constant action for a Revoke statement
Parameters: privileges - The list of privileges to be revokeed Parameters: grantees - The list of grantees |
getSavepointConstantAction | public ConstantAction getSavepointConstantAction(String savepointName, int statementType)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a savepoint statement (ROLLBACK savepoint, RELASE savepoint and SAVEPOINT).
Parameters: savepointName - name for the savepoint. Parameters: statementType - Type of savepoint statement ie rollback, release or set savepoint |
getSetConstraintsConstantAction | public ConstantAction getSetConstraintsConstantAction(ConstraintDescriptorList cdl, boolean enable, boolean unconditionallyEnforce, Object[] ddlList)(Code) | | Get ConstantAction for SET CONSTRAINTS statement.
Parameters: cdl - the constraints to set, if null,we'll go ahead and set them all Parameters: enable - if true, turn them on, if falsedisable them Parameters: unconditionallyEnforce - Replication sets this to true atthe end of REFRESH. This forces usto run the included foreign key constraints evenif they're already marked ENABLED. Parameters: ddlList - Replication list of actions to propagate,null unless a replication source |
getSetSchemaConstantAction | public ConstantAction getSetSchemaConstantAction(String schemaName, int type)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a SET SCHEMA statement.
Parameters: schemaName - Name of schema. Parameters: type - Literal, USER or ? |
getSetTransactionIsolationConstantAction | public ConstantAction getSetTransactionIsolationConstantAction(int isolationLevel)(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION statement.
Parameters: isolationLevel - The new isolation level. |
getUpdatableVTIConstantAction | public ConstantAction getUpdatableVTIConstantAction(int statementType, boolean deferred) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for an updatable VTI statement.
Parameters: deferred - Deferred mode? exception: StandardException - Thrown on failure |
getUpdatableVTIConstantAction | public ConstantAction getUpdatableVTIConstantAction(int statementType, boolean deferred, int[] changedColumnIds) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for an updatable VTI statement.
Parameters: deferred - Deferred mode? Parameters: changedColumnIds - Array of ids of changed columns exception: StandardException - Thrown on failure |
getUpdateConstantAction | public UpdateConstantAction getUpdateConstantAction(long conglomId, int tableType, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo heapSCOCI, IndexRowGenerator[] irgs, long[] indexCIDS, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs, String[] indexNames, ExecRow emptyHeapRow, boolean deferred, UUID targetUUID, int lockMode, boolean tableIsPublished, int[] changedColumnIds, int[] keyPositions, Object updateToken, FKInfo[] fkInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, FormatableBitSet baseRowReadList, int[] baseRowReadMap, int[] streamStorableHeapColIds, int numColumns, boolean positionedUpdate, boolean singleRowSource) throws StandardException(Code) | | Make the ConstantAction for a Replicated DELETE statement.
Parameters: conglomId - Conglomerate ID. Parameters: tableType - type of this table Parameters: heapSCOCI - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo for heap. Parameters: irgs - Index descriptors Parameters: indexCIDS - Conglomerate IDs of indices Parameters: indexSCOCIs - StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfos for indexes. Parameters: emptyHeapRow - Template for heap row. Parameters: deferred - True means deferred update Parameters: targetUUID - UUID of target table Parameters: lockMode - The lock mode to use(row or table, see TransactionController) Parameters: tableIsPublished - true if table is published, false otherwise Parameters: changedColumnIds - Array of ids of changes columns Parameters: keyPositions - positions of primary key columns in base row Parameters: fkInfo - Array of structures containing foreign key info, if any (may be null) Parameters: triggerInfo - Array of structures containing trigger info, Parameters: baseRowReadList - Map of columns read in. 1 based. Parameters: baseRowReadMap - map of columns to be selected from the base row(partial row). 1 based. Parameters: streamStorableHeapColIds - Null for non rep. (0 based) Parameters: numColumns - The number of columns being read. Parameters: positionedUpdate - is this a positioned update Parameters: singleRowSource - Whether or not source is a single row source exception: StandardException - Thrown on failure |
getUpdateStatisticsConstantAction | public ConstantAction getUpdateStatisticsConstantAction(boolean forTable, String objectName, UUID tableUUID, UUID[] objectUUID, long[] conglomerateNumber, ExecIndexRow[] indexRow)(Code) | | Make the constant action for a UPDATE STATISTICS statement.
Parameters: forTable - whether for an index or table. Parameters: objectName - name of the object (either table or index) for whichthis statistic is being created. Parameters: tableUUID - UUID of the table for which statistics are beingcreated. Parameters: objectUUID - array of UUID's, one for each index conglomerate forwhich statistics are being created. Parameters: conglomerateNumber - array of conglomerate numbers, one for eachindex conglomerate for which statistics are being created. Parameters: indexRow - array of index rows, one for each index. This row isused by the constant action to read data from the indices. |