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final class InputStreamContainer extends FileContainer (Code)
A class that uses a ZipEntry to be a single container file, but read-only.

Constructor Summary
 InputStreamContainer(BaseDataFileFactory factory)

Method Summary
protected  voidbackupContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String backupLocation)
     Backup the container. There is no support to backup this type of containers.
final public  voidclean(boolean forRemove)
     Write out the header information for this container.
 voidcreateContainer(ContainerKey newIdentity)
     Create a new container, all references to identity must be through the passed in identity, this object will no identity until after this method returns.
protected  voidencryptContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String newFilePath)
     Encrypt the container.
final protected  voidflushAll()
protected  InputStreamgetInputStream()
final  booleanopenContainer(ContainerKey newIdentity)
final protected  intpreAllocate(long lastPreallocPagenum, int preAllocSize)
     Preallocate page.
final protected  voidreadPage(long pageNumber, byte[] pageData)
     Read a page into the supplied array.
protected  voidreadPositionedPage(long pageOffset, byte[] pageData)
     Read the page at the positioned offset.
final protected  voidremoveContainer(LogInstant instant, boolean leaveStub)
     Remove the container.
protected  voidtruncatePages(long lastValidPagenum)
final protected  voidwritePage(long pageNumber, byte[] pageData, boolean syncPage)
     Write a page from the supplied array.

Constructor Detail
InputStreamContainer(BaseDataFileFactory factory)(Code)

Method Detail
protected void backupContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String backupLocation) throws StandardException(Code)
Backup the container. There is no support to backup this type of containers. It may not be any real use for users because users can simply make copies of the read only database in Zip files easily using OS utilities.
  StandardException - Standard Derby error policy

final public void clean(boolean forRemove) throws StandardException(Code)
Write out the header information for this container. If an i/o exception occurs then ...
See Also:
  StandardException - Standard Cloudscape error policy

void closeContainer()(Code)

void createContainer(ContainerKey newIdentity) throws StandardException(Code)
Create a new container, all references to identity must be through the passed in identity, this object will no identity until after this method returns.

protected void encryptContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String newFilePath) throws StandardException(Code)
Encrypt the container. There is no support to encrypt this type of containers.
  StandardException - Standard Derby error policy

final protected void flushAll()(Code)

protected InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException(Code)
Get an input stream positioned at the beginning of the file

final boolean openContainer(ContainerKey newIdentity) throws StandardException(Code)

final protected int preAllocate(long lastPreallocPagenum, int preAllocSize)(Code)
Preallocate page.

final protected void readPage(long pageNumber, byte[] pageData) throws IOException, StandardException(Code)
Read a page into the supplied array.
MT - thread safe

protected void readPositionedPage(long pageOffset, byte[] pageData) throws IOException(Code)
Read the page at the positioned offset. This default implementation, opens the stream and skips to the offset and then reads the data into pageData.

final protected void removeContainer(LogInstant instant, boolean leaveStub) throws StandardException(Code)
Remove the container.

protected void truncatePages(long lastValidPagenum)(Code)

final protected void writePage(long pageNumber, byte[] pageData, boolean syncPage) throws IOException, StandardException(Code)
Write a page from the supplied array.
MT - thread safe

Fields inherited from
final protected static int ALLOC_PAGE_ARG_NUM(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static int CHECKSUM_SIZE(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static int CONTAINER_INFO_SIZE(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static long FIRST_ALLOC_PAGE_NUMBER(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static long FIRST_ALLOC_PAGE_OFFSET(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String SPACE_TRACE(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static int STORED_PAGE_ARG_NUM(Code)(Java Doc)
protected AllocationCache allocCache(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean canUpdate(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected CacheManager containerCache(Code)(Java Doc)
byte[] containerInfo(Code)(Java Doc)
protected long containerVersion(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected BaseDataFileFactory dataFactory(Code)(Java Doc)
protected long estimatedRowCount(Code)(Java Doc)
protected long firstAllocPageNumber(Code)(Java Doc)
protected long firstAllocPageOffset(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static int formatIdInteger(Code)(Java Doc)
protected short initialPages(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isDirty(Code)(Java Doc)
protected LogInstant lastLogInstant(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int minimumRecordSize(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected CacheManager pageCache(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int pageSize(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean preDirty(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int spareSpace(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
abstract protected void backupContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String backupLocation) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void bumpContainerVersion(LogInstant instant)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean canUpdate()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void clearIdentity()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void clearPreallocThreshold()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract void closeContainer()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void compressContainer(RawTransaction ntt, BaseContainerHandle allocHandle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract void createContainer(ContainerKey newIdentity) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Cacheable createIdent(ContainerKey newIdentity, Object createParameter) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Cacheable createIdentity(Object key, Object createParameter) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void deallocatePage(BaseContainerHandle handle, BasePage page) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void decryptPage(byte[] pageData, int pageSize) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int doPreAllocatePages(long lastPreallocPagenum, int preAllocSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void dropContainer(LogInstant instant, boolean isDropped)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected byte[] encryptPage(byte[] pageData, int pageSize, byte[] encryptionBuffer, boolean newEngine) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getAllocPage(long pageNumber) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getAnyPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void getContainerProperties(Properties prop) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected long getContainerVersion()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected byte[] getEmbryonicPage(DataInput fileData) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected byte[] getEncryptionBuffer()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getEstimatedPageCount(BaseContainerHandle handle, int flag) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getEstimatedRowCount(int flag)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getFirstHeadPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getHeadPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected long getLastPageNumber(BaseContainerHandle handle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getLatchedPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getMinimumRecordSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getNextHeadPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getPageForCompress(BaseContainerHandle handle, int flag, long pageno) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage getPageForInsert(BaseContainerHandle handle, int flag) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getPageSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public long getReusableRecordIdSequenceNumber()(Code)(Java Doc)
public SpaceInfo getSpaceInfo(BaseContainerHandle handle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getSpareSpace()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getTypeFormatId()(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void incrementReusableRecordIdSequenceNumber()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage initPage(BaseContainerHandle allochandle, PageKey pkey, int[] createArgs, long pageOffset, boolean reuse, boolean overflow) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isDirty()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage latchPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, BasePage foundPage, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void letGo(BaseContainerHandle handle)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ByteArray logCreateContainerInfo() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage newPage(BaseContainerHandle userHandle, RawTransaction ntt, BaseContainerHandle allocHandle, boolean isOverflow) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract boolean openContainer(ContainerKey newIdentity) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected int preAllocate(long lastPreallocPagenum, int preAllocSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void preDirty(boolean preDirtyOn)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void prepareForBulkLoad(BaseContainerHandle handle, int numPage)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage reCreatePageForRedoRecovery(BaseContainerHandle handle, int pageFormat, long pageNumber, long pageOffset) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void readHeader(DataInput fileData) throws IOException, StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void readPage(long pageNumber, byte[] pageData) throws IOException, StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setDirty(boolean dirty)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setEstimatedRowCount(long count, int flag)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Cacheable setIdent(ContainerKey newIdentity) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Cacheable setIdentity(Object key) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void trackUnfilledPage(long pagenumber, boolean unfilled)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void updateEstimatedRowCount(int delta)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void writeHeader(byte[] pageData) throws StandardException, IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void writeHeader(DataOutput fileData, boolean create, byte[] epage) throws IOException, StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void writePage(long pageNumber, byte[] pageData, boolean syncPage) throws IOException, StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
protected ContainerKey identity(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isCommittedDrop(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isDropped(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isReusableRecordId(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public Page addPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, boolean isOverflow) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void backupContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String backupContainerPath) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected boolean canUpdate()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void clearIdentity()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void clearPreallocThreshold()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void compressContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void compressContainer(RawTransaction t, BaseContainerHandle allocHandle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void deallocatePage(BaseContainerHandle userhandle, BasePage page) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void dropContainer(LogInstant instant, boolean drop)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void encryptContainer(BaseContainerHandle handle, String newFilePath) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void fillInIdentity(ContainerKey key)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void flushAll() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Page getAllocPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getAllocPage(long pageNumber) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Page getAnyPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getAnyPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean getCommittedDropState()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getContainerId()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void getContainerProperties(Properties prop) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getContainerStatus()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected long getContainerVersion() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean getDeallocLock(BaseContainerHandle handle, RecordHandle deallocLock, boolean wait, boolean zeroDuration) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean getDroppedState()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public long getEstimatedPageCount(BaseContainerHandle handle, int flag) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public long getEstimatedRowCount(int flag) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getFirstHeadPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Page getFirstPage(BaseContainerHandle handle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getHeadPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pagenumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getIdentity()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getNextHeadPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Page getNextPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getPageForCompress(BaseContainerHandle handle, int flag, long pageno) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage getPageForInsert(BaseContainerHandle handle, int flag) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public long getReusableRecordIdSequenceNumber()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getSegmentId()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected SpaceInfo getSpaceInfo(BaseContainerHandle handle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void incrementReusableRecordIdSequenceNumber()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isReusableRecordId()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected BasePage latchPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, BasePage foundPage, boolean wait) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void letGo(BaseContainerHandle handle)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean lockAttributes(int flag, Hashtable attributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lockEvent(Latch lockInfo)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean lockerAlwaysCompatible()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected ByteArray logCreateContainerInfo() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage newPage(BaseContainerHandle userhandle, RawTransaction t, BaseContainerHandle allocHandle, boolean isOverflow) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void preDirty(boolean preDirtyOn)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void prepareForBulkLoad(BaseContainerHandle handle, int numPage)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected BasePage reCreatePageForRedoRecovery(BaseContainerHandle handle, int pageFormat, long pageNumber, long pageOffset) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void removeContainer(LogInstant instant, boolean leaveStub) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void removePage(BaseContainerHandle handle, BasePage page) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean requestCompatible(Object requestedQualifier, Object grantedQualifier)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setCommittedDropState(boolean isCommittedDrop)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setDroppedState(boolean isDropped)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void setEstimatedRowCount(long count, int flag) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setReusableRecordIdState(boolean isReusableRecordId)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void truncate(BaseContainerHandle handle) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void truncatePages(long lastValidPagenum) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void unlockEvent(Latch lockInfo)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean use(BaseContainerHandle handle, boolean forUpdate, boolean droppedOK) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)

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