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public class Library (Code)
Provides the HSQLDB implementation of standard Open Group SQL CLI Extended Scalar Functions and other public HSQLDB SQL functions.

All methods here that have a Connection parameter are dummies and should not be called from user supplied Java procedure or trigger code. Use real SQL functions should be called instead in these instances. Extensively rewritten and extended in successive versions of HSQLDB.
   Thomas Mueller (Hypersonic SQL Group)
   Hypersonic SQL

Field Summary
final static  intabs
final static  intascii
final static  intbitLength
final static  intbitand
final static  intbitor
final static  intbitxor
final static  intcharacter
final static  intconcat
final static  intcot
final static  intcurdate
final static  intcurtime
final static  intdatabase
final static  intdatediff
final static  intday
final static  FieldPositiondayPosition
final static  intdayname
final static  StringBufferdaynameBuffer
final static  SimpleDateFormatdaynameFormat
final static  intdayofmonth
final static  intdayofweek
final static  intdayofyear
final static  intdifference
final static  intgetAutoCommit
final static  intgetDatabaseFullProductVersion
final static  intgetDatabaseMajorVersion
final static  intgetDatabaseMinorVersion
final static  intgetDatabaseProductName
final static  intgetDatabaseProductVersion
final static  inthexToRaw
final static  inthour
final static  intidentity
final static  intinsert
final static  intisReadOnlyConnection
final static  intisReadOnlyDatabase
final static  intisReadOnlyDatabaseFiles
final static  intlcase
final static  intleft
final static  intlength
final static  intlocate
final static  intlog10
final static  intltrim
final static  intminute
final static  intmod
final static  intmonth
final static  FieldPositionmonthPosition
final static  intmonthname
final static  StringBuffermonthnameBuffer
final static  SimpleDateFormatmonthnameFormat
final static  intnow
final static  intoctetLength
final static  intpi
final static  DoublepiValue
final static  intposition
final static  Stringprefix
final static  intprefixLength
final static  intquarter
final static  intrand
final static  intrawToHex
final static  intrepeat
final static  intreplace
final static  intright
final static  intround
final static  introundMagic
final static  intrtrim
final public static  String[][]sNumeric
final public static  String[][]sString
final public static  String[][]sSystem
final public static  String[][]sTimeDate
final static  intsecond
final static  intsign
final static  intsoundex
final static  intspace
final static  intsubstring
final static  intto_char
final static  SimpleDateFormattocharFormat
final static  inttrim
final static  inttruncate
final static  intucase
final static  intuser
final static  intweek
final static  intyear

Method Summary
public static  doubleabs(double d)
     Returns the absolute value of the given double value.
public static  Integerascii(String s)
     Returns the Unicode code value of the leftmost character of s as an int.
public static  IntegerbitLength(String s)
     Returns the number of bits in the given String.
public static  intbitand(int i, int j)
     Returns the bit-wise logical and of the given integer values.
public static  intbitor(int i, int j)
     Returns the bit-wise logical or of the given integer values.
public static  intbitxor(int i, int j)
     Returns the bit-wise logical xor of the given integer values.
public static  Stringcharacter(int code)
     Returns the character string corresponding to the given ASCII (or Unicode) value.
public static  Stringconcat(String s1, String s2)
     Returns a String object that is the result of an concatenation of the given String objects.
public static  doublecot(double d)
     Returns the cotangent of the given double value expressed in radians.
public static  Datecurdate(Connection c)
     Returns the current date as a date value.
public static  Timecurtime(Connection c)
     Returns the current local time as a time value.
public static  Stringdatabase(Connection conn)
     Returns the name of the database corresponding to this connection.
public static  Longdatediff(String datepart, Timestamp d1, Timestamp d2)
     Returns the number of units elapsed between two dates.

The datapart parameter indicates the part to be used for computing the difference.

public static  Stringdayname(Date d)
     Returns a character string containing the name of the day (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ) for the day portion of the given java.sql.Date.
public static  Integerdayofmonth(Date d)
     Returns the day of the month from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-31.
public static  Integerdayofweek(Date d)
     Returns the day of the week from the given date value, as an integer value in the range 1-7, where 1 represents Sunday.
public static  Integerdayofyear(Date d)
     Returns the day of the year from the given date value, as an integer value in the range 1-366.
public static  intdifference(String s1, String s2)
     Returns a count of the characters that do not match when comparing the 4 digit numeric SOUNDEX character sequences for the given String objects.
static  intfunctionID(String fname)
static  HashMapgetAliasMap()
public static  booleangetAutoCommit(Connection conn)
     Retrieves the autocommit status of this connection.
public static  StringgetDatabaseFullProductVersion()
     Retrieves the full version number of this database product.
public static  intgetDatabaseMajorVersion()
     Retrieves the major version number of this database.
public static  intgetDatabaseMinorVersion()
     Retrieves the major version number of this database.
public static  StringgetDatabaseProductName()
     Retrieves the name of this database product.
public static  StringgetDatabaseProductVersion()
     Retrieves the version number of this database product.
public static  StringhexToRaw(String s)
     Converts a String of hexidecimal digit characters to a raw binary value, represented as a String.

The given String object must consist of a sequence of 4 digit hexidecimal character substrings.

If its length is not evenly divisible by 4, null is returned.

public static  Integerhour(Time t)
     Returns the hour from the given time value, as an integer value in the range of 0-23.
public static  intidentity()
     Retrieves the last auto-generated integer indentity value used by this connection.
public static  Stringinsert(String s1, int start, int length, String s2)
     Returns a character sequence which is the result of writing the first length number of characters from the second given String over the first string.
static  Objectinvoke(int fID, Object[] params)
public static  booleanisReadOnlyConnection(Connection conn)
     Retrieves whether this connection is in read-only mode.
public static  booleanisReadOnlyDatabase(Connection c)
     Dummy method.
public static  booleanisReadOnlyDatabaseFiles(Connection c)
     Retrieves whether the files of this database are in read-only mode.
public static  Stringlcase(String s)
     Returns a copy of the given String, with all upper case characters converted to lower case.
public static  Stringleft(String s, int count)
     Returns the leftmost count characters from the given String.
public static  Integerlength(String s)
     Returns the number of characters in the given String.
public static  intlocate(String search, String s, Integer start)
     Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of the given search String object within the given String object, s. The search for the first occurrence of search begins with the first character position in s, unless the optional argument, start, is specified (non-null).
public static  doublelog10(double x)
     Returns the base 10 logarithm of the given double value.
public static  Stringltrim(String s)
     Returns the characters of the given String, with the leading spaces removed.
public static  Integerminute(Time t)
     Returns the minute from the given time value, as integer value in the range of 0-59.
public static  intmod(int i1, int i2)
     Returns the remainder (modulus) of the first given integer divided by the second.
public static  Integermonth(Date d)
     Returns the month from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-12.
public static  Stringmonthname(Date d)
     Returns a character string containing the name of month (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December) for the month portion of the given date value.
public static  Timestampnow(Connection c)
     Returns the current date and time as a timestamp value.
public static  IntegeroctetLength(String s)
     Returns the number of bytes in the given String.
public static  doublepi()
     Returns the constant value, pi.
public static  intposition(String search, String s)
     As locate but from start position l.
public static  Integerquarter(Date d)
     Returns the quarter of the year in the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-4.
public static  doublerand(Integer seed)
     Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed double value between 0.0 and 1.0 from a single, system-wide random number generator's sequence, optionally re-seeding (and thus resetting) the generator sequence.
public static  StringrawToHex(String s)
     Converts a raw binary value, as represented by the given String, to the equivalent String of hexidecimal digit characters.
public static  Stringrepeat(String s, Integer count)
     Returns a String composed of the given String, repeated count times.
public static  Stringreplace(String s, String replace, String with)
public static  Stringright(String s, int count)
     Returns the rightmost count characters of the given String, s.
public static  doubleround(double d, int p)
     Returns the given double value, rounded to the given int places right of the decimal point.
public static  doubleroundMagic(double d)
     Retrieves a magically rounded double value produced from the given double value.
public static  Stringrtrim(String s)
     Returns the characters of the given String, with trailing spaces removed.
public static  Integersecond(Time d)
     Returns the second of the given time value, as an integer value in the range of 0-59.
public static  intsign(double d)
     Returns an indicator of the sign of the given double value.
public static  Stringsoundex(String s)
     Returns a four character code representing the sound of the given String.
public static  Stringspace(int count)
     Returns a String consisting of count spaces, or null if count is less than zero.
public static  Stringsubstring(String s, int start, Integer length)
     Returns the characters from the given String, starting at the indicated one-based start position and extending the (optional) indicated length.
public static  Stringto_char(java.util.Date d, String format)
public static  Stringtrim(String s, String trimstr, boolean leading, boolean trailing)
     Returns the character sequence s, with the leading, trailing or both the leading and trailing occurences of the first character of the character sequence trimstr removed.
public static  doubletruncate(double d, int p)
     Returns the given double value, truncated to the given int places right of the decimal point.
public static  Stringucase(String s)
     Returns a copy of the given String, with all lower case characters converted to upper case using the default Java method.
public static  Stringuser(Connection conn)
     Returns the user's authorization name (the user's name as known to this database).
public static  Integerweek(Date d)
     Returns the week of the year from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-53.
public static  Integeryear(Date d)
     Returns the year from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-9999.

Field Detail
final static int abs(Code)

final static int ascii(Code)

final static int bitLength(Code)

final static int bitand(Code)

final static int bitor(Code)

final static int bitxor(Code)

final static int character(Code)

final static int concat(Code)

final static int cot(Code)

final static int curdate(Code)

final static int curtime(Code)

final static int database(Code)

final static int datediff(Code)

final static int day(Code)

final static FieldPosition dayPosition(Code)

final static int dayname(Code)

final static StringBuffer daynameBuffer(Code)

final static SimpleDateFormat daynameFormat(Code)

final static int dayofmonth(Code)

final static int dayofweek(Code)

final static int dayofyear(Code)

final static int difference(Code)

final static int getAutoCommit(Code)

final static int getDatabaseFullProductVersion(Code)

final static int getDatabaseMajorVersion(Code)

final static int getDatabaseMinorVersion(Code)

final static int getDatabaseProductName(Code)

final static int getDatabaseProductVersion(Code)

final static int hexToRaw(Code)

final static int hour(Code)

final static int identity(Code)

final static int insert(Code)

final static int isReadOnlyConnection(Code)

final static int isReadOnlyDatabase(Code)

final static int isReadOnlyDatabaseFiles(Code)

final static int lcase(Code)

final static int left(Code)

final static int length(Code)

final static int locate(Code)

final static int log10(Code)

final static int ltrim(Code)

final static int minute(Code)

final static int mod(Code)

final static int month(Code)

final static FieldPosition monthPosition(Code)

final static int monthname(Code)

final static StringBuffer monthnameBuffer(Code)

final static SimpleDateFormat monthnameFormat(Code)

final static int now(Code)

final static int octetLength(Code)

final static int pi(Code)

final static Double piValue(Code)

final static int position(Code)

final static String prefix(Code)

final static int prefixLength(Code)

final static int quarter(Code)

final static int rand(Code)

final static int rawToHex(Code)

final static int repeat(Code)

final static int replace(Code)

final static int right(Code)

final static int round(Code)

final static int roundMagic(Code)

final static int rtrim(Code)

final public static String[][] sNumeric(Code)

final public static String[][] sString(Code)

final public static String[][] sSystem(Code)

final public static String[][] sTimeDate(Code)

final static int second(Code)

final static int sign(Code)

final static int soundex(Code)

final static int space(Code)

final static int substring(Code)

final static int to_char(Code)

final static SimpleDateFormat tocharFormat(Code)

final static int trim(Code)

final static int truncate(Code)

final static int ucase(Code)

final static int user(Code)

final static int week(Code)

final static int year(Code)

Method Detail
public static double abs(double d)(Code)
Returns the absolute value of the given double value.
  d - the number for which to determine the absolute value the absolute value of d, as a double

public static Integer ascii(String s)(Code)
Returns the Unicode code value of the leftmost character of s as an int. This is the same as the ASCII value if the string contains only ASCII characters.
  s - the String to evaluate the integer Unicode value of theleftmost character

public static Integer bitLength(String s)(Code)
Returns the number of bits in the given String. This includes trailing blanks.
  s - the String for which to determine the bit length the bit length of s, including trailing blanks

public static int bitand(int i, int j)(Code)
Returns the bit-wise logical and of the given integer values.
  i - the first value
  j - the second value the bit-wise logical and ofi and j

public static int bitor(int i, int j)(Code)
Returns the bit-wise logical or of the given integer values.
  i - the first value
  j - the second value the bit-wise logical or ofi and j

public static int bitxor(int i, int j)(Code)
Returns the bit-wise logical xor of the given integer values.
  i - the first value
  j - the second value the bit-wise logical xor ofi and j

public static String character(int code)(Code)
Returns the character string corresponding to the given ASCII (or Unicode) value. Note:

In some SQL CLI implementations, a null is returned if the range is outside 0..255. In HSQLDB, the corresponding Unicode character is returned unchecked.
  code - the character code for which to return a Stringrepresentation the String representation of the character

public static String concat(String s1, String s2)(Code)
Returns a String object that is the result of an concatenation of the given String objects.

When only one string is NULL, the result is different from that returned by an (string1 || string2) expression:

  • if both String objects are null, return null
  • if only one string is null, return the other
  • if both String objects are non-null, return as a String object the character sequence obtained by listing, in left to right order, the characters of the first string followed by the characters of the second

  s1 - the first String
  s2 - the second String s1 concatentated with s2

public static double cot(double d)(Code)
Returns the cotangent of the given double value expressed in radians.
  d - the angle, expressed in radians the cotangent

public static Date curdate(Connection c)(Code)
Returns the current date as a date value.

Dummy mehtod.

a date value representing the current date

public static Time curtime(Connection c)(Code)
Returns the current local time as a time value.

Dummy mehtod.

a time value representing the current local time

public static String database(Connection conn) throws HsqlException(Code)
Returns the name of the database corresponding to this connection.
  conn - the connection for which to retrieve the database name the name of the database for the given connection
  HsqlException - if a database access error occurs

public static Long datediff(String datepart, Timestamp d1, Timestamp d2) throws HsqlException(Code)
Returns the number of units elapsed between two dates.

The datapart parameter indicates the part to be used for computing the difference. Supported types include: 'year', 'yy', 'month', 'mm' 'day', 'dd', 'hour', 'hh', 'minute', 'mi', 'second', 'ss', 'millisecond', 'ms'. Contributed by Michael Landon

  datepart - Specifies the unit in which the interval is to be measured.
  d1 - The starting datetime value for the interval. This value issubtracted from d2 to return the number ofdate-parts between the two arguments.
  d2 - The ending datetime for the interval. d1 is subtractedfrom this value to return the number of date-partsbetween the two arguments.since 1.7.3

public static String dayname(Date d)(Code)
Returns a character string containing the name of the day (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ) for the day portion of the given java.sql.Date.
  d - the date value from which to extract the day name the name of the day corresponding to the givenjava.sql.Date

public static Integer dayofmonth(Date d)(Code)
Returns the day of the month from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-31.
  d - the date value from which to extract the day of month the day of the month from the given date value

public static Integer dayofweek(Date d)(Code)
Returns the day of the week from the given date value, as an integer value in the range 1-7, where 1 represents Sunday.
  d - the date value from which to extract the day of week the day of the week from the given date value

public static Integer dayofyear(Date d)(Code)
Returns the day of the year from the given date value, as an integer value in the range 1-366.
  d - the date value from which to extract the day of year the day of the year from the given date value

public static int difference(String s1, String s2)(Code)
Returns a count of the characters that do not match when comparing the 4 digit numeric SOUNDEX character sequences for the given String objects. If either String object is null, zero is returned.
  s1 - the first String
  s2 - the second String the number of differences between the SOUNDEX ofs1 and the SOUNDEX of s2

static int functionID(String fname)(Code)

static HashMap getAliasMap()(Code)

public static boolean getAutoCommit(Connection conn)(Code)
Retrieves the autocommit status of this connection.

  conn - the Connection object for which to retrievethe current autocommit status a boolean value representing the connection's autocommit status

public static String getDatabaseFullProductVersion()(Code)
Retrieves the full version number of this database product.

database version number as a String object

public static int getDatabaseMajorVersion()(Code)
Retrieves the major version number of this database.

the database's major version as an int value

public static int getDatabaseMinorVersion()(Code)
Retrieves the major version number of this database.

the database's major version as an int value

public static String getDatabaseProductName()(Code)
Retrieves the name of this database product.

database product name as a String object

public static String getDatabaseProductVersion()(Code)
Retrieves the version number of this database product.

database version number as a String object

public static String hexToRaw(String s)(Code)
Converts a String of hexidecimal digit characters to a raw binary value, represented as a String.

The given String object must consist of a sequence of 4 digit hexidecimal character substrings.

If its length is not evenly divisible by 4, null is returned. If any of its 4 character subsequences cannot be parsed as a 4 digit, base 16 value, then a NumberFormatException is thrown. This conversion has the effect of reducing the character count 4:1.
  s - a String of hexidecimal digit characters an equivalent raw binary value, represented as aString

public static Integer hour(Time t)(Code)
Returns the hour from the given time value, as an integer value in the range of 0-23.
  t - the time value from which to extract the hour of day the hour of day from the given time value

public static int identity() throws HsqlException(Code)
Retrieves the last auto-generated integer indentity value used by this connection.

Dummy mehtod.

the connection's the last generated integer identity value
  HsqlException - if a database access error occurs

public static String insert(String s1, int start, int length, String s2)(Code)
Returns a character sequence which is the result of writing the first length number of characters from the second given String over the first string. The start position in the first string where the characters are overwritten is given by start.

Note: In order of precedence, boundry conditions are handled as follows:

  • if either supplied String is null, then the other is returned; the check starts with the first given String.
  • if start is less than one, s1 is returned
  • if length is less than or equal to zero, s1 is returned
  • if the length of s2 is zero, s1 is returned
  • if start is greater than the length of s1, s1 is returned
  • if length is such that, taken together with start, the indicated interval extends beyond the end of s1, then the insertion is performed precisely as if upon a copy of s1 extended in length to just include the indicated interval

  s1 - the String into which to insert s2
  start - the position, with origin one, at which to start the insertion
  length - the number of characters in s1 to replace
  s2 - the String to insert into s1 s2 inserted into s1, as indicatedby start and length and adjusted forboundry conditions

static Object invoke(int fID, Object[] params) throws HsqlException(Code)

public static boolean isReadOnlyConnection(Connection conn)(Code)
Retrieves whether this connection is in read-only mode.

Dummy mehtod.

  conn - the Connection object for which to retrievethe current read-only status true if connection is read-only andfalse otherwise

public static boolean isReadOnlyDatabase(Connection c)(Code)
Dummy method. Retrieves whether this database is in read-only mode.

  c - the Connection object for which to retrievethe current database read-only status true if so; false otherwise

public static boolean isReadOnlyDatabaseFiles(Connection c)(Code)
Retrieves whether the files of this database are in read-only mode.

Dummy mehtod.

  c - the Connection object for which to retrievethe current database files read-only status true if so; false otherwise

public static String lcase(String s)(Code)
Returns a copy of the given String, with all upper case characters converted to lower case. This uses the default Java String conversion.
  s - the String from which to produce a lower caseversion a lower case version of s

public static String left(String s, int count)(Code)
Returns the leftmost count characters from the given String.

Note: boundry conditions are handled in the following order of precedence:

  • if s is null, then null is returned
  • if count is less than 1, then a zero-length String is returned
  • if count is greater than the length of s, then a copy of s is returned

  s - the String from which to retrieve the leftmostcharacters
  count - the count of leftmost characters to retrieve the leftmost count characters of s

public static Integer length(String s)(Code)
Returns the number of characters in the given String. This includes trailing blanks.
  s - the String for which to determine length the length of s, including trailing blanks

public static int locate(String search, String s, Integer start)(Code)
Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of the given search String object within the given String object, s. The search for the first occurrence of search begins with the first character position in s, unless the optional argument, start, is specified (non-null). If start is specified, the search begins with the character position indicated by the value of start, where the first character position in s is indicated by the value 1. If search is not found within s, the value 0 is returned.
  search - the String occurence to find in s
  s - the String within which to find the firstoccurence of search
  start - the optional character position from which to startlooking in s the one-based starting position of the first occurrence ofsearch within s, or 0 if not found

public static double log10(double x)(Code)
Returns the base 10 logarithm of the given double value.
  x - the value for which to calculate the base 10 logarithm the base 10 logarithm of x, as a double

public static String ltrim(String s)(Code)
Returns the characters of the given String, with the leading spaces removed. Characters such as TAB are not removed.
  s - the String from which to remove the leading blanks the characters of the given String, with the leadingspaces removed

public static Integer minute(Time t)(Code)
Returns the minute from the given time value, as integer value in the range of 0-59.
  t - the time value from which to extract the minute value the minute value from the given time value

public static int mod(int i1, int i2)(Code)
Returns the remainder (modulus) of the first given integer divided by the second.

  i1 - the numerator
  i2 - the divisor i1 % i2, as an int

public static Integer month(Date d)(Code)
Returns the month from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-12.

The sql_month database property is now obsolete. The function always returns the SQL (1-12) value for month.
  d - the date value from which to extract the month value the month value from the given date value

public static String monthname(Date d)(Code)
Returns a character string containing the name of month (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December) for the month portion of the given date value.
  d - the date value from which to extract the month name a String representing the month name from the given date value

public static Timestamp now(Connection c)(Code)
Returns the current date and time as a timestamp value.

Dummy mehtod.

a timestamp value representing the current date and time

public static Integer octetLength(String s)(Code)
Returns the number of bytes in the given String. This includes trailing blanks.
  s - the String for which to determine the octet length the octet length of s, including trailing blanks

public static double pi()(Code)
Returns the constant value, pi. pi as a double value

public static int position(String search, String s)(Code)
As locate but from start position l.

  search - the String occurence to find in s
  s - the String within which to find the firstoccurence of search the one-based starting position of the first occurrence ofsearch within s, or 0 if not found

public static Integer quarter(Date d)(Code)
Returns the quarter of the year in the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-4.

  d - the date value from which to extract the quarter of the year an integer representing the quater of the year from the givendate value

public static double rand(Integer seed)(Code)
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed double value between 0.0 and 1.0 from a single, system-wide random number generator's sequence, optionally re-seeding (and thus resetting) the generator sequence. If the seed value is null, then the underlying random number generator retrieves the next value in its current sequence, else the seed alters the state of the generator object so as to be in exactly the same state as if it had just been created with the seed value.
  seed - an optional parameter with which to reseed the underlyingpseudorandom number generator the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed double value between0.0 and 1.0

public static String rawToHex(String s)(Code)
Converts a raw binary value, as represented by the given String, to the equivalent String of hexidecimal digit characters.

This conversion has the effect of expanding the character count 1:4.
  s - the raw binary value, as a String an equivalent String of hexidecimal digit characters

public static String repeat(String s, Integer count)(Code)
Returns a String composed of the given String, repeated count times.
  s - the String to repeat
  count - the number of repetitions the given String, repeated count times

public static String replace(String s, String replace, String with)(Code)
Replaces all occurrences of replace in s with the String object: with
  s - the target for replacement
  replace - the substring(s), if any, in s to replace
  with - the value to substitute for replace s, with all occurences of replacereplaced by with

public static String right(String s, int count)(Code)
Returns the rightmost count characters of the given String, s.

Note: boundry conditions are handled in the following order of precedence:

  • if s is null, null is returned
  • if count is less than one, a zero-length String is returned
  • if count is greater than the length of s, a copy of s is returned

  s - the String from which to retrieve the rightmostcount characters
  count - the number of rightmost characters to retrieve the rightmost count characters of s

public static double round(double d, int p)(Code)
Returns the given double value, rounded to the given int places right of the decimal point. If the supplied rounding place value is negative, rounding is performed to the left of the decimal point, using its magnitude (absolute value).
  d - the value to be rounded
  p - the rounding place value d rounded

public static double roundMagic(double d)(Code)
Retrieves a magically rounded double value produced from the given double value. This method provides special handling for numbers close to zero and performs rounding only for numbers within a specific range, returning precisely the given value if it does not lie in this range.

Special handling includes:

  • input in the interval -0.0000000000001..0.0000000000001 returns 0.0
  • input outside the interval -1000000000000..1000000000000 returns input unchanged
  • input is converted to String form
  • input with a String form length greater than 16 returns input unchaged
  • String form with last four characters of '...000x' where x != '.' is converted to '...0000'
  • String form with last four characters of '...9999' is converted to '...999999'
  • the java.lang.Double.doubleValue of the String form is returned

  d - the double value for which to retrieve the magicallyrounded value the magically rounded value produced

public static String rtrim(String s)(Code)
Returns the characters of the given String, with trailing spaces removed.
  s - the String from which to remove the trailing blanks the characters of the given String, with thetrailing spaces removed

public static Integer second(Time d)(Code)
Returns the second of the given time value, as an integer value in the range of 0-59.
  d - the date value from which to extract the second of the hour an integer representing the second of the hour from thegiven time value

public static int sign(double d)(Code)
Returns an indicator of the sign of the given double value. If the value is less than zero, -1 is returned. If the value equals zero, 0 is returned. If the value is greater than zero, 1 is returned.
  d - the value the sign of d

public static String soundex(String s)(Code)
Returns a four character code representing the sound of the given String. Non-ASCCI characters in the input String are ignored.

This method was rewritten for HSQLDB by fredt@users to comply with the description at

  s - the String for which to calculate the 4 characterSOUNDEX value the 4 character SOUNDEX value for the givenString

public static String space(int count)(Code)
Returns a String consisting of count spaces, or null if count is less than zero.

  count - the number of spaces to produce a String of count spaces

public static String substring(String s, int start, Integer length)(Code)
Returns the characters from the given String, starting at the indicated one-based start position and extending the (optional) indicated length. If length is not specified (is null), the remainder of s is implied. The rules for boundary conditions on s, start and length are, in order of precedence:

1.) if s is null, return null 2.) If length is less than 1, return null. 3.) If start is 0, it is treated as 1. 4.) If start is positive, count from the beginning of s to find the first character postion. 5.) If start is negative, count backwards from the end of s to find the first character. 6.) If, after applying 2.) or 3.), the start position lies outside s, then return null 7.) if length is ommited or is greated than the number of characters from the start position to the end of s, return the remaineder of s, starting with the start position.
  s - the String from which to produce the indicatedsubstring
  start - the starting position of the desired substring
  length - the length of the desired substring the indicted substring of s.

public static String to_char(java.util.Date d, String format)(Code)


public static String trim(String s, String trimstr, boolean leading, boolean trailing)(Code)
Returns the character sequence s, with the leading, trailing or both the leading and trailing occurences of the first character of the character sequence trimstr removed.

This method is in support of the standard SQL String function TRIM. Ordinarily, the functionality of this method is accessed from SQL using the following syntax:

 <trim function> ::= TRIM <left paren> <trim operands> <right paren>
 <trim operands> ::= [ [ <trim specification> ] [ <trim character> ] FROM ] <trim source>
 <trim source> ::= <character value expression>
 <trim specification> ::= LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH
 <trim character> ::= <character value expression>

  s - the string to trim
  trimstr - the character whose occurences will be removed
  leading - if true, remove leading occurences
  trailing - if true, remove trailing occurences s, with the leading, trailing or both the leading and trailingoccurences of the first character of trimstr removed

public static double truncate(double d, int p)(Code)
Returns the given double value, truncated to the given int places right of the decimal point. If the given place value is negative, the given double value is truncated to the left of the decimal point, using the magnitude (aboslute value) of the place value.
  d - the value to truncate
  p - the places left or right of the decimal point at which totruncate d, truncated

public static String ucase(String s)(Code)
Returns a copy of the given String, with all lower case characters converted to upper case using the default Java method.
  s - the String from which to produce an upper caseversion an upper case version of s

public static String user(Connection conn) throws HsqlException(Code)
Returns the user's authorization name (the user's name as known to this database).
  conn - the connection for which to retrieve the user name the user's name as known to the database
  HsqlException - if a database access error occurs

public static Integer week(Date d)(Code)
Returns the week of the year from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-53.

  d - the date value from which to extract the week of the year an integer representing the week of the year from the givendate value

public static Integer year(Date d)(Code)
Returns the year from the given date value, as an integer value in the range of 1-9999.

  d - the date value from which to extract the year an integer value representing the year from the givendate value

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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