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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Database DBMS » hsql » org.hsqldb.persist 
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public class Logger (Code)
The public interface of logging and cache classes.

Implements a storage manager wrapper that provides a consistent, always available interface to storage management for the Database class, despite the fact not all Database objects actually use file storage.

The Logger class makes it possible to avoid testing for a null Log Database attribute again and again, in many different places, and generally avoids tight coupling between Database and Log, opening the doors for multiple logs/caches in the future. In this way, the Database class does not need to know the details of the Logging/Cache implementation, lowering its breakability factor and promoting long-term code flexibility.

Field Summary
public  SimpleLogappLog

Constructor Summary
public  Logger()

Method Summary
public  voidacquireLock(String path)
public synchronized  voidcheckpoint(boolean mode)
     Checkpoints the database.
public  booleancloseLog(int closemode)
     Shuts down the logging process using the specified mode.
public  voidcloseTextCache(Table table)
     Closes the TextCache object.
public  DataFileCachegetCache()
     Returns the Cache object or null if one doesn't exist.
public  intgetLogSize()
public  intgetScriptType()
public  intgetWriteDelay()
public  booleanhasCache()
     Returns the Cache object or null if one doesn't exist.
public  booleanhasLog()
     Determines if the logging process actually does anything.
public synchronized  voidlogConnectUser(Session session)
     Records a Log entry representing a new connection action on the specified Session object.
public  booleanneedsCheckpoint()
public  voidopenLog(Database db)
     Opens the specified Database object's database files and starts up the logging process.
public  DataFileCacheopenTextCache(Table table, String source, boolean readOnlyData, boolean reversed)
     Opens the TextCache object.
public  voidreleaseLock()
public synchronized  voidsetLogSize(int megas)
     Sets the maximum size to which the log file can grow before being automatically checkpointed.
public synchronized  voidsetScriptType(int i)
public synchronized  voidsetWriteDelay(int delay)
     Sets the log write delay mode to number of seconds.
public synchronized  voidsynchLog()
public synchronized  voidsynchLogForce()
public synchronized  voidwriteCommitStatement(Session session)
public synchronized  voidwriteDeleteStatement(Session session, Table t, Object[] row)
public synchronized  voidwriteInsertStatement(Session session, Table table, Object[] row)
public synchronized  voidwriteSequenceStatement(Session session, NumberSequence s)
public synchronized  voidwriteToLog(Session session, String statement)
     Records a Log entry for the specified SQL statement, on behalf of the specified Session object.

Field Detail
public SimpleLog appLog(Code)

boolean needsCheckpoint(Code)

Constructor Detail
public Logger()(Code)

Method Detail
public void acquireLock(String path) throws HsqlException(Code)
Attempts to aquire a cooperative lock condition on the database files

public synchronized void checkpoint(boolean mode) throws HsqlException(Code)
Checkpoints the database.

The most important effect of calling this method is to cause the log file to be rewritten in the most efficient form to reflect the current state of the database, i.e. only the DDL and insert DML required to recreate the database in its present state. Other house-keeping duties are performed w.r.t. other database files, in order to ensure as much as possible the ACID properites of the database.
  HsqlException - if there is a problem checkpointing thedatabase

public boolean closeLog(int closemode)(Code)
Shuts down the logging process using the specified mode.

  closemode - The mode in which to shut down the loggingprocess

  1. closemode -1 performs SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATELY, equivalentto a poweroff or crash.
  2. closemode 0 performs a normal SHUTDOWN thatcheckpoints the database normally.
  3. closemode 1 performs a shutdown compact that scriptsout the contents of any CACHED tables to the log thendeletes the existing *.data file that contains the datafor all CACHED table before the normal checkpoint processwhich in turn creates a new, compact *.data file.
  4. closemode 2 performs a SHUTDOWN SCRIPT.
true if closed with no problems or false if a problem wasencountered.

public void closeTextCache(Table table) throws HsqlException(Code)
Closes the TextCache object.

public DataFileCache getCache() throws HsqlException(Code)
Returns the Cache object or null if one doesn't exist.

public int getLogSize()(Code)

public int getScriptType()(Code)

public int getWriteDelay()(Code)

public boolean hasCache()(Code)
Returns the Cache object or null if one doesn't exist.

public boolean hasLog()(Code)
Determines if the logging process actually does anything.

In-memory Database objects do not need to log anything. This method is essentially equivalent to testing whether this logger's database is an in-memory mode database. true if this object encapsulates a non-null Log instance,else false

public synchronized void logConnectUser(Session session) throws HsqlException(Code)
Records a Log entry representing a new connection action on the specified Session object.
  session - the Session object for which to record the logentry
  HsqlException - if there is a problem recording the Logentry

public boolean needsCheckpoint()(Code)

public void openLog(Database db) throws HsqlException(Code)
Opens the specified Database object's database files and starts up the logging process.

If the specified Database object is a new database, its database files are first created.
  db - the Database
  HsqlException - if there is a problem, such as the case whenthe specified files are in use by another process

public DataFileCache openTextCache(Table table, String source, boolean readOnlyData, boolean reversed) throws HsqlException(Code)
Opens the TextCache object.

public void releaseLock()(Code)

public synchronized void setLogSize(int megas)(Code)
Sets the maximum size to which the log file can grow before being automatically checkpointed.
  megas - size in MB

public synchronized void setScriptType(int i) throws HsqlException(Code)
Sets the type of script file, currently 0 for text (default) 1 for binary and 3 for compressed
  i - The type

public synchronized void setWriteDelay(int delay)(Code)
Sets the log write delay mode to number of seconds. By default executed commands written to the log are committed fully at most 60 second after they are executed. This improves performance for applications that execute a large number of short running statements in a short period of time, but risks failing to log some possibly large number of statements in the event of a crash. A small value improves recovery. A value of 0 will severly slow down logging when autocommit is on, or many short transactions are committed.
  delay - in seconds

public synchronized void synchLog()(Code)
Called after commits or after each statement when autocommit is on

public synchronized void synchLogForce()(Code)

public synchronized void writeCommitStatement(Session session) throws HsqlException(Code)

public synchronized void writeDeleteStatement(Session session, Table t, Object[] row) throws HsqlException(Code)

public synchronized void writeInsertStatement(Session session, Table table, Object[] row) throws HsqlException(Code)

public synchronized void writeSequenceStatement(Session session, NumberSequence s) throws HsqlException(Code)

public synchronized void writeToLog(Session session, String statement) throws HsqlException(Code)
Records a Log entry for the specified SQL statement, on behalf of the specified Session object.
  session - the Session object for which to record the Logentry
  statement - the SQL statement to Log
  HsqlException - if there is a problem recording the entry

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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